View Full Version : not feeling like pooping?

19-04-17, 01:33
normally i have bowel movements every week or less. last time i went i had spasms on my left side after going that lasted for a few seconds. now it's been a week and i have absolutely no urge to go, not even that there's poop. i have slight pain, but not enough to be noticed. i tried going multiple times but it's like there's absolutely nothing coming out. i had blood tests that came out fine in november that came out fine and an x-ray of the entire abdomen so i think i can rule out anything life threatening, i have been a little stressed lately, i didn't drink a lot of water, and sometimes i have to force a bit to pee (i developped a little sore spot near my urethra that i only feel when i force or when i think about it) so could this be constipation? i just took laxatives and the effects should appear in at most 3 days, but i'm still panicking a little

19-04-17, 01:55
Go see a doctor about your anxiety and health issues.

19-04-17, 02:35
Go see a doctor about your anxiety and health issues.

oh i do, but next time i see him it will be the end of summer and i can't have an appointment earlier

19-04-17, 02:39
Do you really only poop once a week normally?

19-04-17, 02:55
Do you really only poop once a week normally?

yes, its always been like that i think. it kind of runs in the family i think?

19-04-17, 03:02
If I only pooped once a week I would be in so much pain haha...but, everyone is different, and if that's normal for you I wouldn't worry!! As far as 'helping' things along, maybe try increasing the fiber in your diet? Or drink apple juice/apple cider. Always works for me ☺

19-04-17, 03:12
yes, its always been like that i think. it kind of runs in the family i think?

Very jealous!! I HATE pooping. I go once a day and feel like I won the lottery if one day skips, :yesyes:

19-04-17, 03:39
Very jealous!! I HATE pooping. I go once a day and feel like I won the lottery if one day skips, :yesyes:

Whaaaat?? I love pooping. After a good one I walk with a bit more spring to my step!

Try eating more fiber, drinking more water, and stop focusing on it. Anxiety can only make the constipation worse and you won't get back to your baseline.

19-04-17, 05:02
Whaaaat?? I love pooping. After a good one I walk with a bit more spring to my step!

Try eating more fiber, drinking more water, and stop focusing on it. Anxiety can only make the constipation worse and you won't get back to your baseline.

Me too.

Al Bundy inspired men to go with paper underarm to the only place of sanctuary. :yesyes: http://www.bestemoticon.com/smiley/grossier/10_12_4.gif

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?:unsure:q=tbn:ANd9GcRAz_khqUQ5UWGPVOqnkhhcG AthFK2awyXNNkQLu-LX1V4AgKq4https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR9Kq1ulyPm9LGQub5tQlqlz0YmUBMwX H-0X1hHCvQqh9Nh112wGAhttps://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ0GBvAuID_K1VMc7Zk1i8rETvPGavWR f96rSQhZG-W7oc8b0mH

(Although the, erm, prostate thing might have helped a bit...:whistles::winks:)

OP - get plenty of water and eat fruit. When my dad had an op it left him constipated for weeks, which is common post op, and the nurse just advised fruits like tangerines/easy peelers/clementines He was better within days eating them.

Constipation is common with anxiety. Fight or flight is known to either flush out or hold in so it makes sense. If it continues though, you might just need a bit of help from your doctor or pharmacist.

I've known women who only need it once a week. I've heard people who go even longer. It was all normal to them, it had always been that way. But I do wonder if their constipation is typically longer too?