View Full Version : I just hit my head

16-04-17, 21:15
I just hit my head against the side of the door. It made quite a hard sound but doesn't hurt too bad now, only the first few minutes... I don't really know why but this is worrying me. I read some google and i'm really checking myself to see if i don't notice anything odd like vision problems or feeling sick...

It's 10pm here and i wonder if its fine for me to go to sleep in a few hours.. Maybe this is a weird question but i read things on the internet so im kinda worried

16-04-17, 21:29
You'll be fine. Skulls are made for knocks.

16-04-17, 21:30
I really think you're ok :-)

Maybe a little sore but ok.

16-04-17, 21:40
Thanks both of you. It's like 30mins later now and the side of my head feels sore and i feel a little out of it... but the out of it is probably mostly from the anxiety it gave me

16-04-17, 21:49
Try to sleep, when my son hit his head (fell off something and hit it on the pavement) the doctor said sleeping helps it to heal. I am sure it will be fine. Our heads are very tough :)

16-04-17, 23:26
I made a post like this a few months ago, so I know what you are going through! I had fallen off the back of a chair and hit the back of my head on tile pretty hard. Had some dizziness for about a week after but thankfully everything turned out to be ok. You're looking for the right signs, nausea and a really bad headache, usually together, are signs that something is wrong inside but I believe that it is really rare, especially in younger healthier people. The poster above is right, it takes a really significant blow to the head to cause internal damage, and it sounds like you didn't even have a concussion, just a sore spot from hitting it which is totally normal.