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View Full Version : afraid of weird mole

16-04-17, 02:46
for about a year i've had this weird mole on my left arm. it is 3mm wide and i don't think it has grown since, it is raised, it is in the shape of a bean, it is brown with dark brown patches and lately i've noticed a dark red patch in the crease of the "bean" and also a smaller crease on the opposite side of the bigger one. the skin on it is often dry and sometimes a light red border around it appears (maybe both are related to irritation?) and it scares me... two doctors glanced at it quickly and said it looked fine but i'm not reassured... unfortunately i can't post a pic but i need help?

16-04-17, 04:23
That seems like a mole to be seen by a dermatologist.

Make an appointment to get that mole checked. It needs to be more than a "glance at it." Sometimes, it is hard to get derm appointments, so call around if you can't get seen for months.

Try not to freak out in the meantime and listen to what the doctor says, like if a dermatologist says it is not concerning, it's not. IME, though, dermatologists are quick to biopsy atypical moles like the one you are describing, esp if you're noticing changes in it.

FWIW, I had a mole that developed a red ring around it, and it ended up being mildly atypical. You really can't tell melanoma by sight. But, a changing mole should be checked, end of story. G/L. The mental toll of this is never fun, but statistically you are going to be fine!!!!

16-04-17, 05:23
That seems like a mole to be seen by a dermatologist.

Make an appointment to get that mole checked. It needs to be more than a "glance at it." Sometimes, it is hard to get derm appointments, so call around if you can't get seen for months.

Try not to freak out in the meantime and listen to what the doctor says, like if a dermatologist says it is not concerning, it's not. IME, though, dermatologists are quick to biopsy atypical moles like the one you are describing, esp if you're noticing changes in it.

FWIW, I had a mole that developed a red ring around it, and it ended up being mildly atypical. You really can't tell melanoma by sight. But, a changing mole should be checked, end of story. G/L. The mental toll of this is never fun, but statistically you are going to be fine!!!!

i would absolutely love to see a dermatologist, but it is impossible. i'm a minor, for one, so i need the autorisation of my parents and it is impossible to convince them... they both think that the glances were enough and when i mention the changes, they just say that i'm looking too hard or that i'm playing with it too much and everything is my hypochondria playing with my brain... i went to see the school nurse but she said despite the changes that it was nothing and that there was no need to see a dermatologist. i wish someone would take me seriously

16-04-17, 09:31
Maybe try and book with a different doctor at your practice? Not sure if that's an option you have.

Annoyingly it sounds like you might have to wait and see if it changes anymore.
Take a picture of it now if you can and if you think it changes even more, take another picture then you will have evidence for doctor.

Every summer I get mole anxiety once I start wearing less clothes and shave my legs more. Sometimes it seems to me that loads of changed but I have to remind myself I'm anxious and hyper focused. I know deep down some are changing but when I look at pictures I've taken I realise they actually haven't and it's in my head, they have always been that way I just don't remember. Anxiety is always there to play tricks with us even if we feel we are sound of mind!

If you have any willpower you can try taking a photo then putting a plaster over it (do not focus on it when you change the plaster!) A few weeks later take it off, take another photo. That may help. One stage I had plasters all over my body I looked a bit silly but it helped!

It's incredibly difficult not to panic. Melanoma stories are EVERYWHERE. But, What I didn't realise at first is that not all atypical moles mean cancer. My friend had 3 removed which had changed colour and gone asymmetrical but they were all benign.

16-04-17, 14:14
Maybe try and book with a different doctor at your practice? Not sure if that's an option you have.

Annoyingly it sounds like you might have to wait and see if it changes anymore.
Take a picture of it now if you can and if you think it changes even more, take another picture then you will have evidence for doctor.

Every summer I get mole anxiety once I start wearing less clothes and shave my legs more. Sometimes it seems to me that loads of changed but I have to remind myself I'm anxious and hyper focused. I know deep down some are changing but when I look at pictures I've taken I realise they actually haven't and it's in my head, they have always been that way I just don't remember. Anxiety is always there to play tricks with us even if we feel we are sound of mind!

If you have any willpower you can try taking a photo then putting a plaster over it (do not focus on it when you change the plaster!) A few weeks later take it off, take another photo. That may help. One stage I had plasters all over my body I looked a bit silly but it helped!

It's incredibly difficult not to panic. Melanoma stories are EVERYWHERE. But, What I didn't realise at first is that not all atypical moles mean cancer. My friend had 3 removed which had changed colour and gone asymmetrical but they were all benign.

thank you for your answer! i've tried your plaster trick a few times and it worked but i took it off last time out of fear of it getting irritated again. i have a doctor appointment at the end of the summer and that's a really long while to wait. when ill see him ill tell him to look at it closely

16-04-17, 22:15
I'm thinking that two doctors would know if it was something to be checked out by a derm. If you're posting on a health anxiety forum I'm guessing you have difficulty taking a doctor's word. Was it a glance or did they look at it and say it's of no concern? If your parents who will no doubt care about you more than anything say it's nothing to worry about AND two trained professionals, I'd say take that at face value and don't stress. Just keep an eye on it but don't worry! The docs know what they're looking for X

19-04-17, 13:28
so i put a plaster on it and everything was fine, but i took it off this morning and my mole was flat! i'm panicking more than before...my mom still thinks i'm exaggerating and i'm even more convinced something is wrong

30-04-17, 22:48
the plaster thing worked, but now it has started to itch around it and i don't know if it is the mole that itches or not. i am more terrified than ever and i would absolutely love to see a dermatologist but as always my parents think i'm exaggerating and won't make an appointment. could the itching be because of the plaster? and how do i convince my parents to make an appointment?