View Full Version : Day 15 on venlafaxine 75mg XL

16-04-17, 11:38
Hi, I am currently on day 15 of venlafaxine 75mg the XL version. Before this I was on Sertraline which unfortunately didn't work for me. I am taking this for severe depression and anxiety.

Whilst I feel it is helping me slightly I am feeling very shakey on it and also completely exhausted. I'm trying to keep as busy as possible but the tiredness really is getting me down.

I think my GP will want to increase my dose to 150mg when I see him on Tuesday.

I guess what I'd like to know is if what I am experiencing is side effects of starting this new medication and if they are likely to get worse with the increase? Also how long does this medication usually take to start working and for the side effects to go?

Feeling pretty desperate at the moment so would really appreciate any positive stories. Many thanks Clare xx

16-04-17, 12:58

Welcome to No More Panic, Clare :welcome:

Before this I was on Sertraline which unfortunately didn't work for me.

What was the maximum dose you took and how long did you take that dose for?

Whilst I feel it is helping me slightly I am feeling very shakey on it and also completely exhausted. I'm trying to keep as busy as possible but the tiredness really is getting me down.

These side-effects are fairly common. Starting on a lower dose for the first week may have made things easier for you. Small doses of one of the benzodiazepines would help with the 'shakes' but would likely worsen the tiredness, as would alternatives such as hydroxyzine (Vistaril) and beta-blockers, so your best option is probably to just white-knuckle your way through this. :weep:

I guess what I'd like to know is if what I am experiencing is side effects of starting this new medication and if they are likely to get worse with the increase?

While it isn't always foolproof, the rule of thumb is that increasing the dose before plasma levels of the current dose have stabilized to a steady-state may increase side-effects severity, but delaying increases won't significantly reduce them. Venlafaxine XL steady-state is usually achieved within 4 days.

Also how long does this medication usually take to start working and for the side effects to go?

If you were starting from a drug free state then you could expect it to begin working in 3-12 weeks. Having been on sertraline just before may shorten the time frame, but I can't say by how much. Side-effects usually begin diminishing within a couple of weeks of starting, but increasing the dose will extend this.

16-04-17, 16:52
Venlafaxine works really well for me. In fact, my depersonalisation has never been so easy to deal with! I'm on 112,5 mg, and I've been on it for 2 months. I noticed positive changes within the first 5-6 weeks of taking it.
As side-effects go, I've experienced none, though my therapist says dizziness is very common. Saying that, everyone's body reacts differently, and you shouldn't be continuing with a medication that makes you feel more ill than well.

08-08-17, 16:11
Hi I am just over two and a half weeks on venlafaxine still have side effects. My gp who I saw last week told me to split the dose 2 37.5 instead of 1 75. Not sure if this has helped. Seeing her again this Thursday may go back to 1dose.

15-08-17, 20:36
Update. Saw my doctor last week she wanted me to just stay on 37.5mg of venlafaxine plus the addition of15mg mirtrazapine at bedtime. This has definitely helped with my debilitating side effects on 75mg ven. I am now sleeping 7/8hrs now as opposed to 4/5 & that was with zopiclone. My appetite is back thankfully. I'm still a little edgy but able to just hold off the panic attacks. Interesting to see what happens when I see my doc again this Thursday. Still a ways to go yet.