View Full Version : Sorry for the long post. I just need reassurance.

16-04-17, 12:39
I'm not sure what's going on, but I've been in and out of doctors offices constantly for a year and a half now. This is my first time reaching out on a forum so maybe someone has been experiencing some of the same symptoms if you'd like to take the time to read my post. I've used doctors names because I actually made this in Word so I could provide it to a new neurosurgeon I'm seeing at the very end of June that I was referred to by my previous neurosurgeon after he couldn't find out what was wrong.

• Starting around maybe September of 2015.

• Testicular pain and lump and also burning in the pelvic area. Had STD pee tests done which came back negative. (received shot and pills to take by Urgent Care)

• Was referred to a urologist, Dr. Owens in Ocean Springs, because I’m still having problems. He feels the lump and it’s in the epididymis. Gets me to have an ultrasound on testicles just in case. Comes back fine and start antibiotics again.

• Armpit pain that comes and goes, chest pain, and pain in the stomach. Stomach pains were determined to be caused by taking too many antivirals at once which killed off good bacteria as well. Was given pills to help stop it and it eventually went away. (Had X-ray on chest which came back normal)

• Breathing was rapid, quick heartbeat, armpit and chest pain still there. Can’t sleep well. Shaking in legs ONLY when pressure is applied. Became even more worried. (Prescribed anxiety meds to take during the day)

• Anxiety medicine wasn’t working and so I was given a nighttime medicine (Mirtazapine) to help me sleep.

• After starting the Mirtazapine I feel like the shaking in the legs and armpit pain subsided for a while but eventually it came back.

• Lump in throat feeling. Starts to worry me. Referred to see an ENT, Dr. Rinker, and had an X-ray done followed by a barium swallow. Was told I have bad acid reflux and am now on medicine twice a day.

• Still having shaking in legs, but armpit pain seems to have gone away.

• Started having episodes about once every 2 months give or take where my eyes get blurry to the point where I can only really see what I’m looking directly at and everything else is very fuzzy. I usually go to sleep and wake up and my eyesight will be back to normal, but I will have a very bad headache for a day or two.

• Shaking got worse to where it is now in any muscle that I use. Some are not nearly as bad as others and sometimes barely seem to shake. The shaking ONLY happens when the muscle is being used, i.e. my legs shake when in the halfway bent process of standing up (not when actually straight) or leaning on them, my hands shake when squeezing or gripping things, abdomen shakes when in the process of sitting up out of bed. Also the armpit pain has come back and has not gone away at all.

• My arms have been getting very fatigued quickly. When I’m lying in bed looking at my phone or even when I’m standing up holding my phone to my ear or just looking through Facebook or something I have to put my arms down to rest after a few minutes because they start burning really bad as if I’ve used them for half an hour straight. This is happening in both arms but mostly in the right.

• Have been having resting twitches. A lot of the time when I’m sitting still my legs, arms, or back muscles will start twitching. I’ve also been having my fingers twitch and move slightly on their own when I try to fall asleep.

• I have noticed a lot recently that I tend to drop things seemingly more often (I never really noticed myself dropping things before). At work I feel like I’m dropping objects at least a couple times every day like my keys or phone.

• Got referred to a neurologist, Dr. Evans, and told him about the shaking and everything that has happened until now. Had a brain and spine MRI done which came back normal.

• At work one morning and notice parts of my face aren’t moving fully. Leave work and go straight to see Dr. Evans and he diagnoses me with Bell’s Palsy and prescribes me medicine. It gets worse for about a week and a half, then gets better over another couple days, and by two weeks it is cleared up fully.

• Go in to see Dr. Evans for a scheduled nerve conduction velocity test. Comes back normal.

• Had another episode where my vision went blurry again and I took a nap and woke up with a headache. Only this time my headache has not gone away and has persisted for about 2+ months now.

• It is now February 15, 2017. I am at work and had another blurry vision spell. I couldn’t go to sleep obviously but it lasted for about 30 minutes and went away. Can’t tell if I got a headache or not because I’m still having them from my last episode, but my head does hurt pretty bad.

• February 26, 2017 I was leaving for work at 5am and I had my jacket in my hand and phone on top of the jacket. The phone fell and I picked it up fine and it fell off again and when I bent over I fell over and had to catch myself on the wall. This is the first time I’ve experienced a “fall” just bending over. Could’ve just been clumsiness, I’m not sure.

• So as of now having the migraines, shaking in muscles (when they are used), acid reflux, tired worn out feeling in arms, and pain in arms, legs, neck, and upper back throughout most of the day. If it helps I like to think of myself as a very athletic person. I played sports from 4 years of age until my first year of college. I am 24 years old now so I don’t get out as much, but I do hit the gym almost every day. I haven’t noticed myself getting any weaker. I can bench press 225lbs about 5 times so doing 135lbs is fairly easy to me. The reason I mention that is because ever since this has started when I try to even do lighter weight (like 135) my arms shake very bad when I lift the weight off of the bench and go up and down with it. I can hit the weight easily, but the shaking is rather annoying. Also when I do anything that involved my abdomen even things like tricep pulldowns my core shakes vigorously. The legs are the same way, although I’ll admit I am one of those people who doesn’t tend to do leg day often and mine are fairly weak to begin with. Things like standing up from chairs will make my legs shake pretty bad.

• Anxiety has been eating me up with all of this going on. Very worried since no solution has been found and I feel like my life over the past year has been in and out of doctors offices.

16-04-17, 12:50
Hi, Have you been to your doctors again recently to let him/her know that you still have these problems?
A lot of the symptoms could be down to anxiety especially since you have had various tests done to rule out other things.