View Full Version : Positive ways to deal with fear of getting older

17-04-17, 15:37
I believe ive made some monor progress with my ha. Ive been exercising alot. Ive gotten rid of ky bp machibe *it eould show high then lower number's average 130 over 82 and ny scale i worried about weight loss. I still cant teally go to drs iatrophobia and i know my bp will be sky high.
I just turned 39. No kids. Married 16 years. My biggest fear is my husband and myself getting sick and dying. More him then me. He has a family history of diabetes snd heart disease hos mom passed at 64 ftom a heart attack. He has had pre-diabetic sugar in past. Im.not sure whst it is now but hes lost 40 lbs. Hes now 5 feet 8 and 170 snd he exercises a ton. He never worries.

I however just can't shake the fear that we are running out of time and our best years behind us. Im really tryinh to live more in thr moment but its hard. Any tips

17-04-17, 16:21
I'm 42 and my parents are in their 70's.

My parents still enjoy life and I make the most of everyday.

The next best years are to come don't waste the next 10 years worrying. Enjoy today :)

17-04-17, 16:37
I am 33, parent one in their late 50s the other in the their mid 60s,

17-04-17, 16:46
I'm 58, had two heart attacks, bypass, stents and Stage IV cancer. My wife (52) just went through one of the most serious illnesses I've ever encountered (very rare form of encephalitis) We're both still here, achy breaky and all :D

The key is to take each day as it comes, be thankful for your blessings and deal with the BS when it happens.

Read my signature... that says it in a nutshell.

Positive thoughts