View Full Version : Can anyone see their lymph node sticking out?

15-04-17, 16:27
I know Lymph node worry is very common and that they sometimes never go down after an infection, but can anyone else see theirs sticking out? I can see my neck one sticking out when I turn my head a certain way and it worries me because I'm not slim.

My nodes first raised in December when I had infection after infection. I had colds, laryngitis, hacking coughs, ear infections etc. I visited the Doctor several times and she felt my nodes and said she would be more worried if they wasn't swollen considering the infections I was getting. I waited a month until after I was completely better and got them checked again. She didn't seem concerned. All of them disappeared or reduced to normal pea size apart from one. The one on the lower right side is still raised and visible. I think it may be slightly bigger and it feels harder than before. I am extremely guilty for poking and prodding it multiple times a day. Could this make it bigger and feel harder and make it stick out more? I can feel a node on the exact opposite size but its pea sized whereas this feels more like a kidney bean. They move slightly but not far as they feel like there is a lot of muscle around the area. They used to hurt but don't hurt when touched anymore. The one on the right side has stung a little twice during the last month but that's it. I had a cold a month ago again and a sinus infection that followed it which Only just feels like it's gone. My nose is constantly snotty and blood tinged. Could this along with the poking keep it up and make it visible?

Can anyone else see theirs?

Part of me is saying leave it alone for a few weeks then go back to the doctor, but the anxiety is screaming you have lymphoma and are going to leave your baby behind. I'm currently 8 weeks pregnant and already have a 13 month old.

Sorry for th essay


15-04-17, 16:29
Picture attached. I had clear bloods back in Jan and clear chest x-ray too

15-04-17, 17:20
Yep I can. On both sides.

I'd try your best to let it go. Lymph node anxiety seems to be the theme of the week on this board. It's extremely easy to latch on and incredibly hard to let go.

They're so super likely from your infection and you've already had them checked by a doctor. Just keep up with your OB visits, mention it bothers you so the OB knows, and just do your best and prepare for a beauitful baby in 7 months!!!

15-04-17, 18:55
Thank you PA I can't wait :)

I did have Glandular Fever when I was at junior school and I freaked my GP out then by how big my lymph nodes were, so I'm hoping mine just run bigger than normal through this. My Pregnancy consultant was constantly checking my neck the last time I was pregnant as she is hot on checking for thyroid problems so I will mention it to her.

15-04-17, 21:19
I'm very familiar with nodes as a Stage IVa Head and Neck cancer survivor. I've had nodes that swelled due to viruses and infection throughout my life. They were never a concern.

Then, after a virus/infection, I had a node that didn't resolve. Within two months it was obvious something was up.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

By the time I went for surgery, it looked like I had the mumps on the left side of my neck. I can confidently say that 99.999999% of node fears here are just that... "fears". Of the tens of thousands of fears I've read here, I know of two that actually had something going on. Both are doing fine now and ironically, their anxiety took a back seat while they dealt with the issue and have remained there since.

So yeah... regardless of truly "swollen" or not (no one here really can say swollen as their perception is skewed due to anxiety), it's due to a virus or bacterial infection and most often due to constant poking and prodding.

Positive thoughts

16-04-17, 04:49
Mine is in the same spot! I can see it when I stretch my neck to the other side.. it feels bigger too.. but smaller when relaxed.. I think my poking has made it worse tho

16-04-17, 17:32
Thank you for your reply fishman. I am pleased to hear you came through the other side and are now a survivor. Sorry what you had to go through. I am trying not to touch it anymore to see if it goes down.

---------- Post added at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 17:30 ----------

Moonlight we are twins lol. It's good to hear I'm not the only one. Trying so hard not to touch it now.

16-04-17, 17:56
Yeah it's pretty normal! Also don't touch LOL touching can irritate them and make them swell sometimes!

I get swollen lymph nodes on my neck and behind my ears because of acne spots from time to time

16-04-17, 20:22
Thank you. It's been up over 4 months and I'm hoping it's just because of my poking. All the others are back to pea size and can't be seen. It's only this one sticking out. I don't touch the others funnily enough just the biggest one. I've kept my hands off today.

17-04-17, 01:14
Forest.. question for you. I just looked at your picture on my computer so it's bigger view than from my phone. I want to make sure I am looking at the right spot.

I am seeing a small sort of bump on your neck right by your hair is that what you are talking about?

Or is there a little bit of swelling like a softish raised spot right in front of that?

17-04-17, 07:20
I can't see mine but I can definitely feel them, nearly the same place as you if not the same spot it's hard to tell because I'm a male so I'm built a little different, I have 4 in total that I feel all the time 2 that sit side by side on the lower left side of my neck and 2 side by side on the right side of my neck almost symmetrical. I can truly feel your pain it is a terrible obsession. My doctor also told me I'm fine after a ultrasound and complete blood count, I had a chest xray right before a found the nodes for a unrelated reason and it was clear no masses or anything so I am without any answers and I was denied a biopsy because the nodes aren't big enough according to the doctor. I can't really offer any advice to help you get over the fear because I haven't been able to do it myself, but what helps me is to not touch them and not to read medical sites because they will only scare you. Mine has also had a stinging feeling a couple of times and some discomfort but I poke them a lot so that's probably why.

17-04-17, 12:49
"My doctor also told me I'm fine after a ultrasound and complete blood count, I had a chest xray right before a found the nodes for a unrelated reason and it was clear no masses or anything so I am without any answers and I was denied a biopsy because the nodes aren't big enough according to the doctor."

With respect, how can you say you're without answers? Seriously?

Positive thoughts

Gary A
17-04-17, 12:56
"My doctor also told me I'm fine after a ultrasound and complete blood count, I had a chest xray right before a found the nodes for a unrelated reason and it was clear no masses or anything so I am without any answers and I was denied a biopsy because the nodes aren't big enough according to the doctor."

With respect, how can you say you're without answers? Seriously?

Positive thoughts

Clearly because it wasn't the answer he was looking for. Anything other than "OMG Y'ALL GONNA DIE" isn't a good enough answer.

Baffling but there it is.

18-04-17, 08:52
Nancy, yes that's where it is. It looks soft from the picture but it actually feels quite hard. Not rock hard but more like hard rubber if that makes sense.

---------- Post added at 08:52 ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 ----------

Thank you Legend. I'm glad the Doctor gave you the all clear. I'm sorry you are struggling too. I haven't touched mine for a couple of days now but can still see it sticking out every time I look in the mirror. I don't even have to hold my head to a certain angle anymore. Still having sinus problems and snotty nose with blood and post nasal drip etc. Also suffering from acid reflux through h pylori (second time I've had it) which hasn't disappeared after 2 lots of treatments. My doctors won't test me again until after I've given birth. Not seen the doctor about my lymph node since January. My aim is to not touch it for a month and if it's still visible I'll make another appointment.

19-04-17, 12:11
I can also see mine especially when I tilt my head and I'm very worried. I also can see it when my head is straight so I'm not sure if it's getting bigger or growing

19-04-17, 12:16
This was posted by another user this morning, and is worth reading. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=197713

19-04-17, 15:41
I've had a node in exactly the same place as you for years, since I was in my early 20s (I'm 37 now) and I tend to fiddle with it as a comfort blanket. If I turn my neck around, you can see it and this node is like 2 beans together. It only ever enlarges when I'm sick with flu / cold etc and then goes back to its normal size. I never worry about mine and have pretty severe HA about glands.

The doctor said to me that sometimes glands just don't go down. :-)

19-04-17, 16:15
Does anyone feel any random tingling / slight pain / pressure in them? ive had my neck ones swollen on my neck for a month for no reason but while they dont hurt if i touch them i get random sensations of tingling or pressure sometimes even stinging in some of them... its not strong but i can definitely feel it. im so scared what that could mean

19-04-17, 16:20
Does anyone feel any random tingling / slight pain / pressure in them? ive had my neck ones swollen on my neck for a month for no reason but while they dont hurt if i touch them i get random sensations of tingling or pressure sometimes even stinging in some of them... its not strong but i can definitely feel it. im so scared what that could mean

I'm sorry but all the lymph node fearers on here at the moment need to stop swapping notes about the fear itself and start talking about measures to curtail the obsession. It's not healthy to keep talking about it to this level of detail.

19-04-17, 16:33
I'm sorry but all the lymph node fearers on here at the moment need to stop swapping notes about the fear itself and start talking about measures to curtail the obsession. It's not healthy to keep talking about it to this level of detail.

I'm sorry it wasnt meant with a bad intention :/

19-04-17, 16:38
I'm sorry it wasnt meant with a bad intention :/

Oh I know, and I'm not picking on you. But there have been tons of new node posters on here lately, and my concern is conversation drifting too much towards focusing on the minute details of the fear itself, and people dwelling on it and picking up further fears from others, rather than discussion of how people can get out of the obsessive cycle they're in.

Bad intention from your or anyone else is not even suggested, you're just working through your fears just as everyone else is from their "thing", it's just it's a bit of a triggering environment for lymph node fearers at the moment and the focus of the conversation makes me wary.

19-04-17, 22:00
If you don't like the lymph node posts don't read them just scroll past. No one is forcing you to read them.

19-04-17, 22:38
If you don't like the lymph node posts don't read them just scroll past. No one is forcing you to read them.

That really wasn't my point you know.

20-04-17, 00:49
So Forest are you reading all the other lymph node threads? I'll bet you are. That was the point.

20-04-17, 04:02
Does anyone feel any random tingling / slight pain / pressure in them? ive had my neck ones swollen on my neck for a month for no reason but while they dont hurt if i touch them i get random sensations of tingling or pressure sometimes even stinging in some of them... its not strong but i can definitely feel it. im so scared what that could mean

I do, no pain when I poke them.. but sometimes random feelings.

It's funny how the brain works.. I stopped and thought about how my thumb was hurting (it wasn't at all!) Just to see if in would feel something and yep! The second I thought about pain, I felt a sensation. I know now as a HA suffer that I look for things to be wrong... I've always thought it was best to think the worst and hope for the best... turns out that's not the healthiest way to live!

---------- Post added at 13:02 ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 ----------

So Forest are you reading all the other lymph node threads? I'll bet you are. That was the point.

I know not directed at me... i think I have read every single lymph node post relating to the neck here and the moments of utter relief it gives me that I'm not alone and others are just as worried is comforting.

Seeing that others have made it through the spiral to offer words of wisdom is why I post. How many of us look forward to seeing Fishmanpa post a reply?? :D

20-04-17, 04:29
Perhaps trigger warnings should be used?
Although any lymph node anxiety sufferer should pretty much already know that clicking on a thread with "lymph node" in the title could be potentially triggering.

In response to the original question, when I have strep throat, my lymph nodes swell hugely, and I can see them sticking out on both sides of my neck.

20-04-17, 07:19
So Forest are you reading all the other lymph node threads? I'll bet you are. That was the point.

Yes I am. Isn't that the point of coming on here. like I said if you don't like the posts don't read them. I asked a question and got some responses that put my mind at rest. It clearly said lymph node so if it's a trigger people are warned. What do you want me to post about unicorns and fairies? I don't personally know any other people who can see their lymph nodes sticking out for 4 months after an infection. stick to the posts you want to read and don't worry about what other people are reading. Thank you everyone else for your responses.

20-04-17, 08:09
Obviously people post and look at what they want.

But my point is very few posts on here are actually about lymph nodes or ALS or brain tumours or cancer, they're about irrational fear. We've all asked questions that go "I've got x 'symptom', does that mean I have y disease?", and had answers that temporarily reassure us, but all that does it put that one fear to bed for another one to pop up.

I used to see this site as a safe place to search for health stuff, and when I get HA and the urge to "research" I'd taken to allowing myself to search here in lieu of Googling. But my last big spiral came from seeing someone else's fear on here concerned with something I was going through that I hadn't even thought of.

It's not anyone's fault and I'm not criticising any individual, but there are a lot of lymph node posts and questions of how do I check here, what does it mean if I poke here, what does it mean if they hurt or itch, is this a node, is this too big... I fear they're in danger of making this forum a minefield, rather than reassuring. The fear of lymph nodes is arbitrary, everyone with HA has their "thing", and HA will grab you and swerve you on to something else on once you've got over that one. The questions should be "how do I stop obsessing?" not "is this OK? What about this? And this..".

But I know the temptation for doing that is very strong. I've got my own fears right now, and every fibre of my body is screaming that I want to describe my "symptoms" on here and get someone to tell me it's just anxiety and I'll be OK, but I know that will just put one thing at bay for another thing to crop up almost immediately.

20-04-17, 08:51
Thanks for the advice. :doh:

The reason I asked the question was that during the time I have been here I have seen people worried about the possibility of having a serious illness, end up more distressed than they were when they first posted about their concerns. They may turn up here with one set of symptoms and within a few hours/days end up with a whole new set of symptoms further confirming their worst fears.

It's great that you received responses here that helped you overcome your lymph node fears. That isn't the case for many others though.

20-04-17, 13:10
The triggering effect is quite evident here. One post about ALS/twitching leads to several (it was prevalent here a month ago) and the same goes with most fears. You should have seen the boards during the Ebola scare! :doh:

There's some validity to it as is evidenced by all the node threads. Yes, it's a common theme but dang if it's being feared to excess at the moment ;)

In the tens of thousands of node posts I've seen over the years, aside from a normal viral/bacterial infection, I've not known one to be sinister NOT ONE.

Positive thoughts

20-04-17, 13:57
Personally I don't find it triggering but instead comforting. Before I came on this forum I was convinced my swollen gland was lymphoma because I personally haven't known anyone with swollen glands. I came on here and I was able to kind of distance myself from the anxiety and show myself-look at all these other people with the same fear, and are they all super ill? No, they are anxious. I don't read threads of other illnesses because I know I would be triggered. Just my two cents and as always thanks fishmanpa. It's really a crazy statistic that in the years of being on these boards and seeing posts like these about nodes, few turn out to be something

20-04-17, 22:21
Same, I find it very comforting when you see other people have same symptoms. sometimes just "i too have swollen nodes" isnt enough to reassure me thats why i went on with a mor specific question. also i was told by a doctor today that it is not abnormal if you dont feel pain when touching swollen lymph nodes on your neck (unlike google tells u) apparently they are less sensitive than the ones around the ears because theyre not touching the bon (something like that anyway). i thought sharing that might help someone because i wws freaked our mine didnt hurt to the touch.

anyway ive had my bloodwork done today and seeing a specialist tomorrow first thing in the morning im counting down hours!! hopefully he tells me there's nothin to worry about and then i can finally focus on properly working on my health anxiety.