View Full Version : Scared, I've had tons of tests, Dr, and ER visits and I don't know what's wrong, help

15-04-17, 04:08
This might be a little long, but please read. So to keep this organized I will first go overall the symptoms and leading up to now and then the tests I have had done. In december I first started having indigestion...belching, gas, and hiccups. I also had a very light dull barely even a pain in my stomach that would kind of be off and on, a little right of my belly button. I also noticed a lump that is embedded in my cheek, in between the jaw connection area basically. It's sort of soft and can be moved a around a little bit. Also, I had random aches around my body, but nothing severe.

After going to the ER, I got a new doctor. He ended up giving me an abdominal ultrasound that turned out fine, and also a heart test which was fine, most because he felt an occasional palpitation. He also gave me a thyroid ultrasound. Wit the results coming back, he said there didn't look like anything serious, but it looked slightly off and he said it was goiter. It doesn't really seem like there is any kind of lump near it.

So for awhile, I had on and off indigestion, but it even kind of went away for a little bit going into february. In february, there were two days where I noticed that my stool was dark. That happened again once like around 3-4 weeks later. Around probably like early march, I started having constipation for a little bit too. I also started having a few more light stomach pains, so I got a GI to go to. Not to mention I started getting back pains.

My GI said to come back in two weeks and we would set a colonoscopy/endoscopy if things weren't better. Things got worse. I started having more bloating, indigestion, and then my stool started looking worse. I started noticing it mixed in darker and lighter colors. Also some mucus.

In mid march I had what I assume was just a bad cold, for 4 days with a very sore throat, and some more days with a lot of mucus. like a week later or so, I started having a light dry cough, and some chest pain. I went to the ER and they did a chest xray which was clear.

I have consistently had back pains still. I also have started having this feeling of weakness in general, and feeling more achy. Plus headaches/dizziness/hand/foot tingling. I had a head ct scan and it was clear.

Okay, so basically a few days I got the colonoscopy/endoscopy done and they both came back completely clear except for internal hemorrhoids.

So all of the tests I have had done:
Head ct scan-clear
two chest x-rays, one from two angles just recently-clear.
Neck x-ray-clear
colonoscopy/endoscopy-clear minus hemmorids
Recent abdominal ultrasound-clear
multiple CBC blood tests-all clear, and no anemia, and I haven't lost weight
blood tests for liver and pancreas-clear
urine tests-clear
thryoid ultrasound was put as goiter
I also haven't had any fevers, at least that I know of. I have a thermometer and have checked. Pretty much always at least 98.

As of now I'm still having the weakness feeling, like kind of shaky in some spots, back pain, and more random aches. I still have the pretty light cough with off and on chest pains, sometimes from coughing or sometimes just from feeling it or pushing into specific spots on my chest, mostly left side. I forgot to mention that there were two times I noticed tiny dots of potentially blood in my mucus. Also still having migraine feelings (headache/dizzy/tingling, etc). It's only been a few days since the colonoscopy, but I had some diarrhea today. Still on and off stomach pains.

Would something serious show in the xray if I was having symptoms like that? I'm worried that somehow something could be in my small intestines.
Plus I'm worried that the cyst in my cheek near my jaw isn't just a cyst. Also now just read symptoms and scared of it being something with my spine.

Gary A
15-04-17, 09:19
I would say, after such extensive testing, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and that you're noticing every little twinge and sensation because you're anxious.

15-04-17, 09:39
I would say, after such extensive testing, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and that you're noticing every little twinge and sensation because your anxious.

Trust me, I really want it to be just that. The fact that I have noticable feelings of weakness is the one thing that really worries me. I'm freaking out now that its something with my spine.

Gary A
15-04-17, 10:31
Trust me, I really want it to be just that. The fact that I have noticable feelings of weakness is the one thing that really worries me. I'm freaking out now that its something with my spine.

That's because it's the one area of your body that hasn't been scanned or had any testing carried out. Your anxiety is looking for something to feed it so it's coming up with the one remaining possibility.

There's nothing wrong with you.

15-04-17, 11:45
That's because it's the one area of your body that hasn't been scanned or had any testing carried out. Your anxiety is looking for something to feed it so it's coming up with the one remaining possibility.

There's nothing wrong with you.

Had a abdominal ct scan just now and some lymph nodes showed.

Gary A
15-04-17, 11:59
Had a abdominal ct scan just now and some lymph nodes showed.

I thought you were worried about your spine? Now it's abdominal nodes?

Would it be safe to assume that no matter what anyone says you're going to find a reason to stay worried?

15-04-17, 12:01
I thought you were worried about your spine? Now it's abdominal nodes?

Would it be safe to assume that no matter what anyone says you're going to find a reason to stay worried?

I was worried about both, because the colonscopy/endoscopy didn't obviously check the small intestine. They said the ct scan supposedly didnt show anything bad besides the nodes, yet why has my stool gotten worse over time?

Gary A
15-04-17, 12:10
I was worried about both, because the colonscopy/endoscopy didn't obviously check the small intestine. They said the ct scan supposedly didnt show anything bad besides the nodes, yet why has my stool gotten worse over time?

Because you're nervous all the time. Anxiety plays havoc with your digestive system, symptoms like that are par for the course when you're suffering from long lasting periods of stress.

Seriously, stop trying to find a reason to keep this worry going.

15-04-17, 12:13
Because you're nervous all the time. Anxiety plays havoc with your digestive system, symptoms like that are par for the course when you're suffering from long lasting periods of stress.

Seriously, stop trying to find a reason to keep this worry going.

Stools with blood and mucus aren't caused by anxiety that I know of, and constant on and off back pains, muscle aches, migraine symptoms, tingling hands and feet, and indigestion. Trust me, I would love to not have any single reason to worry at all.

15-04-17, 14:01
So you've had all these tests done since December? How old are you? What is the specific "fear(s)" here.

Positive thoughts

15-04-17, 14:21
So you've had all these tests done since December? How old are you? What is the specific "fear(s)" here.

Positive thoughts

I'm 24, and yea all since mid/late december. Before then ilI basically never was sick besides and occasional cold or flu since I was 7 when I was extremely sick in the hospital once for 5 days. Maybe that adds to it. And the specific fear is lymphoma at this point.

15-04-17, 14:37
I'm 24, and yea all since mid/late december. Before then ilI basically never was sick besides and occasional cold or flu since I was 7 when I was extremely sick in the hospital once for 5 days. Maybe that adds to it. And the specific fear is lymphoma at this point.

Ok.. some truth here. I'm a Stage IVa Head and Neck cancer survivor. You've had more tests in 4 months than I've had in several years. It's not lymphoma or any other cancer/serious physical illness. The tests you've had would have found something.

The fact you're posting here and the pathology of your post indicates severe anxiety and the physical ramifications of such. Stomach and bowel issues are a hallmark symptom of stress biology and would account for the symptoms you're experiencing.

You can "choose" to believe this and seek help for your anxiety or continue to chase a diagnosis that will never come.

Positive thoughts

15-04-17, 16:03
I would say that you probably have irritable bowel syndrome (the abdo pains, mucus, blood, bloating would all be indicative) and this can be caused by something dietary and definitely made worse by worrying about it! I also reckon you probably have acid reflux (chest pains, back pains, weakness, lethargy, nausea, coughing) which may also be caused by dietary and lifestyle factors and would be linked to IBS.

With all those tests you've had the chances of it being anything more serious are very very low. I would stop worrying so much about it, take a good look at your eating habits, weight and lifestyle (exercise/drinking/smoking etc) and make sure these are all good.

15-04-17, 17:48
I would say that you probably have irritable bowel syndrome (the abdo pains, mucus, blood, bloating would all be indicative) and this can be caused by something dietary and definitely made worse by worrying about it! I also reckon you probably have acid reflux (chest pains, back pains, weakness, lethargy, nausea, coughing) which may also be caused by dietary and lifestyle factors and would be linked to IBS.

With all those tests you've had the chances of it being anything more serious are very very low. I would stop worrying so much about it, take a good look at your eating habits, weight and lifestyle (exercise/drinking/smoking etc) and make sure these are all good.

I don't drink or smoke, but I need to exercise more which I planning on starting to right before all of this came up. I have been eating better for awhile though.

15-04-17, 18:36
I agree about possible IBS and GERD/REFLUX. VERY typical ramifications of stress biology. Exercise, proper nutrition and therapy/meds is needed to help control the anxiety should point thing sin a better direction.

Positive thoughts

15-04-17, 21:07
It seems to me that if you had anything serious it would have be discovered with all of that testing. Also, I worry about all of the radiation you are exposing yourself to at such a young age. Be careful!

15-04-17, 21:23
Skiwalker, I am just like you with your health anxiety. Now that I realize that I have it, I'm amazed by how much it affects me physically. It's almost like some kind of cruel game my brain is playing with me because it always finds something to worry about.

I worry about one symptom (or group of symptoms), I get them tested, then everything is fine. I feel ok for a while until I suddenly get a new weird symptom and I start to panic about that by assuming the worst.

I'm not saying that I know all of your medical history, but I want you to know that my anxiety has also been playing games with me for the last year. Now that I've accepted that it exists and can cause physical symptoms, I am able to step back and be a bit more logical.....most of the time.

It's fine to get your tests done, but accept the results.

I'm wishing you the best.

15-04-17, 22:15
I worry about all of the radiation you are exposing yourself to at such a young age. Be careful!

Not an issue and not to be considered. To say that just feeds the dragon. Don't project your fears here.

Positive thoughts

16-04-17, 22:01
Well I had maybe a day of calmness, but now I'm seriously freaking out again. I saw that carcinoma can cause heart palpitations potentially as a symptom. I had that a few days ago, and I also had that back around early janurary. I'm really scared because it seems like it's something that could be hard to diagnose or see. I'm scared that it could be that and also spread to my back/spine area causing the neuropathy stuff.

16-04-17, 23:10
Well I had maybe a day of calmness, but now I'm seriously freaking out again. I saw that carcinoma can cause heart palpitations potentially as a symptom. I had that a few days ago, and I also had that back around early janurary. I'm really scared because it seems like it's something that could be hard to diagnose or see. I'm scared that it could be that and also spread to my back/spine area causing the neuropathy stuff.

Dr. Google is just feeding your anxiety and it's quite apparent you're spiraling here. Reassurance is useless in these situations. Hopefully your mind will calm down and you'll be able to rationalize things.

Are you getting professional help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

17-04-17, 02:12
Would you be able to know if you had flushing or not?

17-04-17, 02:19
Would you be able to know if you had flushing or not?

Are you getting help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

17-04-17, 02:41
I noticed you said you had Goitre on your thyroid? This needs medication.
Were you prescribed any? Goitres mean you have Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) Some of your symptoms are common with that .

17-04-17, 13:51
I noticed you said you had Goitre on your thyroid? This needs medication.
Were you prescribed any? Goitres mean you have Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) Some of your symptoms are common with that .

He said he technically didn't even know if there was enough there to show it was sure goiter basically, but just put that down for me, but no medicine.

17-04-17, 15:47
That sounds very odd to me. If he thinks your Thyroid looks odd in any way it needs a full Thyroid Blood test.Also your Vitamin D+,B12.
like I said some of the Symptoms you are feeling could be down to your Thyroid.
If I was as concerned as you are I would definitely get this tested. If nothing shows up its obvious your symptoms are Anxiety related.

17-04-17, 15:56
That sounds very odd to me. If he thinks your Thyroid looks odd in any way it needs a full Thyroid Blood test.Also your Vitamin D+,B12.
like I said some of the Symptoms you are feeling could be down to your Thyroid.
If I was as concerned as you are I would definitely get this tested. If nothing shows up its obvious your symptoms are Anxiety related.

I agree with clarisse. Hypothyroidism is something that can mean anxiety is experienced. This could be increasing an existing anxiety disorder or the cause of one. Not treating it will limit the work that can be done on an existing anxiety disorder.

This should be followed up.