View Full Version : Back again! Meningitis fears..

17-04-17, 02:07
I was doing so well,I really was. No fears about luekiema or lynphoma for about two weeks :) Then,yesterday I woke up sweating slightly,with a stinging sensation in my nose and it all came back again. Feeling overwhelmed by this..I had a breakdown,threw everything in my room and screamed and just basically threw a fit for about two hours. Then a headache came on,which I wasn't too worried about,as I knew it was stress,but it was in the back of my head,like near the neck. Today I woke up with the same feeling in my neck (sweating and stinging sensation gone though). I thought "OK. Lets take a pain killer."

It didn't do anything.
I start freaking out again. Crying,throwing stuff,etc,.
Now,its time to google. "Stiff neck and headache"
BOOM! Meningitis.

My neck isn't so stiff that I can't bring my chin to my chest,its doesn't hurt to move,its more so like an episode of pain waves that radiate from the back of my. neck/base of skull to the sides a little.. its only on one side too And painkillers aren't helping,although I keep stressing and looking things up. I'm scared I have meningitis now..this sucks.

Can anyone help calm me.. I'm sorry,
(Ps. Ive been vaccinated for Meningitis,back when I was a teenager.But idk if thats effective as the viral type can still happen.)

17-04-17, 10:31
I would just like to reassure you, trust me I know is all I will say.xxx.

17-04-17, 10:58
Your headache could be easily caused by a stiff neck. A stiff neck can happen bc you sleep cramped up or in a weird position, but also just by stress or anxiety. To be honest, everything seems to point to intense anxiety, so don't worry :)

17-04-17, 20:02
I've had bacterial meningitis, you don't um and ah about a few symptoms for a few days and go on the Internet to ask about it, you're dramatically ill and soon hospitalised.

In the unlikely event you have viral meningitis (which you've not said anything to really suggest), NHS direct says: "Viral meningitis will usually get better on its own and rarely causes any long-term problems."

Your reaction to being a bit ill means you need serious help for your anxiety.

17-04-17, 20:52
I've had bacterial meningitis, you don't um and ah about a few symptoms for a few days and go on the Internet to ask about it, you're dramatically ill and soon hospitalised.

In the unlikely event you have viral meningitis (which you've not said anything to really suggest), NHS direct says: "Viral meningitis will usually get better on its own and rarely causes any long-term problems."

Your reaction to being a bit ill means you need serious help for your anxiety.

Doesn't it take days for symptoms to develop?
I'm more so worried at this point that these headaches aren't going away without painkillers. I try out the painkillers,get stressed they dont work,still have a headache,stay up all night,wake at 4 in the afternoon with headache.
I'm so scared.

---------- Post added at 15:52 ---------- Previous post was at 15:48 ----------

Your headache could be easily caused by a stiff neck. A stiff neck can happen bc you sleep cramped up or in a weird position, but also just by stress or anxiety. To be honest, everything seems to point to intense anxiety, so don't worry :)

Thank you :) but I haven't been stressed or anxious for long until those symptoms showed up a couple of days ago. I was doing really well with not freaking out and felt like I was OK. I'm sure anxiety doesn't manifest itself like this overnight?

17-04-17, 21:03
With respect meningitis is a suite of symptoms, not just a bad or persistent headache. You will get a lot of headaches in your life. To be honest stressing to the point where you're screaming and throwing things and unable to sleep every time you feel poorly is the kind of stress where you will get persistent headaches.

17-04-17, 21:25
With respect meningitis is a suite of symptoms, not just a bad or persistent headache. You will get a lot of headaches in your life. To be honest stressing to the point where you're screaming and throwing things and unable to sleep every time you feel poorly is the kind of stress where you will get persistent headaches.

I know. I don't like throwing things,I rarely do it. Its just I got frustrated because I was doing so well.. without thinking of things.
I was stressed consistently for like 4 months,then it kind of stopped beginning of April. So why would I have a presistent headache now.
I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm just back in my depressive health anxiety state.
I still have a headache today.