View Full Version : Holiday Panic

29-04-07, 19:36

I just come back from my first holiday abroad in 6 years and I have never felt soooo panicky and anxious. I felt very anxious before hand but tried to forget it and said to myself when I got there I would be fine.
The flight out I was really anxious. I was doing ok until a lady on the plane started getting bad heart pains she needed oxygen and we thought we might have to land early. I have a really bad fear of illness so I got really panicky and then this had a bad affect on my holiday. While I was away I didnt have a day go pass when I was wondering if I was gunna be ill or have to go to the hospital ( I have a big fear of hospitals) It really messed up my holiday and I could not enjoy it. By the time I came home on the flight back I was sooooo anxous cos of what had happened i had panic after panic and half way thorough felt like I wanted to get off the plane I have never felt that bad before and it really scared me .. I was wondering if anyone else felt that way when away I felt as if I was going to totally lose control ..
Now I am back home I thought I would return to normal but I still feel really anxious and panicky I havent felt this bad in a long time. I am wondering if it is because of all the stress I had when I was on holiday or If my old panic attacks and depression are coming back ?

Granny Primark
29-04-07, 19:53
Angel you went and although your holiday was stressful at least you had your holiday.
Feel proud of yourself for going. Ive booked an holiday then had to cancel at the last moment. Try to think of the positives and not the negatives.
Easier said than done i know.
I think you did brill to go in the first place.
Loads of hugs and good wishes angel.

Take care

29-04-07, 20:01
Thank you so much for reading my message and replying Lynn x

It is nice to know I am not the only one who struggles with going on holiday. I just felt like I had let everyone down cos I didnt enjoy myself and was always on edge.

Thank u :)

Granny Primark
29-04-07, 20:39
Angel you didnt let anyone down.
My hubby desperately wants to visit friends in scotland in june. Im trying to be brave and confident to him that i can do it but inside im a nervous wreck. I cant let him down again. But im so frightened. pse feel free to pm me.

Take care

29-04-07, 21:23
Angel! you are my hero! i could NEVER go up in a plane. I wouldn't even be able to go up the first step so you give yourself a huge pat on the back for that one. You said you had a panic attack on the way home and wanted to get off the plane...awwww, that's only natural toots! when we have a panic attack, we just want to get to somewhere that feels safe to us a.s.a.p, so it no wonder you wanted to flee!

well done you
lots a love

29-04-07, 23:44
Hi Angel2007!

I feel like that too every time I go on a holiday that involves flying.

Just come back from my holiday and I had loads of support and advice from the good people on here.

I tried Rescue Remedy spray for the very first time and it helped quite a lot with the 'stop the plane I wanna get off!' feelings.

But....we did it didn't we? The 'eeby jeeby feelings' didn't get us and we went, and came back, from our holiday.

I agree with Loopylyn, we have to remember the positives above the negatives - that way we regain control even when we feel vulnerable.

You're welcome to PM me anytime if you want to.:flowers:

30-04-07, 08:36
Well done Angel2007 for getting there and back. Even though you seemed not to enjoy it fantastically (though in parts you may have) you achieved it without major incident. :yesyes:

Holidays are hard, they`re not a thing we can repeatedly do until the anxiety levels drop. You coped wonderfully and it may take a while till the stress levels lower to what they were previous but I expect they will. I expect it`s a bit like when I go to the shop, walking away from the car is relatively easy, then I turn around after having completed my purchases. I realise how far I am away, immediate terror, am I gonna make it....etc., When I get back to the car it takes me ages to calm down if not a day or so.

You`ve done what lots of us would love to and possibly never will.

30-04-07, 19:46
Thank you everyone !!
You have made me feel more normal knowing that other people go through the same thing. I find it really hard to be positive and always look at the negative side. :)

01-05-07, 12:27
I recently had a similar experience with being on holiday when I went to Hong Kong on the way back I completely freaked out and couldnt eat or drink or move for the whole 13 hour journey! AND… Get this…. We were sitting in business class because we got an upgrade!!!! I felt like such a looooseeerrrrr! Then recently I had holidays booked to Prague and Manchester and had to cancel both of them due to panic attacks before getting on the train and plane respectively – so I know exactly how you feel and it is REALLY so so so good that you still went and had the holiday :flowers: there is always going to be something less comforting about being away from home because you leave all your comfort zones behind – Im just trying to convince myself that this isn’t a permanent thing and that we will be able to go on holiday again and have a brilliant time J I hope so anyway J I think its really important to remember that just because you had this panic on this holiday doesnt mean you have it on every holiday you will go one :shades: keep plugging away and fighting this vicious feeling :wacko: does anyone else get that feeling of being out of control with flying? It’s the vicious circle with anxiety I guess – we’re constantly thinking about the bad things so we’re constantly expecting them to happen – we can fight this stuff tho :yesyes: I had an amazing time in Hong Kong despite completely freaking out on the plane!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx lots of happy hugs xxxxxxxx. Don’t think you are alone with this one!!!! :hugs:

01-05-07, 12:58
Hi, i,m just the same, i hate flying to , i booked a week in cyprus this morning not going untill august 29th,hav,ent told hubby yet as he is away. Already though i wish i had,nt booked it.:wacko:

01-05-07, 13:09
I recently had a similar experience with being on holiday when I went to Hong Kong on the way back I completely freaked out and couldnt eat or drink or move for the whole 13 hour journey! AND… Get this…. We were sitting in business class because we got an upgrade!!!! I felt like such a looooseeerrrrr! Then recently I had holidays booked to Prague and Manchester and had to cancel both of them due to panic attacks before getting on the train and plane respectively – so I know exactly how you feel and it is REALLY so so so good that you still went and had the holiday :flowers: there is always going to be something less comforting about being away from home because you leave all your comfort zones behind – Im just trying to convince myself that this isn’t a permanent thing and that we will be able to go on holiday again and have a brilliant time J I hope so anyway J I think its really important to remember that just because you had this panic on this holiday doesnt mean you have it on every holiday you will go one :shades: keep plugging away and fighting this vicious feeling :wacko: does anyone else get that feeling of being out of control with flying? It’s the vicious circle with anxiety I guess – we’re constantly thinking about the bad things so we’re constantly expecting them to happen – we can fight this stuff tho :yesyes: I had an amazing time in Hong Kong despite completely freaking out on the plane!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx lots of happy hugs xxxxxxxx. Don’t think you are alone with this one!!!! :hugs:

That is what really freaked me out when flying the fact that I was out of control. I was on the plane and once you are up there you cant get down again until u arrive where u are going that is what I find hard. I just wanted to get off but knew that I couldnt then for the rest of the holiday I was thinking about having to go back on the plane to get home.
You should be sooo proud of urself that u managed 13 hours:yesyes: I was only on it for 4 hours and I was a total mess! xxxx