View Full Version : Concerned about panick attacks.

18-04-17, 03:12
Want to see what everyone else's panic sttack experiences have been like. They are very frightening and I always get so nervous everytime they happen and feel like I'm dying. So Ive had maybe 4-5 what I believe to be panic attacks over the past 2.5 weeks. The first one was the worst cause it had never happened before. I have been extremy on edge lately and believe thats what started all this. So the past several days I have really been feeling better. I even went to a healer today to discuss the problems I've been having. But I was driving in the car later and all of a sudden felt very strange and distant so I feared what was to come. I then felt like I couldnt breath and that my heart stopped and I was not even present in my body. A flush of heat ran up my body to my head and after a couple of seconds my heart felt more normal and started beating like crazy. I finally started to calm down and my heart slowed, my hands tinged, my chest felt like someone was.. and still is tickling my heart, hamds shaking, feeling terrible. It mostly seems to have passed now besides a weird feeling in the middle of my chest and extreme nervousness. Like I said, this has happened before it just scares me so much every time! I've been to the doctors twice smd the cardiologist and they both think I'm fine amd have anxiety. Can anyone relate?? It scares me to death everytime it happens... :scared15:

18-04-17, 04:31
Hi Hahneclipse:). It does sound very much that it was a panic attack and nothing else. And yes, they do feel awful. When people describe them and say they feel like they're having a heart attack they mean it! I've had experiances just like yours, where you think you have your anxiety under controll but it is in fact still there subconsciously, and then it all of a sudden boils over.
Have you had any professional therapy? (I'm not dismissing the healer, they can help, but if you go to a shrink as well that could help even more:D)
Hope you've been feeling a little better :flowers:

18-04-17, 05:03
Thanks for the reply!.. I can believe that, Ive sort of come to terms that this is not something that will just dissapear one day. Today was kind of a slow day and at the healer we discussed a lot of the issues as to why I have been so upset lately, some family trauma realated that keep me on edge 24/7. It's always good to hear about other people having the same experiences even though they are just awful for anyone to have to deal with. It makes me feel much more comforted. Its just bizzare when the attacks happen and amazing the way they can make you feel and then keep happening! We are actually on vacation right now... the healer was set up for my mom to get a massage but due to my issues we made it about my health and family issues. So when I come home tomorrow I am looking therapist, getting a massage, actupunture, whatever will help!! :ohmy: More calm now, still feel a little off and tense.

18-04-17, 05:23
That sounds great! Yes, panic attacks are very hard to get used to - I used to be really crippled by them - but give them time and a little help they should become less and less significant. Glad to know you're having some rest and feel more relieved. :yahoo:
Take care:)

18-04-17, 17:57
Yeah that's how I feel right now, a bit of a crippled feeling and nervous of another attack. Feels as though I am just deafeated and have no energy to do anything. A bit of a soreness in my chest, along with a strange feeling, not hungry, odd feeling in my stomach. On top of that I have a pain in the left side of my neck from I believe sleeping weird so that makes me more nervous. I just need to keep saying I'm fine and that a lot of people have had the same thing or worse. :unsure: