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16-04-17, 00:44
could some hiv HIV for almost 13 years with out any symptoms?

16-04-17, 08:05
You would have full blown AIDS by now. So the answer is no!

16-04-17, 11:48
thank you i read some one could have hiv for 20 years before it became Aids that got me a little paranoid

16-04-17, 12:26
It is possible but highly unlikely. About 1/300 of every HIV+ people are long-term non-progressors, meaning they never progress to AIDS. However after 13 years everyone else would have developed AIDS and succumbed to an opportunistic infection.

16-04-17, 13:06
I know the only way to contract hiv is through unprotected sex and iv drug use but if the injection is in the muscle/skin not the vein can it still be spread that way?

16-04-17, 22:01
If you develop a skin condition that comes and goes for about 10 years could that be considered as long-term-progression?

16-04-17, 22:43
If you have been HIV positive with zero medication/intervention up until now it would have progressed to AIDS.

18-04-17, 01:50
Thanks for all the help Its that so much information is contradictory 1% of people my not have systems for up to 28 year to reading that no one has ever gone past 10 years so its a bit nerve racking

18-04-17, 02:06
could some hiv HIV for almost 13 years with out any symptoms?

You would be in the medical journals and the head story in all the worlds news if it happened. I think there's a pretty good chance we won't be reading about you ;)

Positive thoughts

19-04-17, 19:32
Thanks. its that a contributes to a well known hiv prevention web side medhelp said he lived with it for 20 years be for finding out he was hiv+ I thought that was questionable.

20-04-17, 00:01
injection in to the skin not in the vein can it still be spread that way?

20-04-17, 00:04
thank you i read some one could have hiv for 20 years before it became Aids that got me a little paranoid

Seven years is average, from initial infection to full-blown AIDS. Just sayin.
But hey, there've been cases of people harboring HIV unknowingly for 20 years or more, and still not progressing to AIDS.
I guess it just depends on the individual.
If you're worried, get tested. There's nothing more you can do.
At least you won't have to worry about, "Maybe it hasn't been long enough to show up on a test". Lol.

Best wishes.


I'm sorry, I just realized that sounded rather callous.
Look, please read these CDC statistics on your chances of being infected with HIV: https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/estimates/riskbehaviors.html

Reading this is what finally cured my "HIV-phobia".
Your chances are probably far less than you ever imagined.
This virus is not easily transmissible via sex, of any sort.
If you are not a long-time IV drug-user, I imagine you're in for some good news.
Please go get tested at your earliest convenience, so you can move past this fear and enjoy your life. :)

20-04-17, 00:30
thanks i do appreciate it :D no i don't use iv drugs im just being irrational