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18-04-17, 15:47
Hi so i missed a
Period last month doctor done the pregnancy hormone blood test and it came back normal levels so I'm not pregnant. He told me sometimes you miss a period and not to worry, I was due on 5 days ago so I've now missed two periods and I'm not even more concerned. I am 26 and I get married in August I have a son who is 3 but after we are married I want to immediately try for a baby and I'm so
Worried I am
Infertile or I'm going through early menopause. Where are my periods?!? Before this I've been regular like always have a period and now I'm in a panic .. I cried today at work, cried this morning .. is it to early to go back to the doctor? Hope someone can advise what to do or had a similar experience. Thanks

18-04-17, 18:24
Hmmm, let's look at what is going on in your life. Stress!

1. Getting married.
2. 3 year old.
3. You want another baby.
4. Infertile?
5. Menopause?
6. Health Anxiety
7. Panic

Your stress is scaring your period away! Try to just focus on what is in front of you for today. Talk to your doctor about all the stress you're under. Maybe try some therapy or medication if that works for you.

18-04-17, 18:33
Thanks, I do take propanol but only when I panic. I spoke to the doctor early and they will only do
About it or look into it after 3 missed but she told me it's common and not to worry and just not to over think it but it's constantly on my mind.. I aid about infertility and she said don't even think about that for now, and early menopause and ovarian cancer said don't even think about them
Things I'm far too young. I did tell her I googled as I try tell the doctor everything if not I over think and panic. I should try not to think about it but it's hard xx

19-04-17, 01:50
I have polycystic ovaries plus antibodies that kill semen 1% chance of falling pregnant without medical intervention.. and have 4 kids all with out intervention. I'm the queen of missed/late periods. Your fine.

Stress is a major factory in being late and it sounds like you have heaps of it. I bet now that you've made this post you'll have your periods soon!