View Full Version : Im sorry to ask (again) but can MS been seen on a CT scan?

17-04-17, 20:59

My headache is just not budging.

Its been continuous now for a good few weeks.

Both my ears hurt too, they are also ringing.

Ive had pins and needles in one side of my body this evening too.

Can MS lesions be seen on a CT scan or do you need an MRI?

My CT scan before Xmas was not with contrast and no reason could be seen for my 6 week headache then.

im so frustrated with not having any answers.


17-04-17, 21:05
Have you seen anyone about anxiety?

17-04-17, 21:15

Yes, im seeing a private psychiatrist and have been taking Buspar for almost 2 weeks now. I due to see her again and she will increase my medication I pressume.

Ive never suffered with headaches before, Im 44 and dont understand why they are happening and lasting for weeks.

The only anxiety symptoms Ive ever had are pressure in my head, feeling faint and racing heart, dizziness and not being able to breathe.

These headaches, and pins and needles are new.

I dont think Ill be able to accept anything until ive had an MRI......


Gary A
17-04-17, 22:04

Yes, im seeing a private psychiatrist and have been taking Buspar for almost 2 weeks now. I due to see her again and she will increase my medication I pressume.

Ive never suffered with headaches before, Im 44 and dont understand why they are happening and lasting for weeks.

The only anxiety symptoms Ive ever had are pressure in my head, feeling faint and racing heart, dizziness and not being able to breathe.

These headaches, and pins and needles are new.

I dont think Ill be able to accept anything until ive had an MRI......


Well then why are you asking us? :huh:

If you won't accept anything until you get an MRI then there's little point in anyone responding to you, is there?

17-04-17, 22:08
What does your psychiatrist think about you posting on the forum?

Positive thoughts

17-04-17, 22:15
I was purely asking if anyone had an inkling as to what limitation a CT scan has.

I need someone to assure me that "things" can be seen on a CT in regards to MS.

I appreciate any response I get.


---------- Post added at 22:15 ---------- Previous post was at 22:11 ----------

Hello Fishmanpa

I never told her :blush:

My one and a half hours went really quickly and I had to give my whole life story.

She has put my headaches and pins and needles down to anxiety.

My point is that in the 10 years Ive had this anxiety problem, its only the last year Ive had tingly legs, pins and needles and the headaches.


Gary A
17-04-17, 22:36
Then what? When someone assures you that "things" can be seen on a CT scan with regards to MS, will you actually accept that? You just admitted that you wouldn't, so why are you asking?

The simple answer is that you're doing one of the hallmark signs of anxiety, which is reassurance seeking. We both know that nothing said to you on this board is going to reassure you in any way at all.

What you need to do is start concentrating on your anxiety and ask about that, rather than asking constant questions about brain tumours and MS. Tingling and headaches can be caused by anxiety, a medical professional has put it down to exactly that, yet here you are still on here reassurance seeking.

Your psychiatrist will not approve of this, I can assure you of that.

17-04-17, 22:37
I was purely asking if anyone had an inkling as to what limitation a CT scan has.

I need someone to assure me that "things" can be seen on a CT in regards to MS.

I appreciate any response I get.

You don't need this assurance. Your anxiety needs it in order to continue to fuel itself. The only route to progress is to keep going with your therapy, and find a way to accept the unknowable and the unpredicatable, such as MS.

17-04-17, 22:45
Gary, can things be seen?

One of my GP's said that a CT does not show everything.

Yes, I do realise I am reassurance seeking, but as Ive said, Ive never had these new symptoms until a year ago.


---------- Post added at 22:45 ---------- Previous post was at 22:44 ----------

Gary, are you a medical person. How come you know so much? x

17-04-17, 23:14
You don't need this assurance. Your anxiety needs it in order to continue to fuel itself. The only route to progress is to keep going with your therapy, and find a way to accept the unknowable and the unpredicatable, such as MS.

I agree with this, I frustrated and drove most doctors up the wall with my continuing antics, ironically, I feel better when I stop worrying.

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 22:13 ----------

Also, remember if you feed your thoughts consistently it becomes immeasurably worse. Of course there are exceptions, but remember if you has MS or some other disease you would be far sicker than you are now.

17-04-17, 23:21
Thank you xx

17-04-17, 23:25
Hello Fishmanpa

I never told her :blush:

My one and a half hours went really quickly and I had to give my whole life story.

She has put my headaches and pins and needles down to anxiety.

She needs to know. This is very detrimental to your recovery.

Positive thoughts

17-04-17, 23:27
Thank you Fishmanpa

I shall tell her in our next meeting in a couple of weeks time.


Gary A
18-04-17, 00:05
Gary, can things be seen?

One of my GP's said that a CT does not show everything.

Yes, I do realise I am reassurance seeking, but as Ive said, Ive never had these new symptoms until a year ago.

A CT scan is not as detailed as an MRI.

The thing is, that's not really how diagnosing MS is done. Diagnosing MS is a mixture of patient history, symptom patterns and progression, and sometimes yes, brain imaging is used to detect lesions on the brain consistent with your symptoms.

The point is, you haven't even got a pattern of symptoms that is even suggesting MS to any of the medical professionals you've seen. There is no noteable lesions in your CT scan, there is nothing.

It's time to accept that your problem is anxiety, nothing more.

18-04-17, 00:11
Gary A

Thank you. I appreciate your help (again).


---------- Post added at 00:11 ---------- Previous post was at 00:09 ----------

PS: You never answer when people ask if you are medically trained. I personally think you are and I think it's very kind of you to help as much as you do. :flowers::flowers:

You are a great asset here on NMP.

Night night x

Catherine S
18-04-17, 00:12
Lizzie, at the age you are now your headaches could well be because of the peri-menopause, because this is when female hormones can play havoc on the run up to the actual last period. This started for me from age 44 to age 48/49 when I had my last period, and beyond too unfortunately.

As well as making my anxiety symptoms much worse as in more intense heart flutters and dropped beats as well as more panic attacks, the headaches were horrendous too, and like you i'd never really been a sufferer of headaches until that time in my life.

As for the scans, sometimes there is no explanation for symptoms and most people who are told that nothing sinister was seen would be relieved by that. I'm now some years into anxiety recovery thankfully so the Cat Scan result would have reassured me enough, but I know you are still caught up in the hypochondria loop and hope the MRI reassures you finally. Always remember how much fear can affect our nervous system and produce random symptoms.


Gary A
18-04-17, 00:14
No problem, please just try and take heed this time and try to accept that all of this is being caused by anxiety.

18-04-17, 00:17
Gary A

I will try my very best and thank you again.

ISB God, I never thought of that! Thank you xx

Catherine S
18-04-17, 00:19
Lol! No worries :D x x

18-04-17, 02:59
Why not ring your doc and ask?

18-04-17, 09:56

Sorry Gary. :winks: