View Full Version : I feel so stupid!

15-04-17, 15:56
Okay so went in for my physical today and it wasn't my doctor it was a younger doctor who is 30. She checked me out I mentioned ny neck back and shoulder pain she said I have muscle spasms all in the area. Could be from carrying around my son or even sitting at a desk all day at work. Anyways showed her the two lumps on my hairline on the back of my neck and she says she thinks they are lymphnodes and they are within normal range of size and offered to let me feel hers because she said mine are half the size of hers. I didn't feel lol I took her word for it. She said just keep and eye them but she thinks nothing is going on with them. That could just be there size. Oh and here is the anxiety it says she is younger than you what does she know?!? Ugh! Plus I'm worried about the blood test results even though I had a full CBC not even 3 months ago and all was good. Stupid stupid stupid!!! I do feel better I just keep telling myself young or not she knows more than me and has felt more nodes than me!!

15-04-17, 17:25
Okay so went in for my physical today and it wasn't my doctor it was a younger doctor who is 30. She checked me out I mentioned ny neck back and shoulder pain she said I have muscle spasms all in the area. Could be from carrying around my son or even sitting at a desk all day at work. Anyways showed her the two lumps on my hairline on the back of my neck and she says she thinks they are lymphnodes and they are within normal range of size and offered to let me feel hers because she said mine are half the size of hers. I didn't feel lol I took her word for it. She said just keep and eye them but she thinks nothing is going on with them. That could just be there size. Oh and here is the anxiety it says she is younger than you what does she know?!? Ugh! Plus I'm worried about the blood test results even though I had a full CBC not even 3 months ago and all was good. Stupid stupid stupid!!! I do feel better I just keep telling myself young or not she knows more than me and has felt more nodes than me!!

What does she know? LOL.

A lot.

15-04-17, 18:04
What does she know? LOL.

A lot.

Right?! The rational me knows this haha!! The crazy HA tries to trick me! But I will try and ignore that stupid little nagging voice and push forward! Thanks for your help yesterday lady!:D

15-04-17, 18:41
Anxiety is seriously the worst!! When you go through it no amount of logic and reasoning can get to you and it's like you see the logic yet you just can't get there!

Of course!! (: I really think that's HA is just super nasty and we're all here because we're suffering from it! It's really nice to write things out and maybe get that little nudge from other people. (:

15-04-17, 18:52
Anxiety is seriously the worst!! When you go through it no amount of logic and reasoning can get to you and it's like you see the logic yet you just can't get there!

Of course!! (: I really think that's HA is just super nasty and we're all here because we're suffering from it! It's really nice to write things out and maybe get that little nudge from other people. (:

If logic and reasoning were off-limits to anxiety sufferers, nobody would ever recover.

You never lose your ability to rationalise, even in the darkest moments. It's always there. You just have to get some help.

15-04-17, 20:14
Yes I just so hate seeing the logic and still believing otherwise! Makes no sense! I would never wish HaA on anybody!