View Full Version : Dentist anxiety/tooth removal

18-04-17, 20:59
I have really bad health anxiety and I'm agrophbic and since I had a tooth infection and told I need my wisdom tooth removed back in November I've been really stressed about having it removed, I went to my appointment to get it removed a couple of months ago and got in the chair burst out crying and having a panic attack and my dentist who was so nice said it's fine to go home as he saw I was so anxious.

Anyway I've got the apointment to have it removed tomorrow morning and I'm so scared, I won't be sedated and I'm freaking out that I'm going to have a panic attack whilst having it out and when I have a panic attack I can't breath and feel extremely faint and dizzy.

Has anyone had there wisdom tooth out with no sedation? How long will it take? Will I be in extreme pain when the numbing stuff wears off? Is it a good idea to listen to music though headphones whilst having it done? I really just want this over and done with so I can stop worrying over it, I hope I don't run out this time.

18-04-17, 21:20
I had all four pulled with sedation. I was so numbed up that I didn't feel a thing. I was in and out in less than an hour and that's giving the meds about 15 minutes to kick in. As far as pain, yeah, you'll be sore and sensitive to cold etc. afterwards but they'll give you pain meds to take the edge off.

I know your anxiety won't allow you to relax but it really isn't as big a deal as people think.

Positive thoughts

18-04-17, 21:22
I had two removed last year. Was no where as bad as I thought it would be (I've got major dentist anxiety, bordering on phobia). I told my dentist that I was very anxious, and he explained every noise, sensation etc and gave me signals to use if it was getting too much. Mine had to be done at the hospital, but was not under sedation.

Mine took longer than expected - my lower wisdom just wouldn't come out! Honestly though, I ended up just getting really bored as the anxiety dissipated very quickly. The top wisdom took less than a minute.

I was quite sore the few days after, ate soup for the first and then softer food over the coming days. However, normal painkillers were enough to kill the pain and I would recommend gently swilling the mouth with warm salt water - worked a treat (just don't dislodge the clot as it's needed for healing).

It will be ok, and won't be as bad as you fear. Just think how much better it will be once it's out, and how proud of yourself you will be for getting it done!