View Full Version : Women who have had children...please ease my mind!

17-04-17, 19:49
I feel like I'm getting a better handle on my anxiety but sometimes worry and doubt creeps up and it gets to me.

I had my baby 10 months ago and I need to know if this is normal..

When I'm laying on my back and feel my breasts, the underside (like the bottom of my boobs) and a little around the breasts feel hard. It kind of feels bumpy but no noticeable lumps. I'm just wondering if the hardness I feel is normal. I don't remember my breasts feeling this hard before I gave birth.

My mom thinks it has to do with the milk ducts or something and said it can take years for them to feel "normal" again. I just keep scaring myself thinking that I have these huge masses of breast cancer taking up majority of my breasts.

They've been like this since I had her and haven't changed any since then so I'm hoping it's normal.

17-04-17, 19:57
No it sounds like either a clogged duct or just your breasts are just filled with milk. I breastfed for almost a year and my breasts always felt really hard but that just meant it was time for a nursing session. If its located all in one area its most likely a clogged duct which is super common, I had like 3 or 4 throughout my nursing days.

17-04-17, 20:06
I'm not nursing though. I only breastfed for the first week and had to switch to formula because my daughter couldn't latch.

It's hard to explain but its like most of my boobs feel hard now. But only when I'm laying down. They aren't painful or anything. Just harder feeling with like weird bumpy feeling things near the bottom of both breasts.

---------- Post added at 16:06 ---------- Previous post was at 16:03 ----------

I'm not nursing though. I only breastfed for the first week and had to switch to formula because my daughter couldn't latch.

It's hard to explain but its like most of my boobs feel hard now. But only when I'm laying down. They aren't painful or anything. Just harder feeling with like weird bumpy feeling things near the bottom of both breasts.

And to clarify a little more I mean they feel hard like UNDER the boob. If that makes sense? Not the fatty part of the boobs. Picture it as if you were laying down and feeling your chest- how hard it feels- well that's the same kind of hardness I mean but with my boobs on top of it.

17-04-17, 20:58
I am nursing my 10 month old only at night now and my breasts feel totally different than they ever did. Totally normal! If it is in both breasts and at the bottom of both even less likely to be anything other than post preggo stuff!

17-04-17, 22:38
Are you feeling your ribs? Are you someone with anxiety? Oh sorry - I see you are. I think it is likely to be your ribs...

17-04-17, 23:34
I am nursing my 10 month old only at night now and my breasts feel totally different than they ever did. Totally normal! If it is in both breasts and at the bottom of both even less likely to be anything other than post preggo stuff!

Oh thank god! It is in both breasts more towards the bottom. Do you have any idea what could cause this post-pregnancy wise?

---------- Post added at 19:34 ---------- Previous post was at 19:32 ----------

Are you feeling your ribs? Are you someone with anxiety? Oh sorry - I see you are. I think it is likely to be your ribs...

I mean I guess it could be my ribs but if it is they're pretty funky feeling!

17-04-17, 23:57
Have you had your postpartum appointment yet? Bring all of this up with them and get it resolved. You'll feel better :).

18-04-17, 03:20
Even if you aren't actively nursing it could still be a clogged duct or any other duct issue. Pregnancy and childbirth do weird and interesting things to your body especially your breasts. That goes for all new moms. I agree with meant2live, if you're still really worried about it bring it up to your doc but my son is 2 now and i remember having wonky breast issues all the time from hormones

18-04-17, 11:32
thank you everyone! this is really helping!

18-04-17, 14:43
It could be ligaments you are feeling they get swollen and sore with the added weight of pregnancy and nursing! I have a bunch of ligaments under mine that I can feel and thats what my ob told me they were!

18-04-17, 18:56
It could be ligaments you are feeling they get swollen and sore with the added weight of pregnancy and nursing! I have a bunch of ligaments under mine that I can feel and thats what my ob told me they were!

Do we also have ligaments above our breasts? Near the armpit but over a little? I've been experiencing pain there for almost 2 months now (finally subsiding a little) and I was wondering if it could have been a ligament. It's kind of like a pulling feeling, like a little twinge every now and then.

I finally have a doctor's appointment for this Thursday to have a breast exam and to make sure all that I'm feeling is just due to being pregnant/having a baby!

Thanks so much to everyone who replied! xx