View Full Version : Coping tip with health anxiety

16-04-17, 22:48
Hey all:

I just inadvertantly stumbled upon a good tip for those of us with health anxiety. I'm in a bad spot right now about a lymph node, but I made the effort and worked out the past two days after having not worked out in a while. It made me feel so much better, because I was reminded that my body was strong, and I could push it pretty far.

Sometimes my HA takes over and I almost treat myself like a sick person and don't work out, which fuels it. A good workout sometimes can take me out of it, at least for a few hours. My mom also has HA, and basically cures it by a hard workout right when she wakes up, so the morning anxiety is stopped before it can spiral.

Any other tips that have worked for you all would be great!

18-04-17, 21:38
I can identify with the statement "treating myself like a sock person"...I was going to the gym 4 times per week until I started to get health anxiety in October. Then
I just stopped. I def think
I need to get moving again and that it will help

19-04-17, 20:26
Sick not sock