View Full Version : Fed up feeling frightened

19-04-17, 13:53
I've had general anxiety but more specifically health anxiety since I was 11, 34 years ago. Has been up and down over those years but has been really bad last year/year and a half. Been on sertraline for just over 2 months (now at 150mg) although I have a hospital appointment tomorrow for a lump I've discovered and I'm feeling terrified. I do a lot of predicting the future (incorrectly) but I'm trying to stay positive and not think the worst. Feel like a prisoner in my own body, being held to ransom by my brain!! Look forward to chatting with you guys.

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21-04-17, 21:24
Hi mandy, I'm new here myself and can totally relate to how you must be feeling with the lump you found. Non panickers would worry, so for us it's 100 times worse. I am sure it will turn out to be fine, but even if there was something untoward I know from experience with my husband how swiftly they will act and how good they are at dealing with these sorts of things. I try to think of what is actually happening right here right now and not to project too much in the future ( but admittedly fail a lot at that!) In hope you find some relief from your worries soon. Ali x

21-04-17, 21:26
Hi Ali thanks so much for your message. It all went well yesterday so for now I am working on not jumping to the worst possible conclusion. I hope you and your husband are OK but if I can do anything to help, even just to listen, please just get in touch xx

"My life has been a series of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened." Michel de Montaigne

22-04-17, 22:49
So glad it went well for you at your appointment! That's great news xx

13-05-17, 13:37
hi mandy how r u doing on the sertraline? i am back on it now after 2 years and only 12 days in x

22-05-17, 10:48
hi mandy how r u doing on the sertraline? i am back on it now after 2 years and only 12 days in x
Hi Natt. Sorry, I've only just seen your message! I started in early February and have gradually gone up to 150mg. Im not sure if it's quite there yet and in fact I'm back at the doctor tomorrow to see where I go from here. I've been waiting for an appointment with psychological services but it's a 6 month wait and I will be think I'm in about 3 months. Just this morning I had a full blown panic attack which I didn't really have when on escitalopram, certainly not in the beginning. I'm hoping that by sticking with it I will see some improvement soon.

How about you? How are your u feeling?

"My life has been a series of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened." Michel de Montaigne