View Full Version : Antidepressant question- help!

18-04-17, 21:27
Ok so I went and saw my psychiatrist today and I was not really impressed- he was 25 minutes late- but he did spend a long time with me going over my anxiety issues- he prescribed me Lexapro- which I had been on before. Well I took one pill at 12:30, I tried to take a nap but I really couldn't sleep- around 3:30 I felt like my heart was beating really fast, I took my pulse and it was 132bpm, no fairly high, this made me very anxious as cardiac worries are at the heart of my health anxiety, so after I walked around a little bit, I laid down checked my pulse again, it was in the 90's, and I started to feel a little better- has anyone had an antidepressant make them MORE anxious at first? I was not really expecting that. I called my psychiatrist back told him what happened and he said it was just my anxiety and not a side effect of the medication.....

Catherine S
18-04-17, 21:39
From reading other threads about AD meds, they take a few weeks or more to settle down. If you've taken this particular med before what was your experience of it? Surely you know what to expect?


18-04-17, 21:54
Well I didn't experience this before- so I am not sure why I am having an increase in anxiety

Catherine S
18-04-17, 21:58
Perhaps because you were anxious about taking it. So as your psychiatrist said, it's more likely to be your anxiety than the medication.


Gary A
18-04-17, 21:59
Well I didn't experience this before- so I am not sure why I am having an increase in anxiety

It could be a side effect of your medication, but it's most likely just a burst of anxiety. It happens.

Your meds will take some time to work properly, it's not at all uncommon for this type of medication to take a while to overcome your anxiety to a noticeable degree.

Chalk it up to this just being a part of having anxiety and try to move on.

18-04-17, 22:11
Yeah that's what I am trying to do- ugh I hate this feeling because I just feel like something is really wrong with me- like my heart is just going to stop beating, how do I know for sure this is the anxiety?

Catherine S
18-04-17, 22:25
Because your doctor has told you it is, if it's not then it's the meds in which case give them time to work properly. Why on earth would your heart just stop beating?


18-04-17, 22:29
I don't know- I am just having a bad moment......one of my friends from high school just had a heart attack while at work- it was a miracle he lived- and they have found no cause behind it- so I think that has been lurking in my mind for sometime- like he was fit and I am not so how could someone who is healthier than me just suddenly have a heart attack....I'm sorry I know most of this is my anxiety- I have no one I can talk to about it so that's why I come here- it's very hard to deal with this on my own- I have no idea how I am going to make it through tomorrow, I go back to work and I just don't know how I am going to handle feeling this anxious at work

19-04-17, 10:41
Even when you have taken medication before, second time round side effects can be different. I have recently gone back to a medication I have had before and side effects are worse than last time. They take 4-6 weeks to settle down.

Catherine S
19-04-17, 11:35
That's sad about your friend, and I can see how that would contribute to your anxiety. I hope you get through the first stages of taking the ADs and things settle down more later. I never know which is worse, anxiety and depression or the meds meant to make us feel better!

ISB ☺ x

19-04-17, 17:03
I too am having an increase in anxiety and panic attacks after being prescribed Celexa. My doctor said it's common during the initial stages and when upping the dose. did they give you Xanax or anything to ease the side effects?

19-04-17, 18:29
Hi there

Don't worry, I was on lexapro years ago when I first had anxiety and it's quite a common side effect. Often they make things worse for a few weeks but once it's in your system, you'll feel much better!

Ride out the first few weeks, I promise you'll be fine! :)

19-04-17, 20:54
Thank you for your replies- today has been much better than yesterday- I still feel anxious. It not as bad- so far, that's progress! They didn't give my anything else for anxiety, I wish he would have but I think I can ride this out

19-04-17, 23:06
Yes! I am taking Celexa and have increased anxiety and bouts of a high heart rate a few hours after taking the medicine.