View Full Version : Very interesting

30-04-07, 08:23
Well- I have to say how interesting this is - I watched the film "What the *** do we know" last night. Its a sort of documentary, film about how we behave and our thoughts and feelings. They explained that when we have panic or anxiety - a neuron pathway is connected int he brain - all the information is stored there so next time we are in that situation again - the brain automatically goes to that pathway so we experance the same feelings of panic again. The only way to help is to break the pathway of memory by replacing it with another - so "unlearn" the past experience and replace it with a happy one so that the next time you are in that situation the nerve pathway leads to happiness not a bad experience. All very very intersting - now I see why people go to CBT or NLP or Hypnotherapy to try and plant a happy memory to start a new pathway int he brain for when you come into that situation again.

oops - does all that sound a bit confusing - sorry - trying to simplify the film - brilliant film though and thought provoking!!!

Wenjoy xx

08-05-07, 00:57
Hi Wenjoy,

I found this very very intresting, I do wish I'd seem this film.

This does not sound confusing to me, I called it Linking, linking the panic to a place, a shop, a smell, a sound, a sensation in my body and many other things. I did this alot when I sufferd panic.

I had my first pa in an airport. ( I still got on the plane ) but when I came home, ( long story) I told myself I could not go abroad, just untill I figured out what was going on with myself. (Thought I was going mad,I could see myself going mad) soooo horrible.

I know what you mean with the pathways, (linking) working hard on them thought pattens is dame hard.

Allthough I have not had a pa in a long time, (because of this fab site, all the information on here and all the great advice in threads) I went abroad for the first time last year. I did fly, 3 times last year ( I have never been scared of flying before the panic) The first 2 time's, mmmm, I did great, just anxiety, but the last time I flew, bam, I will NOT call it panic, I will just say, very, very high anxiety attack. I new I was linking, so my pathway, (linking) must still be open.

Ohhh boy, I got sooo scared, you know what its like when you stand there, waiting to board the plane and the women looks at you and asks you for your ticket and you just freeze because you are soooooooo scared, mmmmm. got to work very hard on closing that pathway. I did have reasons for anxiety being there that day, (nothing to do with flying just probs at home) I thought I had worked hard on my thought patten, but I quess not hard enough.

I must admit, tonight I have been to the airport, we have one close by. I was standing under the flightpath, whaching the planes land and ohhh boy, what a rush, I felt like a child who has fallen of her bike and mother tells you to get back on so you are not scared of riding the bike. Thats what I want to do this year, go on a plane, to tell myself I can do it.

I know its not the plane I am scared of, I have always LOVED flying. SEE, NOTICE the word LOVE, I keep working on my new pathway.

Thats what this site has tought me to do, if I have done it before my panic I can do it again, not to be to hard on myself.

It is not easy changing the way we think, when full blown panic hits, we are sooooooo scared, are minds blow and all we can think of is fear. The only way I could think of breaking that fear when boarding the plane was to think of this site and sing 99 bottle of bear on the wall (not sure if you know that song) but I new I had to fully distract my mind away from the fear, try sooo hard NOT to let my mind wonder onto all the negative a panic, high anxiety attack can give you. It worked, but the pathway still remaind open throughout the flight, but I did it, is that not the main thing, is that not what most important and I want to do it again.

Another example is my daughter. Last year she had a PA in school, her pathway was open. She linked the school to her panic, she feared school. Ohh boy it was sooo hard for her. This is just another axample, it took her mmm 5 months close that pathway (link) that was last year. She is back at school now, with minamal anxiety, NO PANIC.

I do find your thread very intresting. Thank you for taking the time to post it.

You take care


08-05-07, 08:36
Well- I have to say how interesting this is - I watched the film "What the *** do we know" last night. Its a sort of documentary, film about how we behave and our thoughts and feelings. They explained that when we have panic or anxiety - a neuron pathway is connected int he brain - all the information is stored there so next time we are in that situation again - the brain automatically goes to that pathway so we experance the same feelings of panic again. The only way to help is to break the pathway of memory by replacing it with another - so "unlearn" the past experience and replace it with a happy one so that the next time you are in that situation the nerve pathway leads to happiness not a bad experience. All very very intersting - now I see why people go to CBT or NLP or Hypnotherapy to try and plant a happy memory to start a new pathway int he brain for when you come into that situation again.

oops - does all that sound a bit confusing - sorry - trying to simplify the film - brilliant film though and thought provoking!!!