View Full Version : Please someone help

18-04-17, 17:03
I was in the bath and looked down at my hip bones and they appear to look like bone. I felt it and it felt like fat on both sides and you can feel the bone if you dig but if you dont you can see what looks like the bone but its fat? Is this a lymph node. Im so scared

To sum up
Its on my hip bone
No signs of an actual lump (feels more like fat)
On both sides
It goes when I sit down or strech the skin out

Is this groin lymph node!!!

18-04-17, 17:12
You need to see someone about your lymph node obsession before it gets totally out of hand. You said in another post today that posting on here's helping you - it seems it's just giving you an outlet to dwell on your fears and keep thinking about them.

18-04-17, 18:35
I agree with Axolotl concerning the forum.

You're literally obsessing and attributing something scary over a perfectly natural part of your anatomy. If you could read your post from an outside perspective you would realize how totally irrational it sounds.

Positive thoughts

18-04-17, 19:44
As someone who was down the lymph node rabbit hole several months ago, believe me when I say you don't want to let this go any further.

You're hypersensitive and hypervigilant because of health anxiety. If you had something seriously wrong with you, you would know about it, especially regarding lymph nodes.

As my psychiatrist told me "You're not trained to recognize the little details so please trust your doctors."

I know it's hard and it might feel like you're going backwards, but with the right help you'll pull yourself out of this health anxiety episode.

All the best

Gary A
18-04-17, 21:51
Why would your groin lymph nodes be on your hip? That's like asking if your heart is on your kneecap.

You're just looking for things to be hysterical over now, frankly.

As suggested above, it may be time to consider taking some time away from not only this forum, but the internet altogether.

Seek help from your doctor about your real issue, which is anxiety. It's time to screw the head a bit and deal with this like an adult. See your doctor and tell them everything that's going on here, this is clearly getting you nowhere.

18-04-17, 22:24
I think the forum is quite dangerous for node-prodders at the moment, because there's a lot of them suddenly joined, and everyone's reading each others' posts and getting fresh ideas for concerns...