View Full Version : WW3 worrying

15-04-17, 13:34
I am getting increasingly anxious about the threat of war. I am finding it difficult to keep images & thoughts out of my mind.! I try to avoid the news & papers however it pops up on twitter & FB etc. It is hard to avoid completely & with terrorism, war & terrible things happening to innocent people all over the world it becomes overwhelming !! Does anybody else find it takes over your thinking ?

15-04-17, 13:43
Hi While I don't overthink about it.I think most ppl tend to think a lot more about as it's a real threat now adays It's the signs of the times I guess. It's time we had more peace in the world now :) There are ways to make it easier like social media stay away from these places for a few days and try and chill that's what I will be doing later when a friend comes over tonight I then can totally switch off from the outside world :) Cheers

15-04-17, 13:43
Yeah, it used to bother me when I was really bad. I've worked my way out of it now though and make a point of at least reading a bit, like if I'm in a shop.

I was expecting a thread like this today after I saw the scaremongering article The Telegraph had put online.

Terrorism is something different, they are nutters. But we have to remember war is really bad to a country so they will try to avoid it.

Let's just hope some cool heads get us some good news on the NK situation. They certainly are troublesome. All eyes on China there.

The media are just rabid these days though. Most of it is speculation. It's like printing your own money, creating themselves constant work for nothing and experts riding the gravy train.

15-04-17, 13:55
Yes NK is a real worry & I wish China would come forward & tell them that it won't be tolerated. I also fret that D Trump seems rather gung ho with his actions. His twitter feed etc is quite random & antagonistic I feel. I really hope that he hasn't lost the plot & that he really knows what he is doing. The heads of these countries may be able to go to their bunkers if it all kicks off however they have to come out at some stage & there may not be much to come out to !!

15-04-17, 14:15
Yeah, i've always thought that politicians shouldn't use a media like Twitter. Just looking at our own they seem to forget about professional standards or worse, use if to attack other MP's.

But I think politicians (hopefully) just see it as noise more for the masses and that more respectful discussion always happens in direct talks.

Maybe Trump is just parking ships their as an indication he is willing to act? NK don't listen to anything the US say and maybe they are changing from tactics that Obama couldn't get to work? I doubt they will listen either way with the leadership dynasty NK have so I'm hoping on China, who also don't want NK nuclear.

I'm less worried about US & Russia. They've been playing their games for a long time. Just look at The Cold War. They don't want open conflict. But loose cannons like NK are worrying, I feel sorry for the normal people who can't even attempt change in that environment.

As you say, politicians can hide, as usual we can't.

The US have plenty of ways to deal with a government if they think they are going too far. We can at least put our faith in that. And world leaders will be talking too.

15-04-17, 15:49
I honestly don't think the world leaders would risk WWIII, there is too much at stake. NK is like a child and needs to be reprimanded. This isn't the first time that US has "parked ships". I think it's posturing and we are letting NK know that we are watching. I wouldn't lose any sleep over world affairs. I'm sure everything will work out.

15-04-17, 16:02
Yes China is not to be messed with really they have a lot of weapons at their disposal that's why I don't think they have had terrorist attacks from ISIS and the like, well none I have heard of. I mean they haven't really been involved in recent attacks on the Uk etc have the?. But to even contemplate WW3 is not good we should all be striving for world peace :) Cheers