View Full Version : Clicking joints getting worse :(

17-04-17, 21:20
Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone can help or provide any experiences to help calm me dow please!!

It all started in May last year, my knees were so painful I could barely walk on them. They also were clicking and snapping a lot. I started taking glucosamine and used them more and the pain went away. Then I started to get crunching sounds in my neck. I've had MRI scans on my neck and back and they were both perfect.

Since then all of my joints seem to click and crack, I know this is normal if it's occasional as it's gas escaping but I sometimes get pain. My wrists do it every time I move them, literally every movement it sounds like the bone is hitting each other. My elbows do the same especially if I lift them up, and recently my hip has been snapping too.

I've had all the tests for RA, last year and a few weeks ago, none of the levels were even slightly raised, same with the test for lupus.

I've had a dry throats for a week too not sure if this is related but it's annoying. I potentially may be offered a job on Monday and I'm so scared in case something bad happens :( I know I need to go for it as my current job is long hours at a computer which won't help anything.

I'm only 24 and I feel like I'm 60! My index fingers also bend inwards but not sure if this is normal, I also get some finger pain but guess this is from being on the computer all day everyday.

Thanks for any help, I'm despaerate and nobody believes me :( it's just so strange how it's all happened so suddenly.

Dornish Red
18-04-17, 13:39
Unfortunately I cannot give you any sort of useful advice but I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone
About 2 years ago I started having weird migrating pains in most of my joints, and then they started to click and snap. I feel like every joint in my body clicks or snaps. In some joints I have a feeling like they are damaged so my bones grind together and its very uncomfortable. My GP told me I have reactive arthritis and since my pains were never severe and all bloodwork was fine, she didnt feel the need to refer me to the specialist and I was too scared to argue with herr. I doubt reactive arthritis is what I have since it is still happening after two years and also reA is not supposed to cause any joint damage. And I feel like my joints are damaged, some of them. I know I should see my doctor about this again but I cant make myself argue into getting reffered to the specialist, its weird because you look perfectly fine and all tests are fine and it seems like youre making stuff up.
I am 25 but like you, I feel like Im 60 years old.
Sometimes I fear I wont be able to walk in 10 years :doh:
I hope you get some answers...it sucks, I know