View Full Version : Lack of energy and motivation

15-04-17, 16:18
Hi all - me again! Quick one at the moment I really feel like I have no energy or motivation, it isn't that horrible depressive feeling (I know that too well) this is almost like a flat feeling, no emotion but the worse thing is no energy or motivation. Could this be a side effect of one of my meds (mirtazapine, quetiapine and propranolol) or is it the depression/anxiety rearing its ugly head again? :-(

Any advice most helpful

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15-04-17, 20:30
I'd say a combination of both...

Positive thoughts

16-04-17, 02:49
Hi Ben

Anxiety can cause it. I'm in that state permanently, except with a sense of foreboding. If you can find some distraction it will help but even that might be too difficult.


16-04-17, 02:56
It happens. Be sure to check with your Dr. just to make sure, but anxiety can cause this. I go through rounds of it.