View Full Version : World War 3

16-04-17, 15:27
I am in a terrible state over all the news reports about nuclear war about to break out. Last night I was awake for hours, crying and panicking, I felt as though I was on the verge of having a stroke because of it. Everyone tells me "there's no point worrying as it's beyond our control", but that's making me worse. I go to bed at night thinking tomorrow won't come, I can't think about anything else except how we're all going to be blown up. People I've spoken to say don't worry, it won't happen, but I know they're only saying that because they can't imagine anything so horrific happening. I can't cope with this fear.

16-04-17, 15:54
I have made the decision not to watch the news the moment but still can't help seeing it as news items keep popping up on my phone or laptop.

I must admit though that it isn't worrying me too much at the moment.

16-04-17, 16:53
I use to be worry when I was a child, back in 1999 when the thread was quite real from my memory, quite a few students from school use to wind me up about saying the world was going to end etc etc, just because I have disability. I have health anxiety and worrying about my teeth which is an issue to me at the moment.

21-04-17, 21:33
As like above in 2000 when they said would was going to end I felt sick scared couldn't sleep I even cried .
Then there was the 2012 and I was on nights when the day was predicted I was so scared I couldn't find my head I was all over the place .
This war stuff I come to terms that if it happens it happens even though it does scare me I try not look into it .
I'v worry far to much but what I say to my self is think about my niece and nephew that I adore and it puts me in a right frame of mind again .

11-05-17, 12:50
I've survived the supposed end of the world half a dozen times... :doh:

I quit watching mainstream news (CNN, BBC etc) about two years ago. Prefer getting the real news from alternative news sites like Drudge and Infowars.

To ease your mind google "nuclear deterance". In a nutshell there would be no winners in a nuclear war, and even if the order was given...calmer minds would prevail. Just look at North Korea's launch failures for inspiration.

Whatever the future holds...we'll be fine. :D