View Full Version : Obsessed with temperature and cancer

14-04-17, 20:50
Hi guys! Sorry in advance for the length of this post ��.
I feel like I'm going through mental torture. I've become so obsessed with my temperature. I cannot stop taking it. I've basically convinced myself that I have lymphoma or some other kind of cancer that has spread to my spleen area or all over my body.
I've had a swollen lymph node since I was around 3 (I'm 26 now)! Never bothered me until I developed anxiety in 2010 and started prodding around in my neck, where I found two more.
They have never changed and I've never had any others pop up but over the past three weeks I've had a multitude of symptoms that are freaking me out.
It all started with an infection around my eye, which I was on antibiotics for. Dr had said that if it doesn't improve I may need to be admitted to hospital for IV antibiotics. I then started panicking about this and ended up tachycardic and in a&e two nights in a row. All tests were fine apart from slightly elevated white blood cells on my bloods (I had an infection) and since then I have been through what I can only describe as mental torture.
I've had palpitations, air hunger, stomach pain, tingling sensations in arms and legs, an upset stomach, pain in side, stabbing pain in head, tinnitus, shaking etc.
My latest issue is that my left side just feels odd. Can't explain it but I'm paranoid it's a swollen spleen. I've been obsessively checking my temperature for most of the day and it's varied between 36.9 to 37.5! Granted the 37.5 was when I was working myself up but it seems to have hovered around 37.4 for most of the day.
I am now panicking that this is a low grade cancer fever as I have no signs of infections. In my mind I have indolent lymphoma or some kind of metastatic cancer and my spleen is enlarged.
I've had three abdo exams in the last three weeks - all normal but what if my spleen has enlarged since then??
I can't take anymore of this. It's so much worse because the GP is closed until Tuesday. I can't bare the thought of going to a&e or out of hours. The last visit traumatised me


14-04-17, 21:39
37.5 is not high at all, it's a normal temperature. 38 is a light fever. All your symptoms point to anxiety. Lots of people have 1 sided strange sensations. I've had a numb right face, a really strange feeling in my right arm and lots of 1 sided pressures and pains (at one point i thought my kidney or liver was enlarged due to the pressure, turned out I was so focussing on it so much my muscles in that area would cramp up). So don't worry about it too much :)

14-04-17, 21:52
Our body temp goes up and down constantly. It will go up after a meal, how awesome is our body ?

If you really want to track your temperature, chart your basal temperature. It's first thing in the morning before getting up for it to be accurate.

I charted mine for years. We aren't even to sit up before taking our temperature. . Or it goes up.

Bet you didn't know it was so sensitive did you ?

14-04-17, 22:10
Thanks guys!

It's just so hard to believe it's anxiety when the physical symptoms feel so real.
I was so worried that 37.4-5 was a low grade fever and that it meant I had cancer as I have no infection currently.
I can't stop shaking which is making me worry more about the temperature incase I'm shaking due to a fever.
I'm so exhausted from this xxx

14-04-17, 22:35
Sounds very tiring for you.

I haven't looked k to your other posts but have you started getting help for your anxiety?

14-04-17, 22:40
Hi :).

I have. My GP has been really good. She's started me on sertraline and diazepam as needed, which I've only taken once. I'm just waiting for a counselling appointment to come through now. It's exhausting x