View Full Version : So Scared - Need Reassurance

19-04-17, 17:02
The past few months I've been suffering from chronic stress, insomnia, anxiety/depression etc. I have been suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks and health anxiety for a long time (since I was 16, I'm 34 now). I went to the doctor on March 29th for my annual physical. Blood Pressure was good, no fever etc. They took blood and I received my results back. Everything was normal except for they mentioned that my WBC count was low at 4.3. I did not have lab tests last year but previous results were 6.7 and 7.1. The differential % values were normal. I received a call from the office asking me to stop back in 6-8 weeks for a repeat blood test. If they are still low the doctor is going to refer me to a hematologist. This has sent my Panic through the roof causing me extreme terror. My latest symptom in addition to everything has been daily night sweats where I am scared to go to sleep because of them. I keep waking up at 3 and 4 am with my back/arms covered in sweat. No fever is present or signs of viral infection. I keep thinking I have Lymphoma or Leukemia. I've been terrified ever since making the mistake of googling my lab results/symptoms. I'm currently taking Lexapro 20mg and Xanax .25 mg on an as needed basis. I pretty much have myself convinced I have Cancer and the waiting for another month in anticipation of another blood test is causing crippling depression/anxiety (trembling, heart palpitations, hyperventilating, fatigue, nausea). I feel hopeless and can barely function at home and at work :weep: