View Full Version : Accumulation of symptoms worried about advanced cancer

15-04-17, 11:21
Hi everyone
I have just got back from Japan to UK and am jet lagged so quite aware that my symptoms could be jet lag but I am very worried and want to try and enjoy easter break :(

In January I had a stomach bug and lots a bit of weight (47kg down to 43) and haven't been able to put it back on as much as I eat. I'm worrying that loosing weight is advanced cancer as I lost another kg on holiday despite eating reguarly.

My neck seems to be swollen upper back right. I did sleep badly on it a week ago but the pain has gone and still a mass there. Is this usual/has anyone had this before?

I've also been playing around with the lymph nodes around my collar bone and neck. Some of them feel really hard and slightly bigger than normal :(

I have also been getting occasionAl night sweats. Last night I woke up completely drenched.

I developed vertigo Japan but put that down to having an ear infection before a few days before I got on the plane. But now with everything else I'm worrying.

I'm aware that all my symptoms can be explained by jet lag and neck injury but wondering whether it's best to book a doctor's appointment in case. My boyfriend is getting pretty sick of me as I keep finding something new to confirm my fears.

15-04-17, 13:57
Sooner rather than later you're going to have to find the inner fortitude to fight the irrational impulses and reassure yourself (you're attempting to in your post but seeking reassurance). You know what the deal is here but your anxiety is whispering lies in your ear (even while you sleep) and trying to convince you otherwise. Yes, I would book an appointment but not to address your symptoms. This appointment should be to discuss your anxiety and ways to treat it :)

Positive thoughts

16-04-17, 09:33
Thank you for your reassuring reply. :)
The doctors are aware of my anxiety, I'm on sertraline and have had cBT, meditate regularly but of course getting out of routine and being extremely tired makes it difficult to dive into that HA tool box I have!

16-04-17, 15:13
Thank you for your reassuring reply. :)
The doctors are aware of my anxiety, I'm on sertraline and have had cBT, meditate regularly but of course getting out of routine and being extremely tired makes it difficult to dive into that HA tool box I have!

That makes sense but like I said, I see you doing the right things in rationalizing your symptoms in your post but perhaps a hammer is needed from the tool box instead of a screwdriver ;)

Positive thoughts

16-04-17, 23:19
Good visualisation tool!