View Full Version : Throat/tongue symptoms over 7 years

16-04-17, 00:38
I want to start this by introducing my self first, my name is Amir Ibraimi and I am from FYROM, Europe. I am 19 years old male. I have suffered from health anxiety for 7 years as of now. Have had over 100 symptoms and have feared over 100 illnesses as well. I have swollen glands on the right side of neck (just under the chin) but the interesting thing is that I have had those in the very same form for 7+ years, because I only remember touching them 7 years ago. My nose is always congested on either side, sometimes right sometimes left. Also my throat and tongue have always been weird. The tongue seems more painful to bite on the sides and on the very back, the front is painless. Also that tenderness on the sides follows up to my throat. I have no problems breathing, eating something hot or drinking something cold. Although I do have a lot of mucus build up, mostly in the mornings when I almost throw up while trying to clear, I am a smoker. I have pains/tenderness almost around all upper body. I have bad posture because of extremely prolonged computer usage as a child and extreme anxiety. This sometimes leads to tension headaches, too. I do not feel dizzy, don't have fever, no nausea/vomiting, quite good appetite, not feeling ill. Due to extreme anxiety I had even weirder symptoms associated with my tongue. Firstly I constantly fell like my tongue could strike my airways any second, sometimes it felt like I may have burnt the front of the tongue with a hot coffee, sometimes the sides were weird, sometimes the back of the tongue which affected my throat as well, thankfully that is now gone. I developed difficulty talking, which I still suffer from, no it's not how you think though, none will ever notice changes in my speech. It's just me that's feeling that it is now harder to talk for longer periods or spelling some words correctly. I have pains around my face as well, tender scalp etc. But the thing is that I've always had such things ever since my anxiety showed up. When I managed to get it under control I could move on with my life and live, I lived like a normal person for 3 years, those disturbances that now seem to drive me mad were not problematic at that time, I wonder whether I had them or not because I was not even self-conscious. A month ago a slight redness on my cheekbones and nose showed up, it hasn't got worse, it even got better but even that alone gave me sleepless nights. What I fail to understand is why am I not even diagnosed with anything but anxiety? I mean I've had several blood tests done, urine tests, numerous EKG's (some being in the ER where I thought I was dying of heart attack). I've had ENT visits, the last being when that tongue symptom which I described earlier drove me insanely mad, he checked into my mouth carefully and just said absolutely perfect. It did make me feel better for 2 days, now I am mad. I cannot even concentrate at work or university, my job is construction and today I made many mistakes because I was not as focused because all I cared about was listening to every movement in my body, even the mildest itch in the head. I may even loose this year at my university because I skipped so many classes while being emotionally "dead". I do not expect a diagnosis from anyone here, I just would like to know whether someone has had similar problems, currently I am waiting to do a CT scan of my brain which my neurologist said it will be back clear 99%. Still worried though, Everyone seems extremely tired of me complaining all the time, my girlfriend, family, doctors. I do not even know what to do anymore. Even when I go to the doctor I don't even know which symptom should I even discuss first. I apologize for taking your time by reading my story, but if anyone could help me I'd gladly appreciate that. Hope y'all having a good time:)

18-04-17, 14:00
Hi Amir,
sorry to hear your problems facing more than 7 years. Sometimes we think a lot of small issues and get in to panic. if you have tested and the doctors said everything is fine you got to move next at this age as you have lot to do in your career.

Do you have any acid reflux, bowel movement issues in the past or now ? did you check your vitamin levels in your blood specifically Vitamin d & B12. any of your surroundings suffer from acid reflux / sore throat / IBS ?