View Full Version : Oral C rare at my age?

17-04-17, 16:23

I'm not having a good time at the moment, one worry after another!

I have what looks like a haematoma on the inside of my cheek, the hygienist thought it was. It's purplish and raised. It's been there for months it won't go.

Also I have a weird raised part on my gum opposite and its tender to touch and getting more painful. It also feels like a bump on my gum.

I'm phoning my dentist tomorrow.

I'm freaking out about oral C as both things are persisting. Am I doomed or could it be two benign problems I'm not sure how common it is in my age group.
I don't smoke or drink really.

Thanks worried again.

Gary A
17-04-17, 16:33
Letting us know what age you are would help answer your question.

17-04-17, 17:11
Sorry I posted this post in the wrong section with my age but forgot to add!

I'm 42

Can anyone offer me advice please?

I went to the hygienist 6 months ago and she pointed out the haematoma and I'd also visited the dentist prior to that about a very painful tooth with the lump and he did no treatment.

17-04-17, 18:12
I'm an OC survivor. The rule of thumb is any lesion or sore that lasts more than two weeks should be checked out by a dentist, doctor or ENT. That being said, if it hasn't grown and you're not experiencing any other symptoms, then it's most likely a benign issue.

Positive thoughts

17-04-17, 20:26
Thank you, the lump on my gum grew bigger in the space of an hour today, I've had it before but it went down.

Going to see dentist about the other mark to get it checked, although I don't think it's got any bigger my partner says its smaller than last time he saw it weeks ago but still want it seen to.

Thanks x

---------- Post added at 20:26 ---------- Previous post was at 20:14 ----------

I'm an OC survivor. The rule of thumb is any lesion or sore that lasts more than two weeks should be checked out by a dentist, doctor or ENT. That being said, if it hasn't grown and you're not experiencing any other symptoms, then it's most likely a benign issue.

Positive thoughts

Could I just ask, does the purplish mark I'm describing sound like OC to you is this a typical symptom? Worried now :/

17-04-17, 20:33
Could I just ask, does the purplish mark I'm describing sound like OC to you is this a typical symptom? Worried now :/

Since it's been there for a considerable amount of time, no, it doesn't sound like it. The node in my neck went from the size of a peanut to an egg in the space of a few months.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

17-04-17, 20:57
Ok thank you. Ringing my dentist tomorrow.
A dental hygienist saw it a while ago and thought it was a haematoma.

Will get it checked though but I don't think it's grown but I'm not 100%

Thank you again and wishing you well.

18-04-17, 20:06
Dentist tomorrow and I'm scared of what he is going to say!

Also scared what if he tells me the mark inside my cheek is ok? Can he tell by looking or should I ask him to do more testing.
Should I just trust his opinion it's hard with HA :(

19-04-17, 09:19
Should I just trust his opinion it's hard with HA :(

Yes, he's an expert. Note if he refers you further tests it doesn't mean the worst, just he wants a specialist to take a look as its beyond his diagnostic abilities. But I'm betting he says it's fine - if he's not concerned, you shouldn't be, he looks in a lot of mouths.

19-04-17, 11:27
Have you tried gagling with hot water & salt. try that.

19-04-17, 20:14
Dentist said he doesn't think it is anything sinister. Said to watch it though but didn't seem concerned or say I need to be referred.

Should I accept this or get a second opinion as he was only late 20's!

19-04-17, 20:24
Dentist said he doesn't think it is anything sinister. Said to watch it though but didn't seem concerned or say I need to be referred.

Should I accept this or get a second opinion as he was only late 20's!

The dentist's thoughts are exactly what I'd thought they'd be. His age has nothing to do with it! The rest is up to you.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

19-04-17, 21:20
Thank you.

I don't know what to do, I don't want this to spiral into an obsession. Do you mean you thought it would be OK?

Should I just leave it now and accept I'm good? X