View Full Version : Chronic Dizziness - Update - Making me extremely down

Female healthanxiety
16-04-17, 00:26
Thank you for taking the time to read - really means a lot!

This is the link from my last frantic post:


From my last appointment, the audiologist said that I may have something called PPPD - Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness and put me on a weighting list for physiotherapy. She also sent me for an Open MRI Last month - anxiously waiting all came back fine on my brain and ears.

In the meantime I had to go for vestibular tests, which was a series of tests, all of which I could do but the rotary chair- my dizziness was too intense.

I got a job at the end of February and as she advised, 'keep things normal'

I have been plodding along for the last 2 months and visited my GP on the 10th March for a review and catch up and he took my blood pressure which was 131/100, he took it a few times and it remained the same. I burst into tears and said I don't want to be on tablets for life and the fact that high BP runs in my family, I felt awful as I'm 34 and family members have been diagnosed late 40s. Took my BP at a friends last week and all readings were 130/150 - 90/110

He explained that I'm probably anxious and to come back in 2 weeks to have it redone. He also suggested beta blockers (prop... sorry forgot the name) and said it may help my dizziness and my BP was nothing to worry about and to come back in a few week) which is now in 2 weeks time.

I'm not a fan of tablets as he knows (I'm fine with the odd diazepam). I took 2 a day from this Monday but by this Thursday couldn't take the effects; irregular heart beat, my anxiety felt awful, I could hardly work and my ectopics were present after 5 years. I called him that day and he said OK maybe stop taking them - which I did. To be honest I was really hoping they'd help the dizziness as they are pretty tolerant drugs.

For the last few days, since not taking them, my dizziness is so strong, of course I'm worried about my BP now too.

I went for a lovely walk today to pick my car up and had the worst dizziness ever, I nearly got run over as I needed to get over the other side of the road as there were seats and shops should I have needed them. When I got to the garage, I had to sit down and when the man was talking to me I was sitting in my car seat and I just felt so drunk and fast.

Went to my mums, and this whole afternoon has felt awful, my speech was terrible, I feel drugged and drunk, feel like I'm so dizzy and just horrid. I find I ant wait to get to the car and get home.

My eyes can't focus on anything. I'm so worried about work now as last week was only in for 2 1/2 days as I took annual leave and I couldn't even cope with 2x 4 hour days. I'm a PA/Office Coordinator and it's a very busy role. Luckily enough I have my own office however for the next 2 months 3 of the managers are in and I found people are in and out my office so much, plus lots of emails and most of them include me learning new things.

I don't know how I am going to cope.

I've been meditating every night, eating well, trying to look after myself as much as I can, I don't know what else I can do. I'm even booked into a chiropractor in a few weeks just to see whether there are any misalignments that could be effecting and causing such decompensation.

I know this is very long and you would think this is all I think about however, I try so much to just get on with it.

I just want to feel normal, I feel like I'm continuously going to faint.


16-04-17, 11:24

im really sorry youre feeling so bad.

Im a fellow dizzy sufferer too, so I know what you are going through.

When is your next appointment to discuss your MRI?


Female healthanxiety
16-04-17, 13:18
Hi Lizzie,

6th May - however MRI was fine. X

16-04-17, 13:32

Oops, sorry, got confused there!

It's awful being so dizzy but you must be pleased the MRI was clear.

Dizziness is my worst symptom too. I dont leave the house anymore, only take the kids to school and back, with my friends "body guarding" me.

Did you have balance tests done as well as the MRI?


---------- Post added at 13:32 ---------- Previous post was at 13:28 ----------


Maybe try to get referred to this man, Dr Sangaralingam S Surenthiran, he is a balance and dizzy specialist.

