View Full Version : confused

29-04-07, 19:20
I have been on a very low dose of Xanax for the past 4 weeks (the doctor told me to take .25mg morning and noon and .5 at night. I have been taking on and off not really following his orders. Three days ago I decided to stop every thing. I have been feeling anxious eversince and lightheaded (not really dizzy). I took some vertigo mediication today (I am not sure it is doing the job) but will see my GP tomorrow (He is known for prescribing medication and I do not like that). I want to try and regain my self confidence and go back to being normal. I believe I have GAD because the smallest thing makes me anxious and worried.:weep: :weep:. What do you think I should do. I am feeling that I am getting out of control.


29-04-07, 19:43
Hi Mel,

I have done exactly whay you have just did! with these medications, if you want to stop taking them then it has to be a gradual thing, never just stop taking it as you will end up feeling as bad as ever, if not worse!

I know what it's like, you start to feel ok again and then think, i'm getting well again, i don't need these pills and just stop taking them, but this medication seriously has to be cut down a little bit at a time, maybe over a period of a few weeks, so our bodies can adjust bit by bit!!

Take it slowly and you will see a huge difference!
Best of luck

29-04-07, 19:53
Thanks Lisa for your reply. The reason I stopped Xanax is because I was told by a friend of mine (A pharmasist) that Xanax is just an anxiety medicine that goes in and out of the body fast. Where you on Xanax?


29-04-07, 20:42
nope, not been on that one but been on just about everything else!! I have just stopped meds a few times but ended back at the docs within days and was told NEVER to do that! I had no idea it would effect me like that! so i try to be a good gal now and do as i'm told!! still done me no good as i ended back at square one AGAIN!!

Aw well just another wall i have to climb over!
