View Full Version : Mammogram today

18-04-17, 15:54
Hi all,

I have a Mammogram screening today
And I am beyond nervous.

Any tips on how to get through the
Nerve wreaking process, especially waiting for
The results?

Much thanks

18-04-17, 16:35
I know it can be painful but I just remind myself that the pain is only a few seconds and I usually sing a happy song in my head :) I don't know how long it takes for you to get your results but here it is a couple of weeks. The worst part is waiting for those but unless you have any other symptoms I wouldn't worry about it.

18-04-17, 16:40
Lots of prayers and deep breaths. You're just going in for a screening and not a diagnostic so just have faith everything will be fine. It only lasts a few minutes then you're out of there. I'll be saying a prayer for you. *hugs*

18-04-17, 20:39
Thank you for your prayers. It is a diagnostic screening because of family history. I do have lumps but my gynecologist and primary doctor say they feel normal.

18-04-17, 20:50
Thank you for your prayers. It is a diagnostic screening because of family history. I do have lumps but my gynecologist and primary doctor say they feel normal.

My mother in law gets diagnostic ones each year due to history as well. Those are even better than screening ones. :) They take more views and magnify things. :yesyes:

19-04-17, 01:17
Ok well I did it. For some reason I thought they
Would tell me there and then the results but the technician
Said I would get a letter in the post in about two weeks.
So life is going to be so much fun waiting for that
Letter or worse getting a call back.