View Full Version : Lightheaded/Dizzy.

19-04-17, 09:09
I've been having pretty bad tension headaches lately, too. It started about a couple weeks ago when I had a random dizzy spell that freaked me out. Now for the past couple days I've been extremely lightheaded and dizzy, and am finding it hard to ignore. Is this common with anxiety? I'm really freaking out thinking it's MS or a tumor.

19-04-17, 09:55
I just wanted to say I too suffer from this, for me its the worse symptom of anxiety as I fear I will collapse.
It would seem that dizziness is a very common symptom of anxiety.
I have been getting it for years on and off so I guess if it was MS or a tumour then I would be in a lot worse state by now.
I try to carry on as normal as I find I don't think about it so much when I am busy.
It has been the hardest symptom to come to terms with for me as its so scary and you feel out of control.
Thing is the more you worry about it the more dizzy you become because you are focusing on it and the more anxious you become etc etc so it really is a vicious circle.
I try and find things to do to keep myself busy even when I feel lightheaded, I tell myself I have felt like this so many times before and nothing bad has happened its just a horrible feeling of anxiety and eventual it will pass if you don't dwell on it.
Hope you feel better soon x

19-04-17, 11:46
I get this also the headaches, dizzy spells when walking feeling lightheaded all the time. I've now become acrophobic and can't leave the house. It's really hard to ignore especially in public

19-04-17, 13:06
It's made me agoraphobic also. I struggle to leave the house and only go short distances unless my husband with me. At least I can cling on to him without looking too strange. I hate walking as I feel like I am off balanced and going to fall. :weep: x

19-04-17, 13:22
I see many people on here saying that they are often dizzy. I have been dizzy once. However I spent months being lightheaded when my anxiety was at its worst. There is a huge difference between the dizziness that may accompany a brain tumour and the usual type of light headedness that HA sufferers experience.

btw during all the months that I was light headed I never once fell down. I felt like I was going to fall down and I would grab on to whatever was available to steady myself.

20-04-17, 08:24
Thank you guys. This is probably the most distressing bunch of symptoms I've had yet. Incredibly uncomfortable. Did any of you have tension headaches associated with them?

20-04-17, 08:40
I never had tension headaches but it is a symptom that is very annoying as you can't really 'escape' it.

I had it for a good 4/5 months last year and get it on and off now

20-04-17, 08:56
It is distressing to be light headed because you feel like you are going to fall over or faint. Claire Weekes addresses this in one of her books. He advice is to try and force yourself to persevere. I would get the light headedness whenever I went to the supermarket. I went from loving shopping to dreading it. I wouldn't even go unless my husband was with me. Many times I left him at the checkout and went and sat on a seat outside the store while he checked out the groceries. I always felt so unsteady. It would come and go but there was never a time when I actually fainted. Claire Weekes confirms this also.

20-04-17, 09:08
How coincidental Swajj.

My dizziness started in a supermarket and still happens in supermarkets every week. It must be due to the lights, constant eye movement looking at food, a bit of social anxiety, and the vibration of the trolley. When I leave I'm fine though.

Like you, I dread shopping. And also like you, I have never fainted once.

20-04-17, 09:10
Yes I think that all of those things overwhelm the senses.

btw I don't dread shopping anymore. It's the one thing associated with my HA that my husband misses. lol

20-04-17, 09:12

I can't even leave the house witout feeling like I will collapse.

All my kids are back to school today and I feel bloody awful :mad:

I do my shopping online.....


20-04-17, 09:14
Have you read any of Claire Weeke's books Lizzie? She addresses it in her books.

20-04-17, 09:22
Hello Swajj

No I havent.

What is the book called?

I think I may buy it.


20-04-17, 09:36
There are a few Lizzie. I have two of them

Hope and Help for your Nerves

Complete Self-Help for your Nerves

They uses to self them in the NMP shop. I don't know if they still do though.

---------- Post added at 18:06 ---------- Previous post was at 17:56 ----------

I looked in the shop Lizzie and it doesn't sell them anymore. I got mine on eBay.

20-04-17, 09:38
Thank you.

Ill have a look on eBay.


20-04-17, 09:52
Try to get one Lizzie. Reading them didn't cure my anxiety but they helped me calm down.

20-04-17, 09:54

Thank you xx

20-04-17, 18:35
Yes I get this too. For a couple of months I was scared to go anywhere for fear of passing out. But now I go out more & guess what? Nothing happens. The lightheaded feeling is distressing but I promise nothing will happen.