View Full Version : Frequent Urination

14-04-17, 15:58
Hi Everyone,

This is my first time posting here, though I have browsed the forums on and off for a number of years now. I'm 30 yr old Male and I've had severe anxiety for many a year now and even had to drop out of grad school a few years back because of it. Anxiety has mostly been health related though for a few years it's been pretty generalised with often symptoms of OCD mixed in for good measure. At the moment it's the frequent urination that is making me mad. I've had episodes of frequent urination on and off throughout my life, though these past few weeks have been awful. My main fear is the symptom itself. Afraid I'm loosing too much water, or will find myself in a situation unable to access restroom etc.. I went to Dr 2 weeks back and the blood work was all clear (though that's the only test they did) and they agreed it was probably anxiety related. For the past 24 hours or so..I'm been needing to "go" on the hour or even less (sometimes within minutes of previously having gone) and it's pretty terrifying. Is the severity of this symptom something that others have experienced?

14-04-17, 18:01
Yup. 100% was anxiety. The more you focus on it, the worse it gets. The fix for me was to have my dose of Citalopram upped to help me stop obsessing on it. I also noticed that it coincided with a period of family illness and a lot of stress, so in a sense it was like a sort of place for my mind to go that meant I didn't have to confront what was going on. So I think one thing that would have helped was going to see a counsellor to see what the problems are that are coming out somatically.

The symptom vanished virtually as soon as I got my teeth into something else, so don't worry, it will for you, too. It's annoying and distressing but the best thing you can do is seek help with your anxiety, and try to stop focusing on it. You will be fine!

14-04-17, 18:05
When I am having a flare up of anxiety I will pee once or twice an hour especially if that's all I'm thinking about! Stupid anxiety :mad:

14-04-17, 18:51
Yes. It really is incredible what anxiety can do..even though I will forever have my doubts. :D
I remember the brief time that I was worrying about night sweats and next thing I knew I was getting them multiple times a week until I stopped worrying about them. Haven't had them before or since. It's crazy.

14-04-17, 18:54
Same thing with me! I can pretty much be anxious about something and the stuff actually starts to happen or I think it does atleast :huh: