View Full Version : Swollen lymph nodes all over the body - PLEASE i just need some reassurance

19-04-17, 12:31
I'm 22 and in general I struggle with anxiety and I've had slight Health anxiety before but it was never this bad.
About 2 months ago I found a lump in my breast - but i got it checked and it was all clear. However I feel like that triggered it. About a week later I woke up feeling completely numb, couldnt move my jaw, loads of head pressure, impaired vision, tension headaches and ear pain and pressure. I freaked out I've got a brain tumour but after going to A&E 4 times doctors only telling me I'm imagining and a lot of therapy and support from my mum as well as meditation, relaxation exercises etc. most of the symptoms went away after a month. I'm only left with still clenching my jaw (my jaw joing hurts af when I touch it) and some ear pressure/pain but it is better. I was also prescribed Apaurin Diazepam.

HOWEVER, ever since this started (a bit over a month ago) I also noticed enlarged lymph nodes on my neck which were somewhat painful - not to the touch but I would randomly feel pressure/pain, especially from the one right under the ear. I didnt pay attention to them because at first I didn't even know they were considered to be a "dangerous symptom". However at my 4 times at A&E the blood work seemed to be fine - no infection anything like that, I didnt especially ask about my glands as at that time I was more worried about u know possibly having a brain tumour lol. I also sort of thought maybe its just another weird anxiety symptom. Now its been a month and the lymph nodes are still enlarged, I didn't notice any under my armpits, but they are also enlarged around my groin. They seem pretty hard?? I think they are also slightly enlarged on my collarbones and sometimes I feel some pressure around that area. But tbh I'm new to this lymph node obsession so I'm not sure how they are supposed to feel like. OBVIOUSLY I couldnt help myself from googling and OBVIOUSLY google told me it has to be lymphoma. I've had no other symptoms though - weight loss, night sweats etc. But I also did not find any connection between them and anxiety and considering most of the other symptoms are improving I dont understand why they arent. Although google also told me that its not usual to have symptoms on the top part of your body AND lower part (so groin) with lymphoma at the same time unless its already very developed.Since I just got checked 2 months for my breast lump I would imagine if something was wrong then already they would have noticed? My glands arent massive bulks tbf and I'm also very skinny so I guess it is more noticable but you can definitely see that my neck is a bit enlarged/less defined. One of my tonsils is also just a TINY bit enlarged and my throat looks a bit red but apart from sometimes feeling pressure in my throat it doesn't hut and also as I said the blood work showed everything is fine and that I'm not ill.I've also not been ill for the past 4-5 months. I have a doctors appointment in a couple of days but I'm going crazy not even my meds are helping me any more. I've had some hormonal imbalance in the past (which is what caused my breast lump) maybe that could have something to do with enlarged lymph nodes?

Has anyone had any similar experience or knows if this weird thing could somehow be linked to anxiety? I first tried to tell myself that they could be from clenching my jaw but I don't see how that would also affect lymph nodes in my groin to swell up. I just need some reassurance or ANYTHING so I can keep myself together until my appointment I'm literally going crazy.

Sorry for the long post

19-04-17, 12:46
"Attention passengers. Node Train to HAville boarding now".... Before you get on that train, the below is well worth the read!

This was posted by another user this morning, and is worth reading. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=197713

Positive thoughts

19-04-17, 12:51
Yes I have seen that and I realize its a common trigger for health anxiety, I posted again though with more details of my symptoms also because they are clearly enlarged all over (I'm not just imagining it) all the sudden and I feel some pains from some of them, I dont know if they could maybe be connecnted to my previous anxiety symptoms that I've mentioned. I just thought I'd describe it a bit more specific to see if anyone has experienced anything similar.

19-04-17, 12:57
lol Fish, I was just about to say that if it had lymph nodes in the title then the OP probably already read it.

---------- Post added at 21:27 ---------- Previous post was at 21:23 ----------

To answer one of your questions Maianixon anxiety would not cause your lymph nodes to swell. However checking them all the time would. You say that it is not your imagination that they are swollen? How do you know?

19-04-17, 13:03
I mean I do feel like it would be statistically pretty insane that out of 3 different kinds cancers I was worried about having in the past couple of months this one would turn out to actually be true, but I just have no other explanation for why this would be happening? Even my doctor seemed to take it seriously when I made an appoinment (and he usually laughs most stuff off), told me to get a blood test for various tumour markers...

---------- Post added at 12:03 ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 ----------

lol Fish, I was just about to say that if it had lymph nodes in the title then the OP probably already read it.

---------- Post added at 21:27 ---------- Previous post was at 21:23 ----------

To answer one of your questions Maianixon anxiety would not cause your lymph nodes to swell. However checking them all the time would. You say that it is not your imagination that they are swollen? How do you know?

I can clearly feel the difference between the size of them on one side of the neck to the other (altho they are swollen on both) - I'm also very skinny and my collar bones & neck are usually very defined, now they arent as much. As I said no big lumps but definitely something swollen/a bit enlarged. Also in my groin (tbh i never checked before I didnt even know lymph nodes were there before I googled) i can see that its slightly swollen. I mean its not major enlargements - a person without healht anxiety I feel might not even notice it, but there definitely is a change.

19-04-17, 13:05
I posted again though with more details of my symptoms also because they are clearly enlarged all over (I'm not just imagining it) all the sudden and I feel some pains from some of them

Unless you've been clinically diagnosed with enlarged nodes, you have no way of knowing if they actually are. With all the tests and doctor visits you've had, something would have shown up (it didn't).

What I believe is that you're obsessed with them and have been poking and prodding yourself to the point that you've aggravated them, thus some swelling and pain.

I'm a head and neck cancer survivor. I know nodes. I had two 5+cm along with 23 additional removed from my neck. There's NO MISTAKING swollen nodes. The ones in my neck went from a small almond to a small egg in a few months. You didn't have to feel for them, it was obvious! Poking and prodding can and will cause a node to swell and become painful. So with respect, when I read about someone having enlarged nodes all over their body (especially someone as young as yourself), my reaction is a bit skewed toward disbelief.

I suggest you notify the conductor of that Node Train you're on and ask to get off at the next stop. Otherwise it's a long a stressful journey that seems to never end.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

19-04-17, 13:13
Yes what a Fish said. In regards to the jaw pain I would bet a lot of money on that being due to muscle tension. You are probably clenching your jaw without even realising it. You may even be doing it in your sleep.

19-04-17, 13:22
Yeah I'm sure jaw tension is causing a lot of that, I'm definitely clenching it whenever I stop to think about not doing it - even on my meds. I used to even think it could be to blame for my enlarged nodes on my neck but i dont know how it would explain the ones in my groin.
Mine on the neck are the size of a medium to big almond, but they were definitely smaller and much less palpable before. The ones in collarbones are less clearly defined the area just seems a bit enlarged - same with the groin.I know it makes it worse if I touch it so I try to do not too much but I dont notice a significant sense. I know there is a high chance I am making it a bigger thing that it is and I'm sorry for being such a crybaby its just hard because I cant find an explanation for it - as well as random pains I get in the swollen ones around my neck and the one swollen tonsil. I was literally having perfectly nice life before with some general anxiety and now for the last 2 months its like I cant even think of anything else, every time I manage to actually try to half enjoy or focus or something else I get overwhelmed with this guilt that I'm just lying to myself or in denial.

And accidentally coming by all the articles of people with lymphoma who barely showed any symptoms at all definitely doesnt help. On a rational level I KNOW how terrible google is and I don't check symptoms anymore its just peoples personal experiences that I read about that get to me. Someone should just take internet away from me I guess.

And I've not got the blood test for tumour markers done yet I'm doing it tomorrow, but just the fact the doctor said I need it freaked me out, i was hoping he'd laugh it off and blame it on something minor (like hormonal imbalance)

19-04-17, 13:28
You should see a therapist. Nothing anyone says is going to convince you that your lymph nodes are fine. You need to change the way you think and a therapist can help you do that. You could start helping yourself by not filling your head with all the worst case scenarios that Google can come up with.

19-04-17, 13:30
Yeah I 100% plan on doing that too and I have just started as well, its just that my primary focus rn is on making sure my lymph nodes are nothing dangerous.

19-04-17, 13:46
With all due respect maianixon no amount of reassurance from us will change your mind, this has to come from you and you alone.

You've had blood tests and there's no sign of infection or anything that would cause concern. That's good, but you seem to see it as a bad thing because in your mind "If I don't have an infection then it's obviously lymphoma." But that couldn't be farther from the truth!

If you keep focusing on making sure that your lymph nodes are fine, everything else will take a back seat including the biggest problem that is causing all these other problems...your anxiety.

I can't add much more than what others have already said, but let me just reiterate something that is of great importance:

You are not a doctor. You don't know what you're looking for and though you may say that you're not imagining it, you're in no state of mind to be looking for little details on your body.

Please, when you go to the doctor and they tell you that there's nothing to be concerned about, trust them. I promise you if you don't stop this now you'll end up in the same state I did. I'm still trying to get my anxiety under control 8 months after the lymph node panic so...y'know...would you rather be worried 8 months later or get a handle on it now while you still can?

Not trying to scare you or antagonize you, just don't want you to end up like me.

19-04-17, 14:06
Thanks mindprison I know what you mean. After they told me my breast lump was fine 2 months ago I refused to believe them all the way until then I started worrying about a brain tumour and then MS and now I'm at lymphoma so I can see how the train of health anxiety works. I guess the reassurance from this thread has calmed down a little bit (but then obviously I have ups and downs) like half of me almost believes in the end it will be something bizarrely obvious like wisdom tooth growing or a sore throat lol or maybe nothing. It'S the other 50% of me that doesn't let me chill. I guess I will just have to wait until my appointment, the doctor that I'm seeing is quite a specialist so I guess he should know. It's just that when it comes to stuff like that waiting a couple of days seems like eternity, but I guess most people on here know that already. I just want to go back to my normal life. The meds I got to calm me down are barely working any more at this point.

19-04-17, 14:15
Best of luck to you, it feels like a long road but you'll get there! :) The key thing to always remember is that doctors don't make a habit of misdiagnosing people, they have a reputation to think about! It's not serious until they say it is!

19-04-17, 18:29
Well I guess i just need to manage to cope for next 48 hours until my apointment & blood test results when I find out if theres anything to worry about. I really trust my doctor so at least theres that but i find it harder to cope every hour... i keep feeling pain in my glands more and more, sometimes they feel almost burning and its just so hard im trying to tell myself its psychosomatic or some undangerous reason but its so hard ://

19-04-17, 18:34
If it makes you feel any better, i've had pains in my neck and collarbone since my HA relapse. I imagine it's most likely not the glands that are hurting but the muscles in your neck. Tension does produce some horrible symptoms and worrying about a certain part of the body will make you hypersensitive to sensations there.

You'll be ok, promise! :)

19-04-17, 22:33
it literally feels like coming from the glands itself but it did help a little bit actually thank you. i also have pains behind my ears i think glands are supposed to be there too but at least i dont feel them. im such a mess though i literally just keep crying. its just 2 more days until my appointment but it feels like forever...

21-04-17, 09:43
Okay just as an update - I thought it might be good to reassure some people because I was so sure something was wrong and its NOT.

I had my blood tests all clear including all the tumour markers were fine, a specialist checked my swollen glands he said they're hardly swollen, the ones I thought were swollen around my groin weren't even lymph nodes he said I'm probably just bloated or have a slight bladder infection thats why that area is a bit enlarged on the sides but its not lymph nodes.

He also said that it's most likely from EBV virus its apparently a herpes virus that a lot of people have and never shows symptoms (it also causes mononucleosis) and doesnt show up in normal blood test (and is also not usually tested on insurance - at least in my country). Anyway sometimes it can show up when your immune system falls (like with me I was having extremely high levels of anxiety for weeks prior to this as u can see in my original post) it can cause some symptoms, including swollen nodes, fatigue etc. basically symptoms someone with HA like me could very falsely interpret as lymphoma.The virus is usually not tested by GPs (i go to private doctor) but if you look up online jt tells you very strong symptoms almost like tonsilitis but he said really they can be very minor (its only the reason one of my tonsils was swollen). Anyway its not dangerous whatsoever and not much you can do about it just relax and try to leave a healthy lifestyle and rest a little. He said it can last up to few months but its really no big deal and I shouldnt let it affect me in any way and most of all its definitely not cancer.

All other random I was having (around my jaw in what I thought was lymph nodes and also some other parts of my upper body) are apparently psychosomatic because my nervous system is after weeks/months of high anxiety all messed up.

Anyway I hope maybe that can reassure some of you lymph nodes can mean nothing even if they are there for a longer time and theres so many other reasons that can cause them to be swollen than just being ill.

21-04-17, 16:16
Mine in my neck also feel slight pain/pressure at times, my collarbones feel discomfort as well sometimes, I had a ultrasound and a complete blood count and I was told I'm fine, but all this could be due to touching our necks so much, I've been doing it for 7 months. I don't know if this will give you any reassurance but I hope it will.

21-04-17, 21:23
I was also told by a chiropractor today (yeah i visited a lot of doctors in the past 24hours lol) that its possible i feel pressure around collarbones due to bad posture/muscle tension/etc even if it doesnt feel like caused by that

21-04-17, 21:43
Go see a doctor asap.

21-04-17, 21:51
Go see a doctor asap.

what do you mean? I've seen a doctor today he told me it was all clear, I just said that?

21-04-17, 23:28
what do you mean? I've seen a doctor today he told me it was all clear, I just said that?

Ok, so what are you asking random, non-doctors on the internet for? You just were cleared by a professional.

22-04-17, 20:29
I wrote that post before seeing a doctor because I was really scared... but as I said afterwards I have also seen a doctor and as I said he cleared it all up for me... I'm confused to what your point is?