View Full Version : The root of my health anxiety *trigger warning*

19-04-17, 03:20
I don't know why but I've been feeling very down and sad about my father these past couple of days. I think it's just I'm finishing up school finally, I'm getting married, and quite honestly planning out my family with my future husband it just reminds me how the first man in my life won't physically be there to see it. I was alone this past Easter holiday due to school and I threw myself the largest personal pity party and I feel like I just want to type this out and maybe it'll help me through some of this.

In short, I lost my father to lung cancer 2 years ago. My mother and I just recently found out it was probable lung cancer a few weeks ago (probably started this whole mini-depressive episode). My father, while a great man, never took care of himself. He drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney, sometimes three packs a day (and usually in front of me and in the house). He was forced into retirement and every day he seemed to become more and more depressed. He stopped leaving the house. He stopped showering. His mother, my grandmother died of cancer, and he couldn't bring himself to go to her funeral. It was a mess. We kept telling him to go seek help but he wouldn't. Then he started to get very sick.

Being a chronic alcoholic, immediately we expected his liver. I went away for a month to study abroad, and when I came back and gave him a hug, I was struck with how much weight he had lost in that month - I could feel his scapula through his back. I was shocked. After weeks of trying to get him to go the doctor, he finally agreed and his PCP honed in on his liver. Started the process of the GI doc and possible liver transplant for his cirrhosis, confirmed no liver cancer yada yada. He continued to become weaker and weaker. Then one day he suffered as stroke. He went two weeks of hemiparalysis before we could convince him to go see a doctor. I remember driving to the hospital SO ANGRY with him for not taking care of himself and being so thick-headed. Now we had to pay for a nursing home because the paralysis was going to be permanent (stroke time limit is 4.5 hours). When the doctor got back after his cat scan we received the news: he had two massive brain tumors - one controlling his personality and one controlling his movements. I had my then boyfriend - the fiancé now- drive me home as I absolutely bawled in the passanger seat. What a difference from the drive in. After testing and biopsying them it was determined that no amount of treatment would help. He likely had a month. He died in our home 3 weeks later, at age 53.

In the doctor notes my mother requested last week were the results of his cat scan. He had multiple irregularities and nodules on his lung. The brain tumors were likely mets. Being a smoker for essentially his whole life he coughed a lot, we didn't think anything of it. His voice was always hoarse, didn't think anything of it. He was a mechanic, his back had been hurting since he was in his 30s. All the appointments before were all focused on his liver and missed everything else. All his symptoms could be chalked up to liver cirrhosis secondary to alcohol. The extreme weight loss should have been the first clue but neither my mother nor I were medically trained at the time. We chose not to autopsy because the result was the same.

Before we knew it was likely lung cancer spread to his brain, my anxiety reached an all time peak. He was so young. Brain cancer is so rare - was it genetic? Was I at risk? Thus started my general cancer anxiety - afraid that I will just slowly deteriorate until someone can figure out what's wrong with me when it's too late. Now that I know his was likely due to his lifestyle and lack of general health, I have changed my life for the better. I'm eating so healthy, drinking to a minimum (should be a zero but hey.. baby steps), running again. But it's still in the back of my mind. He was relatively so young.

Sorry for such a long post. I'm sorry if it is in the wrong section and should be in the Depression section.. or a random thoughts section if there is one. I already feel so much better sort of typing it out. If you took the time to read it I thank you and I am sorry for wasting you time.

19-04-17, 03:37
I have not yet seen a parent die, and it's got to rock you to your core. I imagine you will feel sadness and want to ruminate from time to time, forever, and that's okay. Cancer is horrific, and you are doing all that you can do to keep it at bay. His story is his, not yours.

19-04-17, 11:28
I have not yet seen a parent die, and it's got to rock you to your core. I imagine you will feel sadness and want to ruminate from time to time, forever, and that's okay. Cancer is horrific, and you are doing all that you can do to keep it at bay. His story is his, not yours.

It is really rough, one of the hardest things I've experienced and still have yet to come to terms with. I'm working hard but that's where the health anxiety takes control as well. From age 0-18yr I secondhand smoked almost every cigarette and I worry about what is going on within my own lungs, how much damage they've received.

Oddly enough my generalized fear doesn't ever localize to lung cancer.. But you're right. That is his story and not mine.

Chris 614
19-04-17, 11:38
I feel your sadness in your post. Your dad had a lot going on. There are a lot of people who don't want to go to the doctor. It's the people they leave behind that have to work through the emotions. It's not surprising that your anxiety is cancer related.

I helped my dad through his neck cancer, his non Hodgkin's lymphoma, and his pancreatic cancer. Weekly treatments, doctor appointments, blood transfusions, ER visits, surgeries. When he was on a break from treatments for the pancreatic cancer he had a heart attack. The treatments were wearing out his body. Four weeks after that I was helping him get into the car to go to the ER because he wasn't feeling right...and he suddenly died right there in front of me. This was three years ago...and my health anxiety has been off the charts ever since.

It is so hard losing a parent. And with the upcoming events in your life it just magnifies the loss. There is no time limit for grief. Have your pity parties. It's good that you wrote out your feelings. That helps. Grief is hard though. Be nice to yourself.

Funny thing for me though, after all the cancer stuff with my dad I don't fear it as much. It's the heart stuff that gets me.

19-04-17, 13:03
Such sad stories.

Paschoolsyndrome, you always come across as very logical and strong. I think that logic and strength will eventually override your health fears.

19-04-17, 14:56
I feel your sadness in your post. Your dad had a lot going on. There are a lot of people who don't want to go to the doctor. It's the people they leave behind that have to work through the emotions. It's not surprising that your anxiety is cancer related.

I helped my dad through his neck cancer, his non Hodgkin's lymphoma, and his pancreatic cancer. Weekly treatments, doctor appointments, blood transfusions, ER visits, surgeries. When he was on a break from treatments for the pancreatic cancer he had a heart attack. The treatments were wearing out his body. Four weeks after that I was helping him get into the car to go to the ER because he wasn't feeling right...and he suddenly died right there in front of me. This was three years ago...and my health anxiety has been off the charts ever since.

It is so hard losing a parent. And with the upcoming events in your life it just magnifies the loss. There is no time limit for grief. Have your pity parties. It's good that you wrote out your feelings. That helps. Grief is hard though. Be nice to yourself.

Funny thing for me though, after all the cancer stuff with my dad I don't fear it as much. It's the heart stuff that gets me.

I'm so sorry you went through that with your father. It seems he had one hit after another - that must of been extremely tough. I hope you're doing well, yes it is extremely hard and I have good periods and bad periods. This is a bad period. I see a counselor and while I have Ativan for anxiety attacks we agreed I'm not a candidate for any other medication at this moment. Just these small bouts of depression that could use some behavioral and stressor changes. While my health anxiety can get a little strong, it doesn't debilitate or hinder my life.

Swajj, I appreciate your confidence. Life is getting very real and exciting and I think sometimes this is just how my brain handles it.

20-04-17, 11:05
That must've been a terrible thing to go through. I'm so sorry. :weep:
While we can't control the behavior of others, this is a good reminder for those of us who are parents, to take care of ourselves for the sake of our kids, so we can be around for them for a long time.
