View Full Version : I think my symptoms are anxiety and it's ruining my life

14-04-17, 23:28
Hello all I'm new to this site.
I'm looking for some help/advice I have suffered with depression/anxiety for a good few years now I'm on anti-depressants which I sometime forget to take which I n ow don't help. My current problem began about 5 weeks ago I was visiting family and some issues where been discussed around abuse which I have also suffered sexual abuse I started to feel a bit uneasy panicky and Linda dizzy but I hadn't eaten much that day so I thought it was just that so I ended up having something to eat and the. Going to bed but when I woke up the next day I still felt the same I had a head ache felt dizzy and really weak So I tried my best to carry on which I did then a few days later I was shopping in the supermarket when all of a sudden the whole place started to spin it was so scary an ambulance was caused but all they could fine was my blood sugars was low at 4.1 I ended up seeing my GP who diagnosed me with vertigo and have me exercises to do the o my thing is the exercises whilst your doing them are meant to make you dizzy but they didn't do I guess it wasn't vertigo, o went back to doctors and they did blood tests which came back normal apart from my iron and vitamin d being low. I ended up taking some diazepam which have made me feel a little bit better but bit totally I still feel really like disconnected from my body I have palpitations all the time and this weird lightheaded/dizzy feeling going on it's making me scared to go out alone scared to drive and really getting me down I'm guessing my question is can anxiety actually cause all these physical symptoms and for such a long period of time.

14-04-17, 23:41
Hiya Enniroc and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

17-04-17, 20:52
Thank you ��