View Full Version : Gallbladder surgery- did I make the right decision?

16-04-17, 03:47
Hi everyone,

This is my first post and I've had health anxiety for three years straight when my health went downhill 8 months postpartum. Long story short, I was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease, took antibiotics, went to many herbalists and functional medicine doctors and got back to 60% health wise. The past two years I've been dealing with digestive issues- first stomach ulcer (which is still not healed all the way) and then severe gallbladder issues. After months of losing weight, being in pain and having every test under the sun run on me- a GI finally suggested I remove my gb. I agreed because I was desperate to stop the pain and maybe finally start healing.

I'm two days post surgery and now I'm wondering if I've made the right decision. I'm so sore from surgery and still barely able to eat. I don't know if the surgery has made things better or worse yet. I have so much anxiety about it all and I am so freaking tired of being in pain and being sick. I have been battling for my health for three years and I just want some kind of reprieve. I really hope this gb surgery will benefit me, but after reading all the post op horror stories I wonder.

Anyone have any positive stories to share post gallbladder removal. I feel so alone with all this.

16-04-17, 08:39
I had my gall bladder removed. 2 days post op is very early days, I had pain for about 2 weeks. Did you have keyhole or open surgery? Mine was keyhole.

A lot of the pain post op is due to wind and a gentle walk with help to disperse it.

Make sure you don't do any lifting for a few week and no heavy lifting for about 8 weeks.

16-04-17, 15:33
Hi I had my gallbladder removed in 2012 it took a few days to start feeling better but it was worth it. Hang in there the gas they use in the operation hurts until it goes away I defiantly recommend a few gentle walks to help it on its way. Good luck

16-04-17, 17:24
I had mine out in 1993.

Best decision! Please give yourself a bit of time to heal, you're going to be ok. :-)