View Full Version : I don't know what to do anymore at this point

19-04-17, 17:20
Okay, so this is my first thread I made.


Sorry for sounding blundt about it, but please don't just tell me it's effing anxiety.

Anxiety wouldn't cause me back pain/soreness/stiffness, body aches, abdominal pain, some swollen abdominal lymph nodes near the cecum, stool that still isn't normal, pains in my chest not seemingly heart related, headaches/dizzyness, and left hand/foot tingling and weakness. I've had literally countless tests done. I don't know what to do anymore. I've also now honestly noticed that I have lost a little more weight that is beyond just the colonoscopy prep. I also had some more heart palps for a few days.

Why are there some swollen lymph nodes, yet why can't my GI find anything specifically wrong from colonoscopy, endoscopy, and the rest of the ct scan? How could I have some fatigue and potential weight loss, plus some blood in stool, but no anemia detected? What is causing the back pains and other aches? I'm just bewildered right now. I know someone will just say go see a therapist and get over it. So do I just say "oh well, I feel shitty, just let it go."?

19-04-17, 17:34
Sorry for sounding blundt about it, but please don't just tell me it's effing anxiety.

Please read THIS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) and THIS. (http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms.shtml#symptomslist)

And keep in mind the site you're posting on ;)

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

Gary A
19-04-17, 17:35
You seem to be demanding an answer that nobody here can give you.

If you're not willing to accept that these symptoms can at least be caused by anxiety then I don't really see the point in asking the question on an anxiety forum.

19-04-17, 17:42
I'm sorry but i've read through your other thread and people have done their best to convince you that this is just anxiety. Or at worst a thyroid problem, which isn't serious by the way. If you have had your thyroid checked and it came back clear then i'm sorry but it absolutely is anxiety. You've had more tests in the past year than i've had my whole life, these tests do not make a habit of missing details. If I had all the tests you had and got told there was nothing wrong with me, i'd be thrilled but you don't seem to be able to accept that this is just severe anxiety.

Every symptom you've listed as "not anxiety" are some of the most notorious symptoms of an anxiety disorder. The only exception is the lymph nodes which you have probably poked and prodded to death, so it's no wonder they've swollen. You also don't mention whether the doctor has confirmed that they are swollen, or if you are making the assumption that they are despite not being medically trained.

I'm sorry if this post seems blunt or antagonistic, but people have tried really hard to help you see that this is an anxiety problem and whether you intended it this way or not, you've started the thread on the defensive and are already shunning our advice before we've given it.

Right now you have two choices. Accept that this is all being caused by your anxiety and that you need professional help, or continue spiralling down this rabbit hole for years to come because right now no amount of reassurance from doctors or anyone here is going to convince you otherwise.

I truly wish you all the best, but please get help with your anxiety now while you have the chance.

19-04-17, 17:44
I'm sorry but i've read through your other thread and people have done their best to convince you that this is just anxiety. Or at worst a thyroid problem, which isn't serious by the way. If you have had your thyroid checked and it came back clear then i'm sorry but it absolutely is anxiety. You've had more tests in the past year than i've had my whole life, these tests do not make a habit of missing details. If I had all the tests you had and got told there was nothing wrong with me, i'd be thrilled but you don't seem to be able to accept that this is just severe anxiety.

Every symptom you've listed as "not anxiety" are some of the most notorious symptoms of an anxiety disorder. The only exception is the lymph nodes which you have probably poked and prodded to death, so it's no wonder they've swollen. You also don't mention whether the doctor has confirmed that they are swollen, or if you are making the assumption that they are despite not being medically trained.

I'm sorry if this post seems blunt or antagonistic, but people have tried really hard to help you see that this is an anxiety problem and whether you intended it this way or not, you've started the thread on the defensive and are already shunning our advice before we've given it.

Right now you have two choices. Accept that this is all being caused by your anxiety and that you need professional help, or continue spiralling down this rabbit hole for years to come because right now no amount of reassurance from doctors or anyone here is going to convince you otherwise.

I truly wish you all the best, but please get help with your anxiety now while you have the chance.

I've tried relaxing multiple times recently, and that doesn't make the symptoms better. How can I just ignore waking up with a super stiff back and pains? And I can't poke and prod at abdominal lymph nodes since they aren't like the ones on your neck, underarms, etc. It goes beyond just anxiety. I was feeling completely fine until December and started having problems that got worse. It's not like I have constantly had anxiety forever. I want to not feel shitty.

19-04-17, 17:56
Hi Ski,
Yes, anxiety may not directly cause some of those systems, (though most you listed can absolutely be caused by anxiety) it can affect your reaction to them and it is that reaction that is making you so miserable at the moment.

Also anxiety can heighten your awareness of symptoms that you have previously had/ or have always been normal for you.

19-04-17, 18:00

I'm truly sorry that you're feeling so ill. I hope that something can be done for you.

I'm not trying to stick my head into the lion's mouth, but I never had physical anxiety symptoms until after November 2015. Just because you never had the physical symptoms before doesn't mean they can't pop up now.

Did you have any traumatic or dramatic changes in your life around the time this started?

Trying some relaxation techniques recently isn't going to cut it for you. You seem to have tried and exhausted all of the medical explanations for your issues. Would you at least try to see someone about anxiety to just see if it could help?

I can't tell you how sorry I am that this is happening to you and that you feel bewildered, but you haven't run out of options. Therapy is still there.

19-04-17, 18:05
Ok, I can see why you are worried. I think that we all go through those thoughts of "this isn't normal" "Why is this happening to me now" etc etc. Because you've had so many tests done and they've all come back clear it is really difficult not to contribute your symptoms to anxiety and oversensitivity, which in itself is a medical issue. Stress puts a lot of strain on the digestion system and can eventually lead to actual diseases in the small and large intestines, stomach, etc. These are things that I would suggest that you do for at least a month to see if you feel any much improved:

*Drinks a lot of water, perhaps a little more than the recommended amount
*Take a probiotic, stress can really through off gut flora which could be the reasons for your abdominal issues
*Go on a rigid diet, cutting out things too high in iron, dairy, and eating foods with a lot of fiber
*Stay away from consuming alcohol, smoking, and eating white and sugary foods
*Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night
*Also for your pains try a massage or a chiropractor: Something within you could be out of alignment

Those are all proactive things that you can do that would probably get rid of most of what you are going through. If it was something that lifestyle changes couldnt fix, it would have most definitely showed up in your scans. Ive had experience, not personally, but through close family members who have had these issues you mentioned and doing the above steps has cured them of it indefinitely. I promise you on that one, you just have to stick to it. The first month is always the hardest.

Don't feel like you are being attacked on here, most people can sympathize with how you are feeling. And you are correct; you do know your body more than anyone else. We all have those internal feelings that tell us that something is off. In your case it sounds like things that you personally have to change. That isn't an insult just an opinion. Stress is one of the number one damaging factors to our health and it sounds like you have a lot of it whether you realize it or not. If there were something gravely wrong with you...you would know. Extreme nausea and vomitting, being unable to walk because abdominal pain is so bad, rashes, severe discoloration: those are all telltale signs that something in your abdominal area is wrong. Believe it or not, the symptoms that you do mention are actually perfectly coexistent with anxiety. What a lot of people don't understand is that anxiety is a physical condition caused my your psyche. It absolutely does cause pains, aches, dizziness, stomach problems, sleep problems, you name it. So I think that if you want to get better, you should take my suggestions. Even talk to your doctor about them or a nutritionist if you want more reassuring.

Good luck with everything. I'm sure you'll be fine.

19-04-17, 18:16
Stiff back and pains could easily be from anxiety, we carry a lot of tension there. I would recommend maybe going to a chiropractor regarding that they can really help with back aches and many other even if just caused by anxiety. Also maybe look into therapy for sure or maybe even some temporary medication that would help you cope?
Also depends on your beliefs and financial situation but u could look into alternative medicine. When I was having very bad physical symptoms of anxiety (many of which u mentioned) literally nothing helped until I went to acupuncture a couple of times and bioenergy treatments. I had very bad persistent dizziness constantly to the point I could'nt stand as well as very bad vision and NOTHING helped until I attended a couple of bioenergy treatments and it literally disappeared after about 4 sessions and hasn't come back since. Some people may call it bs or placebo or whatever I don't know how it works or whats the logic behind it, I'm just saying it made an incredible difference with me. As I said, not forcing any beliefs on anyone and yes it can be a bit costly but it could be worth staying open minded and giving it a try. And obviously therapy as well to sort out what is causing you to feel like that in the first place.

19-04-17, 19:07
I hope he hasn't quit on this forum because of the backlash. I really think a lot of the suggestions on her could help....

19-04-17, 19:13
I hope he hasn't quit on this forum because of the backlash. I really think a lot of the suggestions on her could help....

Backlash? Where? Affirmation that these are all attributable symptoms of anxiety in light of the all clear medical results anxiety isn't backlash :huh:

Positive thoughts

19-04-17, 19:16
For the next week I'm just going to ignore anything stuff I'm having physically then, and assume it's all just stuff caused by anxiety. Let's see how I am in a week, since I shouldn't have any anxiety which would cause the physical problems to all go away. That's what people basically mean right?

19-04-17, 19:17
Things can easily get misinterpreted online and some of the comments on both of his posts could've been phrased differently in my opinion. Saying things such as I don't know why you're looking for other things, or don't worry its just anxiety can be frustrating. Its not a secret on here that people have anxiety so there is a possibility that he thought the people on here were downplaying his symptoms or not taking him seriously.

---------- Post added at 18:17 ---------- Previous post was at 18:16 ----------

For the next week I'm just going to ignore anything stuff I'm having physically then, and assume it's all just stuff caused by anxiety. Let's see how I am in a week, since I shouldn't have any anxiety which would cause the physical problems to all go away. That's what peopl basically mean right?

I wouldn't ignore them just try and an make some changes that would get rid of them like the ones I suggested. Follow up with your doctor for sure.

19-04-17, 19:29
I wouldn't ignore them just try and an make some changes that would get rid of them like the ones I suggested. Follow up with your doctor for sure.

At this point there isn't much left I can do in terms of doctors and tests, they're going to start thinking I'm actually crazy. My GI was as detailed as possible with saying that all he found were internal hemorrhoids and some light GERD from the endo/colo. He saw the CT and saw nothing serious, and just saw the lymph nodes near the cecum, but said not to worry about it, and gave me probiotics.

I've' already had a couple of chest xrays that showed nothing, and I've had blood tests and a B12 that were clear.

I could potentially have a cervical spine check, but other than that there is basically nothing left I could do at this point. That's why I don't know if I should just ignore everything and assume anxiety or forever be trapped in a viscous cycle.

19-04-17, 19:33
Yeah I meant after you make some lifestyle changes follow up with your doctor. And like I mentioned before don't just ignore it but do something about it. Did you see my suggestions? Diet changes can do wonders! I actually know people who got rid of certain cancers simply through taking certain things out of their diets and putting certain things in it.

19-04-17, 19:35
I'll assume my post is one of the ones under the magnifying glass, so i'll clarify.

There is a clear panic-reassurance-panic cycle going on here. People have posted good suggestions and it doesn't seem to have made much of a difference. Reassurance is not going to work here, that's why a majority have recommended seeing a professional about it before it gets any worse. If we don't nip this in the bud now, it'll go on forever and there will be no peace of mind.

My post was in no way meant to be a personal attack, but there needs to come a point where unless you are willing to accept the advice we give we can't do anything for you. It would be like me going to the doctor, he gives me medication, I don't take it and then go back in 2 weeks time. He asks if it's helping and I say I haven't taken it but am still complaining of the same symptoms. I imagine he would be quite confused.

I'm not unsympathetic to people's plight, look at the post I made yesterday specifically about lymph nodes. This is a rabbit hole that is very difficult to get yourself out of once you're in it and I don't want anyone to suffer that. If that means I have to be blunt in an effort to get the point across, then that's what i'll do because by god I wish someone had been with me.

Skiwalker, we're not telling you to just ignore them or that your symptoms aren't real, of course they feel real to anyone with an anxiety disorder. What we're saying is that you need the right help to overcome it and keeping yourself in the reassurance cycle isn't the way to do it. Make an appointment with your doctor and ask for therapy, anything to get you out of this hole you're in. Your anxious mind will not be able to stop you from thinking about it and you'll come back in a week still feeling the same and tell us that we were wrong, which will only cause your thoughts to spiral even more.

19-04-17, 19:40
I'll assume my post is one of the ones under the magnifying glass, so i'll clarify.

There is a clear panic-reassurance-panic cycle going on here. People have posted good suggestions and it doesn't seem to have made much of a difference. Reassurance is not going to work here, that's why a majority have recommended seeing a professional about it before it gets any worse. If we don't nip this in the bud now, it'll go on forever and there will be no peace of mind.

My post was in no way meant to be a personal attack, but there needs to come a point where unless you are willing to accept the advice we give we can't do anything for you. It would be like me going to the doctor, he gives me medication, I don't take it and then go back in 2 weeks time. He asks if it's helping and I say I haven't taken it but am still complaining of the same symptoms. I imagine he would be quite confused.

I'm not unsympathetic to people's plight, look at the post I made yesterday specifically about lymph nodes. This is a rabbit hole that is very difficult to get yourself out of once you're in it and I don't want anyone to suffer that. If that means I have to be blunt in an effort to get the point across, then that's what i'll do because by god I wish someone had been with me.

Skiwalker, we're not telling you to just ignore them or that your symptoms aren't real, of course they feel real to anyone with an anxiety disorder. What we're saying is that you need the right help to overcome it and keeping yourself in the reassurance cycle isn't the way to do it. Make an appointment with your doctor and ask for therapy, anything to get you out of this hole you're in. Your anxious mind will not be able to stop you from thinking about it and you'll come back in a week still feeling the same and tell us that we were wrong, which will only cause your thoughts to spiral even more.

I can agree with a lot said here and I'm glad you made the clarification because like I mentioned a lot can get misinterpreted through online postings. I agree that something should be done. Therapy is always wonderful for dealing directly with the anxiety issues.

19-04-17, 19:50
I don't know if therapy is a great option because I have dealt with a few therapists for various things in the past that just really didn't help much, and it's hard to actually find one that is good, unless there was one specifically for HA.

The thing is....I'm the last person that would want to look for things or want to find things "that aren't there". I always like to be completely relaxed and devoid from stressful things as much as possible, and have actually never been more relaxed for the last year and a half or so, well besides up until this stuff, since I have been living alone and not in stressful situations. So it's not like I'm trying to look for attention for some crazy reason. I don't like to go driving around to doctors, hospitals, etc and deal with all of this.

19-04-17, 19:54
I don't know if therapy is a great option because I have dealt with a few therapists for various things in the past that just really didn't help much, and it's hard to actually find one that is good, unless there was one specifically for HA.

The thing is....I'm the last person that would want to look for things or want to find things "that aren't there". I always like to be completely relaxed and devoid from stressful things as much as possible, and have actually never been more relaxed for the last year and a half or so since I have been living alone and not in stressful situations. So it's not like I'm trying to look for attention for some crazy reason. I don't like to go driving around to doctors, hospitals, etc and deal with all of this.

Everyone is different. I would tell you though to realize that anxiety is playing a major role here and that if it persists you might want to give therapy just one more try. But I can't stress the diet portion enough. I know people who have all of the symptoms you listed and I saw the relief they got from the dieting. At least give it a try. But don't just sit on it because it will stew and erupt into something bigger.

19-04-17, 20:02
I've already been changing some diet things for awhile. I'm not exactly rich so I can't afford to have like salmon or steak all the time. For maybe like 5-6 months I've tried to have mostly just cheerios for breakfast. The last couple months trying to have salad a couple times a week. Have barely had fast fast food for the last 3 months or so.

20-04-17, 01:12
I hope he hasn't quit on this forum because of the backlash. I really think a lot of the suggestions on her could help....

He or she was given lots of support and good advice and if he has quit coming here then it is probably a good thing. Reading the OP's other thread it is clear that he has been looking up symptoms of diseases on Google. The people who come here for support have a certain amount of responsibility not to sit on Google fanning the flames only to come back here in the hope that we can put them out. Some people would get better a lot quicker if they did not have access to the Internet.

20-04-17, 02:23
I've already been changing some diet things for awhile. I'm not exactly rich so I can't afford to have like salmon or steak all the time. For maybe like 5-6 months I've tried to have mostly just cheerios for breakfast. The last couple months trying to have salad a couple times a week. Have barely had fast fast food for the last 3 months or so.

You don't need to have salmon and steak all the time lol. Veggies and brown rice are good and cutting out things like dairy would actually probably save you money. If anything fiber tablets or powder in a fruit smoothie is good too. Good on not having fast food.

---------- Post added at 01:23 ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 ----------

He or she was given lots of support and good advice and if he has quit coming here then it is probably a good thing. Reading the OP's other thread it is clear that he has been looking up symptoms of diseases on Google. The people who come here for support have a certain amount of responsibility not to sit on Google fanning the flames only to come back here in the hope that we can put them out. Some people would get better a lot quicker if they did not have access to the Internet.

Right. because looking things up on google isn't something that people with anxiety do (Hint sarcasm). Dr. Google sucks, but a lot of people even my self sometimes succumb to looking at it. I agree and disagree that if some people didn't have internet they would get better quicker, but at the same time there are many people who have gotten good support of the internet..such as on this site.

Gary A
20-04-17, 03:03
Just because people succumb to googling doesn't mean it's right.

People on here slate "dr Google" and say how much they hate it as if Google isn't a search engine that they have to physically put into action.

Yes it happens, yes it's part of HA, but there's nothing at all wrong in telling people to stop doing it when it so obviously has an adverse effect on them.

20-04-17, 05:19
Anxiety wouldn't cause me:

back pain/soreness/stiffness,

Then explain how muscular tension affects the body.

Explain how magnesium reductions affect the body.

Explain how postural problems affect the body.

Explain how sleep cycles affect the body.

Explain how REM sleep cycles are affected by mental health conditions.

Explain how aches & pains are experienced by all human beings outside of anxiety and why they can occur?

ALL of the above can experienced in conditions like anxiety.

body aches,

See above.

abdominal pain,

See the points about body aches and stool issues.

some swollen abdominal lymph nodes near the cecum,

Does a doctor agree they are swollen? This would seem unusual in anxiety to me and one for a doctor.

stool that still isn't normal,

Then explain why so many IBS sufferers have a comorbidity with anxiety disorders.

Explain how fight or flight affects the GI & bowels.

ALL of the above can experienced in conditions like anxiety.

pains in my chest not seemingly heart related,

Then explain how palps, ectopics, etc are caused and why they are seen in anxiety disorders.

ALL of the above can experienced in conditions like anxiety.


Then explain how stress can cause headaches.

Explain how dehydration affects the body.

ALL of the above can experienced in conditions like anxiety.

Explain how sleep is affected by anxiety.
Explain how muscular tension affects the muscles in the neck & head.
Explain how clenching & grinding affects the muscles in the neck & head, and explain how it does do in particular when asleep.

and left hand/foot tingling and weakness.

Then explain how adrenaline affects the extremities.

ALL of the above can experienced in conditions like anxiety.

Why are there some swollen lymph nodes,

Who says they are? You or a doctor? If the answer is that you believe you can feel then yet a doctor, or doctors, who have probably felt more normal & abnormal lymph nodes in their working lives than you've eaten meals (not considering their training too) doesn't feel they are swollen?

If doctors say they are not swollen but you say they are, how do you know?

Have you spent time physically inspecting lymph nodes on other bodies to know what is normal? They have.

Have you spent time physically inspecting the lymph nodes of people with genuinely swollen lymph nodes? They have.

And have you been trained to conduct an examination of them? They have. (how you manipulate your body to find them changes their size for the purposes of accessing them to check if they are normal or swollen).

yet why can't my GI find anything specifically wrong from colonoscopy, endoscopy, and the rest of the ct scan?

Because anxiety doesn't show up on any of these scans?

Because there is nothing to find?

How could I have some fatigue and potential weight loss, plus some blood in stool, but no anemia detected?

Because there is no anaemia to find?

Because some fatigue and potential weight loss can be found in many physical & mental health disorders? So, why does it have to be anaemia?

Because "some blood in stool" is experiencing on a daily basis by millions of people and it never comes to anything? Because anxiety can mean bowel changes that lead to things like roids & fissures?

What is causing the back pains and other aches?

See above about muscular tension, posture, sleep, etc.

Can you see where I'm going with that? If you believe anxiety can't cause all those symptoms then you must know why that's the case, otherwise it's all assumption.

If you can't explain those away, which I know you won't be able to as many of us have experienced them, then you have to accept them as a possibility. Do you accept that? I know your anxiety will fight you all the way on that and truly accepting it is a bigger battle but consciously can you say you can understand & accept it?

You've had multiple therapists so this tells me your anxiety isn't new. Therefore these symptoms may have occurred over time and added to each other.

Whilst we say "it's anxiety", that's not always right. But what we mean is that you can get it alongside. A good example is IBS.

So, couldn't it be the case that you have a) anxiety + b) IBS? Or perhaps some other form of combination?

Can you honestly say you haven't seen those symptoms on these boards? What about palps & IBS? They've got their own subboards because they are so common.

20-04-17, 09:08
You don't need to have salmon and steak all the time lol. Veggies and brown rice are good and cutting out things like dairy would actually probably save you money. If anything fiber tablets or powder in a fruit smoothie is good too. Good on not having fast food.

---------- Post added at 01:23 ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 ----------

Right. because looking things up on google isn't something that people with anxiety do (Hint sarcasm). Dr. Google sucks, but a lot of people even my self sometimes succumb to looking at it. I agree and disagree that if some people didn't have internet they would get better quicker, but at the same time there are many people who have gotten good support of the internet..such as on this site.

I picked up on the sarcasm but thanks for helping (hint sarcasm) :shades:

I have had two encounters with HA. The first one lasted less than 6 months. The second lasted for 3 years. I quickly worked out that Googling symptoms was the most detrimental thing I could do. In fact, my psychiatrist banned me from doing this and made me promise I wouldn't do it anymore. He said if I really wanted to get well I needed to stop doing it. So I stopped. I feared that I had all the usual illnesses that HA sufferers come up with. But when I was logged in here I avoided all threads that I thought might trigger my anxiety. Of course not everyone is the same. However, if you know that Googling or reading certain threads here is going to make or is making your anxiety worst then you need to find a way to stop doing it.

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:37 ----------


20-04-17, 09:42
Great post from Terry. I also feel comfort when weird "symptoms" tour around the body - nasty stuff tends to be focused, anxiety affects every part of you.

20-04-17, 13:00
Can you see where I'm going with that? If you believe anxiety can't cause all those symptoms then you must know why that's the case, otherwise it's all assumption.

If you can't explain those away, which I know you won't be able to as many of us have experienced them, then you have to accept them as a possibility. Do you accept that? I know your anxiety will fight you all the way on that and truly accepting it is a bigger battle but consciously can you say you can understand & accept it?

You've had multiple therapists so this tells me your anxiety isn't new. Therefore these symptoms may have occurred over time and added to each other.

Whilst we say "it's anxiety", that's not always right. But what we mean is that you can get it alongside. A good example is IBS.

So, couldn't it be the case that you have a) anxiety + b) IBS? Or perhaps some other form of combination?

Can you honestly say you haven't seen those symptoms on these boards? What about palps & IBS? They've got their own subboards because they are so common.
The doctor was the one that told me some lymph nodes were swollen from the ct scan, and my gi told me there are some there, but not to worry. So why are they there? You cant even visibly see abdominal lymph nodes.

You said yourself that would be unusual for anxiety. So why are they swollen? I justdont understand why there is no answer.

Gary A
20-04-17, 13:10
The doctor was the one that told me some lymph nodes were swollen from the ct scan, and my gi told me there are some there, but not to worry. So why are they there? You cant even visibly see abdominal lymph nodes.

You said yourself that would be unusual for anxiety. So why are they swollen? I justdont understand why there is no answer.

Why do you need a reason? Shouldn't it just be enough that you're being told not to worry by medical professionals?

Besides all of that, why don't you ask these questions of your doctor? We can only tell you that you've been reassured that it's nothing serious by doctors. What kind of answers are you looking for here, exactly?

20-04-17, 13:15
Why do you need a reason? Shouldn't it just be enough that you're being told not to worry by medical professionals?

Besides all of that, why don't you ask these questions of your doctor? We can only tell you that you've been reassured that it's nothing serious by doctors. What kind of answers are you looking for here, exactly?

Because it makes it seem like you think I'm crazy with just assuming I was guessing my lymph nodes were swollen. I was getting less anxiety until the doctor themself told me about it.

I've already talked to multiple doctors at different places, and my GI. It's not too hard to get that I just want to feel better. I'm here because I don't know what to do anymore. I can't go to every single doctor in the world.

20-04-17, 13:23
The doctor was the one that told me some lymph nodes were swollen from the ct scan, and my gi told me there are some there, but not to worry. So why are they there? You cant even visibly see abdominal lymph nodes.

You said yourself that would be unusual for anxiety. So why are they swollen? I justdont understand why there is no answer.

Part of the explanation is due to self examination/poking and prodding which will cause nodes to swell (how would you know there was a node is you aren't poking and prodding?). Another part of the explanation is the irritation caused by the anxiety induced abdominal symptoms can also irritate surrounding nodes.

Nodes are the body's sewer system. They're there to help rid the body of yukkies whether they're in your neck, chest, groin etc. Just because is "clinically" swollen doesn't mean it's something sinister.

Positive thoughts

20-04-17, 13:27
Part of the explanation is due to self examination/poking and prodding which will cause nodes to swell (how would you know there was a node is you aren't poking and prodding?). Another part of the explanation is the irritation caused by the anxiety induced abdominal symptoms can also irritate surrounding nodes.

Nodes are the body's sewer system. They're there to help rid the body of yukkies whether they're in your neck, chest, groin etc. Just because is "clinically" swollen doesn't mean it's something sinister.

Positive thoughts

I didn't know any nodes were swollen until the ct scan. I can't poke and prod nodes that I don't even know exactly where they are in the first place. I know what they do, but I thought generally the "yukkies" go away at some point.

Gary A
20-04-17, 13:31
Because it makes it seem like you think I'm crazy with just assuming I was guessing my lymph nodes were swollen. I was getting less anxiety until the doctor themself told me about it.

I've already talked to multiple doctors at different places, and my GI. It's not too hard to get that I just want to feel better. I'm here because I don't know what to do anymore. I can't go to every single doctor in the world.

I'm sorry but I don't quite get your point.

What are you anxious about? As I said, you've been told by multiple doctors that these apparent swollen nodes are nothing to worry about, so I ask again, what kind of answers are you looking for?

Nodes can swell up for an absolute multitude of very benign reasons, I'm sure if these nodes were in any way suspicious then at least one of the multiple doctors you've spoken to would have pointed it out.

20-04-17, 13:32
I didn't know any nodes were swollen until the ct scan. I can't poke and prod nodes that I don't even know exactly where they are in the first place. I know what they do, but I thought generally the "yukkies" go away at some point.

Stress biology really messes with your body. As long as your mind and body remain in an anxious state (which they obviously are), it will cause physical symptoms which can cause real physical reactions. Follow up with your doctor and let us know how you make out.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

20-04-17, 13:35
The doctor was the one that told me some lymph nodes were swollen from the ct scan, and my gi told me there are some there, but not to worry. So why are they there? You cant even visibly see abdominal lymph nodes.

You said yourself that would be unusual for anxiety. So why are they swollen? I justdont understand why there is no answer.

Thanks for clarifying.

Have you had any infections near the site of the swollen lymph nodes? If so, that's one possible root cause for that and they can take some time to return to normal size. I've seen people on here have them for quite a while and their doctors aren't concerned.

Sometimes doctors can't find a reason for this but as long as they can't find a reason for further investigation, it's fine.

So, whilst this one symptom isn't likely to be anxiety, can't it be anxiety for the rest? The doctors are looking at all your symptoms, ruling things out via various tests to be sure, and still can't find anything.

Like I said, I understand anxiety fights you all the way until you reach a stronger position in recovery, but it's important to challenge negative thinking styles in that recovery. That's why I've asked the above.

20-04-17, 13:41
Thanks for clarifying.

Have you had any infections near the site of the swollen lymph nodes? If so, that's one possible root cause for that and they can take some time to return to normal size. I've seen people on here have them for quite a while and their doctors aren't concerned.

Sometimes doctors can't find a reason for this but as long as they can't find a reason for further investigation, it's fine.

So, whilst this one symptom isn't likely to be anxiety, can't it be anxiety for the rest? The doctors are looking at all your symptoms, ruling things out via various tests to be sure, and still can't find anything.

Like I said, I understand anxiety fights you all the way until you reach a stronger position in recovery, but it's important to challenge negative thinking styles in that recovery. That's why I've asked the above.
I haven't had any infections that I know of, not really sure how you could tell if you had an infection around there anyway.

I originally had a few minor symptoms out of nowhere that got worse. That's where all the anxiety is from. It's not like my mind randomly for no reason out of nowhere made some minor symptoms to mess with my head.

20-04-17, 13:57
Great post from Terry. I also feel comfort when weird "symptoms" tour around the body - nasty stuff tends to be focused, anxiety affects every part of you.

Thanks axolotl. This is something my therapist would have said to me when talking about my symptoms. I wouldn't be able to explain it all away with the kind of knowledge they have or or a doctor so it would force you to confront it logically when the tunnel vision of anxiety is trying to do the opposite.

Techniques like Thought Records ask for objectivity go re frame worries too.

The charity I used to attend used to work through a CBT based module at every session and they had us learning to be more objective, less emotionally loaded in our questioning, etc.

It's important to regain that control over thoughts. The subconscious learns from watching so if all you feedback is fear, it's just learning to be afraid and reinforce the incorrect beliefs it has started build. So, I think the OP needs to fight this battle.

---------- Post added at 13:57 ---------- Previous post was at 13:45 ----------

I haven't had any infections that I know of, not really sure how you could tell if you had an infection around there anyway.

I originally had a few minor symptoms out of nowhere that got worse. That's where all the anxiety is from. It's not like my mind randomly for no reason out of nowhere made some minor symptoms to mess with my head.

My whole anxiety started at age 30 after living on stress all my working life & loving it. I found I gained more symptoms as I went. For instance, I never had low mood until I tried my first med, never had all the aches & pains of muscular tension until I tried tried my second. My symptoms have also changed over time to what I'm dealing with now.

If you can't say you know for sure you didn't have localised root cause for raised lymph nodes, how can you say you haven't? Even doctors can't always find root causes for them, some of which is through questioning of the patient like what I asked about it, so they determine whether they feel they are worth following up.

Years ago doctors were feeling kids lymph nodes when they presented with coughs & colds. It wasn't due to it being something more worrying, they were just checking & monitoring (and it was useful in backing up a diagnosis). There could be many benign reasons for them to enlarge, as Gary says. But your doctors knew that whereas we don't.

They've been checked out. If I said your lymph nodes shouldn't be like this so go see a doctor, a doctor would be quite dismissive of my opinion and for good reason. Wouldn't they be equally dismissive of the subconscious nagging you? If it was the first time, a doctor would see it as an acceptable check, it's what they are there for, but not after that if nothing changes or no other symptoms that are experienced with their enlargement are presented.

27-04-17, 23:14
Well here after about a week. I ended up taking probiotics for close to a week. The last two days on sunday and monday, especially sunday were bad so I stopped. Then the last few days my stomach was better. Not perfect, but yea.

I'm freaking out though because I've still had back/back neck pains and stiffness, headaches, and still some occasional left hand/foot tingling. The recent ct scan showed normal for my brain, but the neurologist I went to ordered a cervical spine and brain mri. I got the brain mri last friday and on monday they told me the doctor said they were "essentially normal". I don't know what that is supposed to mean. I can probably find out about the brain mri tomorrow, but I'm more worried about my back/spine. I'm still also having random body aches. I have an appointment with him for tuesday and worried obviously.

There is basically nothing more I can do in terms of gastro stuff, tests, etc. I saw another GI for a second opinion and there is nothing he can see serious either from the tests and all the symptoms I have told him. What is causing the other stuff though? I've also noticed that my weight has sort of been fluctuating. Like at first I lost a little, and some more from the colonoscopy prep, but then I check earlier this week and was at around 207. I checked today again and back to like 203.

27-04-17, 23:37
I got the brain mri last friday and on monday they told me the doctor said they were "essentially normal". I don't know what that is supposed to mean.

"Normal".... I believe that if you treat the real issue (your anxiety), eventually the physical symptoms you're dealing with will abate.

Positive thoughts

27-04-17, 23:40
"Normal".... I believe that if you treat the real issue (your anxiety), eventually the physical symptoms you're dealing with will abate.

Positive thoughts

I didn't even think that much about the stuff for the last week and was mostly really relaxed. If I was relaxed, and not feeling anxious, I don't know why the back pain and stiffness is still there. I can't be anxious when I'm sleeping, yet when I wake up that's when it is the worst.

27-04-17, 23:58
Symptoms caused by anxiety don't go on and off like a switch unless it's being controlled by medication. There's also the possibility that despite you feeling like you're not anxious, somewhere in your brain the anxiety is still lingering and still causing symptoms.

Just like any other illness, your body and your mind need time to recover from the toll anxiety has taken on it, it won't just go away overnight. The important thing about recovering from anxiety is to accept your symptoms are anxiety and that they cannot do you any harm. Fear feeds the flames and keeps the symptoms going, once you stop fearing them your body will start to recover and regain some semblance of normality.

28-04-17, 00:02
Symptoms caused by anxiety don't go on and off like a switch unless it's being controlled by medication. There's also the possibility that despite you feeling like you're not anxious, somewhere in your brain the anxiety is still lingering and still causing symptoms.

Just like any other illness, your body and your mind need time to recover from the toll anxiety has taken on it, it won't just go away overnight. The important thing about recovering from anxiety is to accept your symptoms are anxiety and that they cannot do you any harm. Fear feeds the flames and keeps the symptoms going, once you stop fearing them your body will start to recover and regain some semblance of normality.

Yea, but the headaches and bodyaches have honestly been worse over time. Plus the fact that the tingling is just on one side basically. Like wouldn't anxiety not be discriminatory in that regard?

Gary A
28-04-17, 00:04
I didn't even think that much about the stuff for the last week and was mostly really relaxed. If I was relaxed, and not feeling anxious, I don't know why the back pain and stiffness is still there. I can't be anxious when I'm sleeping, yet when I wake up that's when it is the worst.

I'm sorry, but why must a bit of back stiffness upon waking be something that even really needs an explanation? Or even if it does, why must it be related to your anxiety or anything physically wrong?

Can't it just be a bit of stiffness? A general complaint that a lot of people have? Why does it require a some overly complicated explanation?

28-04-17, 00:09
I'm sorry, but why must a bit of back stiffness upon waking be something that even really needs an explanation? Or even if it does, why must it be related to your anxiety or anything physically wrong?

Can't it just be a bit of stiffness? A general complaint that a lot of people have? Why does it require a some overly complicated explanation?

It's a little more than a bit, and maybe it's because I never had it or mostly all of these symptoms never before. If I have constantly had back pain and stuff for years on and off, it wouldn't bother me at all. It's stiffness/combined with pain, combined with headaches and dizzyness and tingling.

28-04-17, 00:27
Anxiety has made you hypersensitive. Your symptoms aren't getting worse because of a physical problem, they're getting worse because your mind is constantly looking for something wrong with you. People have sensations in the body that they don't even know are happening until they start looking for them, same goes for aches and pains.

If everyone were to sit and analyze their body enough, i'm pretty sure most people could find something about them they didn't notice before. That doesn't necessarily mean it's being caused by a serious illness.

We are honestly doing our best here to try and convince you that all these problems are anxiety related. If doctors have given you every test under the sun and have told you that you are healthy, you really don't need to know why you're only getting it on one side or only in the morning because it doesn't matter, they are harmless and will stop when you fix the problem which is the anxiety.

28-04-17, 00:32
It's a little more than a bit, and maybe it's because I never had it or mostly all of these symptoms never before. If I have constantly had back pain and stuff for years on and off, it wouldn't bother me at all. It's stiffness/combined with pain, combined with headaches and dizzyness and tingling.

All stress and anxiety symptoms and you're posting here :)

Positive thoughts

28-04-17, 01:23
I would never tell you or anyone "to get over it" because I know it's not that simple. Infact it's probably a long process that and i haven't even recovered entirely from this hell hole myself but what i will tell you is that on the days you feel entirely hopeless, try and find something good in the feeling. I know it sounds ridiculous but it helped me. Start by saying, okay I am "convinced I'm ill" however I'm going to go on a walk anyway and clear my mind.
I feel like if you slowly start letting yourself live again, the anxiety starts to calm itself down bit by bit and you can approach spirals with more rational thinking slowly.

If you need a friend, my inbox is open to you.

---------- Post added at 01:23 ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 ----------

Yea, but the headaches and bodyaches have honestly been worse over time. Plus the fact that the tingling is just on one side basically. Like wouldn't anxiety not be discriminatory in that regard?

A few months ago I was convinced my legs were tingling like crazy and guess what? I found a new symptom and was so frightened over that symptom I entirely forgot my legs were tingly ans it's fair to say I never experienced tingling since.

Your anxiety is making you hyper aware, you might not think it is but it is.

28-04-17, 01:31
I didn't even think that much about the stuff for the last week and was mostly really relaxed. If I was relaxed, and not feeling anxious, I don't know why the back pain and stiffness is still there. I can't be anxious when I'm sleeping, yet when I wake up that's when it is the worst.

How do you know how you feel when you're asleep? How do you know whether the sleep you are getting is good enough?

Muscular tension, tensing, etc.

I used to grind my teeth in my sleep. Never in the day. I didn't know until I started getting more pain in mornings and my dentist noticed grinding signs on my back teeth...hence I got a logical answer.

And, as has been said by Mindprison, it's not a question of an anxiety disorder going & coming back. I find this is a classic mistake I see on the HA board - people who have good periods, then sink into a spiral again. The posts talk about how they have been fine yet are now back worrying -no, you still had the disorder because until you can say "I'm time tested", it's just a feature of your disorder that it waxes & wanes.

---------- Post added at 01:31 ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 ----------

Anxiety has made you hypersensitive. Your symptoms aren't getting worse because of a physical problem, they're getting worse because your mind is constantly looking for something wrong with you. People have sensations in the body that they don't even know are happening until they start looking for them, same goes for aches and pains.

If everyone were to sit and analyze their body enough, i'm pretty sure most people could find something about them they didn't notice before. That doesn't necessarily mean it's being caused by a serious illness.

I did exactly this. My GAD & OCD had me looking for every possible change in how I felt. This included totally normal activities. I knew it wasn't anything other than anxiety, I'm not a HAer, but I would constantly examine my symptoms from a "I hate how this feels" point of view. As my therapist said, I was very symptom-focussed.

It was 24/7. Then it became as and when a new sensation was felt. It's a hard battle to win and much of it comes from not only changing how you react and your thoughts towards these sensations but also in becoming less anxious overall.

Like you say, it's a sensitisation issue. The HAer just goes the extra mile into it all meaning something else.

28-04-17, 03:50
Anxiety wouldn't cause me back pain/soreness/stiffness, body aches, abdominal pain, some swollen abdominal lymph nodes near the cecum, stool that still isn't normal, pains in my chest not seemingly heart related, headaches/dizzyness, and left hand/foot tingling and weakness. I've had literally countless tests done. I don't know what to do anymore. I've also now honestly noticed that I have lost a little more weight that is beyond just the colonoscopy prep. I also had some more heart palps for a few days.

It would! On your other thread you talked about dark stool but I have some stuff to break down for you

Dark foods cause dark stool. I ate three oreos and had poop black as night. Grape juice? Black poop. Licorice? Black poop. Too much sugar? green poop

Worrying sends me into an IBS flare which makes me super sick. Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, bloating, noises, more pain. ect ect

Chest pains are super common in anxiety as are neck and headaches. If I send myself into an anxiety attack? I tremble and then have SEVERE pain and headaches for up to a day after. Dizziness too is anxiety.

Hand and foot tingling? Are definitely classical anxiety symptoms.

You've been tested and I know it is hard but you need to focus on the illness you do have. Which is anxiety.

Anxiety can cause a multitude of physical symptoms. At this point though you've had so much checked I think it's time to focus on what you probably deep down know is happening. Your anxiety.

As the others have pointed out you are making yourself hyper aware. When I was going through this time I sat here so still I could feel every heart beat and wooshing of my blood in my body and THAT even freaked me out.

28-04-17, 14:43
I'm the same way Terry, I know it's anxiety but it's so easy to keep the cycle going. I won't sit and say that I've never felt the way skiwalker has because I still get times like this even in the past few weeks. The difference is that I know it's my anxiety and while it's a long road to recovery I am taking steps to fix it.

You're absolutely right as well about having good and bad periods. I went through 5 years of having minimal anxiety before it relapsed 6 months ago. I still have a disorder and I've pretty much accepted that I'll always have it in some form. I also probably didn't deal with it as thoroughly as I could have. I left therapy early 2 years ago because I was feeling better and thought I was cured.

The point is that the longer you wait, the harder it is to control. I know my posts might seem harsh or that I don't care skiwalker but I assure you that everyone here has felt the way you do at some point and we are trying to stop you from losing precious time like we have. It takes a lot of my energy to stop myself thinking I've got cancer or a heart condition every time I feel a new symptom, it's hard work but the worse your mental state becomes the harder it is to pull yourself out.

I said this before but I'll keep saying it til it sticks. You have a severe anxiety problem that can only be fixed by professional help, please speak to your doctor before this gets any worse!

28-04-17, 18:24
I'll never get why people post on anxiety forum and then swear their issue isn't anxiety lol.

28-04-17, 23:42
I'm posting here because I don't really know where else to go.

Honestly I'm still really worried at this point because a lot of the back pain has come from a kind of specific area, mid/upper left and I can feel it more when I stiffen my back. Plus the tingling has mostly been my left hand and foot.

29-04-17, 00:04
I'm posting here because I don't really know where else to go.

Perhaps a therapist? In the states you can contact Mentalhealth.gov (https://www.mentalhealth.gov/talk/community-conversation/services/index.html) and find resources in your area, often free of charge, where you can get "real life" help.

These are all just words on a screen that go away with the click of a mouse. Your anxiety stays with you no matter what you do. Perhaps it's time to do something about it?

Positive thoughts

Gary A
29-04-17, 00:06
I'm posting here because I don't really know where else to go.

Honestly I'm still really worried at this point because a lot of the back pain has come from a kind of specific area, mid/upper left and I can feel it more when I stiffen my back. Plus the tingling has mostly been my left hand and foot.

That absolutely screams muscular to me. Why is it so hard to accept that the countless array of muscles and nerves in this area aren't just a bit achey? I just don't understand the need to attach some horrific illness to a symptom that is suffered daily by millions of people worldwide.

The back muscles are some of the largest and most hard working muscles in the human body, so why is it so hard to accept that they might get a bit sore now and again?

29-04-17, 00:13
That absolutely screams muscular to me. Why is it so hard to accept that the countless array of muscles and nerves in this area aren't just a bit achey? I just don't understand the need to attach some horrific illness to a symptom that is suffered daily by millions of people worldwide.

The back muscles are some of the largest and most hard working muscles in the human body, so why is it so hard to accept that they might get a bit sore now and again?

Back muscle soreness would cause body aches, tingling, headacches, dizziness, weakness, plus stomach issues I have had?

Gary A
29-04-17, 00:19
Back muscle soreness would cause body aches, tingling, headacches, dizziness, weakness, plus stomach issues I have had?

And why exactly must they all be related in that way?

You know what can cause all of that though? Anxiety.

29-04-17, 00:42
Back muscle soreness would cause body aches, tingling, headacches, dizziness, weakness, plus stomach issues I have had?

Anxiety does. Today I got so scared at a Drs today that I was trembling and felt like throwing up. Got home? Had the worst headache and my body hurts so bad. My stomach is a mess now because I threw myself into an IBS flare. So anxiety would definitely cause all those.

I actually think being here is worse for you. You need to relax. And instead you keep posting and then arguing about why it can't be anxiety. You need to sign off and call your therapist.

Warm Regards

29-04-17, 01:35
I'll never get why people post on anxiety forum and then swear their issue isn't anxiety lol.

And the telling thing is, people without anxiety wouldn't dream of coming to one to tak about a problem. Why would I come to an anxiety forum with no anxiety but back problems? I would be on a back problems one.

---------- Post added at 01:35 ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 ----------

Back muscle soreness would cause body aches, tingling, headacches, dizziness, weakness, plus stomach issues I have had?

I posted something earlier giving you possible reasons. They were all valid, as were my questions about your thinking.

Let me put it another way by listing some of my symptoms:

- tingling in extremeties.
- tingling in legs.
- tingling chest.
- daily headaches.
- nausea.
- trouble with cognitive functions, memory, etc.
- tight chests.
- insomnia.

There are more. Those have been there on & off for 10 years now.

Some from my relapse:

- muscular soreness.
- fatigue.
- loose bowels.
- spaced out feelings.
- blood clotting issues.

There are more. Those have been there on & off for about 4-5 years now.

Punch all that into a HA thread an you an get things from heart problems to cancer to neurological disorders. But all these things are progressive yet I'm still ok.

Can you see the difference?

You need to work on acceptance, it's one of the first (and hard) battles.

29-04-17, 08:15
Back muscle soreness would cause body aches, tingling, headacches, dizziness, weakness, plus stomach issues I have had?

You've basically just described anxiety there.

The more generalised and random feelings are, the more likely it is to be anxiety.

If it helps I'll also describe my symptoms:

Tingling in hands, face, feet, legs etc.
Chest pains
Muscle aches
Muscle twitches
Bowel issues
Lack of concentration

01-05-17, 23:21
Now I'm really scared. They called me and wanted me to get another mri for the brain with contrast this time because they questioned something about the pineal gland. I'm kind of panicking and I have the mri wednesday morning.

---------- Post added at 17:21 ---------- Previous post was at 15:37 ----------

This is seriously the most sxared I've been. I'm pretty sure anxiety couldn't cause something with pineal gland

02-05-17, 08:49
Did you see the neurologist again? You said you had an appointment after the first MRI.

I know it is easy to say calm down but you shouldn't start jumping to conclusions. The doctor may just be making sure that things are normal. You have been very insistent about your symptoms when posting here and if you have been that insistent when talking to the doctors then they are probably listening to you and making sure they are being thorough. Contrary to what many people here think most doctors take our symptoms seriously even if they know we have HA.

Do you actually have Health Anxiety? I'm just wondering how you found your way here. Also, if it's felt like no one here has taken your concerns seriously then you need to remember that this is an anxiety forum. I guess we tend to think that almost everyone who comes here has health anxiety.

02-05-17, 16:53
Did you see the neurologist again? You said you had an appointment after the first MRI.

I know it is easy to say calm down but you shouldn't start jumping to conclusions. The doctor may just be making sure that things are normal. You have been very insistent about your symptoms when posting here and if you have been that insistent when talking to the doctors then they are probably listening to you and making sure they are being thorough. Contrary to what many people here think most doctors take our symptoms seriously even if they know we have HA.

Do you actually have Health Anxiety? I'm just wondering how you found your way here. Also, if it's felt like no one here has taken your concerns seriously then you need to remember that this is an anxiety forum. I guess we tend to think that almost everyone who comes here has health anxiety.

I'm going to the neurologist today soon. I'm scared to ask why he wanta to see more from a contrast mri.

---------- Post added at 10:53 ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 ----------

Does anyone have experiences regarding stuff with mris?

02-05-17, 17:57
I'm going to the neurologist today soon. I'm scared to ask why he wanta to see more from a contrast mri.

---------- Post added at 10:53 ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 ----------

Does anyone have experiences regarding stuff with mris?

Anything we say will just be largely baseless speculation. You need to talk to your doctor for answers to this, I hope it's just thoroughness and all's well.

02-05-17, 18:47
Well I went to the neurologist and he said there is a really small cyst on pineal gland, but he said its too small and not doing anything or pushing on anything to cause symptoms. So now Im really scared and also confused that there is a cyst there, and scared its something bad, but that it isnt causing symptoms.

02-05-17, 18:58
A cyst is a benign fluid filled sac and as stated, wouldn't be the cause of your symptoms. Most things like this are discovered by accident while conducting scans. That's the case here.

Positive thoughts

02-05-17, 19:02
Well I went to the neurologist and he said there is a really small cyst on pineal gland, but he said its too small and not doing anything or pushing on anything to cause symptoms. So now Im really scared and also confused that there is a cyst there, and scared its something bad, but that it isnt causing symptoms.

That should be hugely reassuring news. As Fishmanpa says, a cyst is the kind of thing they'll find here and there randomly if you have enough tests (I had one found in an, ahem, delicate place a few weeks ago, which isn't causing any problems and isn't worth even thinking about).

02-05-17, 19:02
A cyst is a benign fluid filled sac and as stated, wouldn't be the cause of your symptoms. Most things like this are discovered by accident while conducting scans. That's the case here.

Positive thoughts

Yea I know a cyst is benign, but still worried in my mind with getting the mri with contrast.

03-05-17, 01:16
My dad's had a few cysts. They don't do anything with them unless they are causing irritation, impacting on the patient's life, etc.

He's had one over 10 years. His GP referred him "just in case" for the specialist to take one look and say it was a cyst and unless my dad was having problems with it (it's in his neck) then he has no interest in taking any action.

If they say there is no action required, none is needed. The rest is anxiety.

19-06-17, 18:38
Well it's been a little under two months. My cough/mucas/chest and back pains kept going and I ended up seeing a pulmonologist. Since the bunch of chest x-rays I had showed nothing, he had me get a ct scan. It apparently showed mild subpleural segmental atelectasis and one 2mm micronodule on the lateral right upper lobe. There was also some triangular tissue in the mediastinum. This is really scaring me now. I'm still having the stomach issues with taking probiotics, and still having some neuro issues like tingling. The pulmonologist said he isn't worried about it, but I still also am having a breathing test. I don't understand what is going on.

19-06-17, 20:52
Well it's been a little under two months. My cough/mucas/chest and back pains kept going and I ended up seeing a pulmonologist. Since the bunch of chest x-rays I had showed nothing, he had me get a ct scan. It apparently showed mild subpleural segmental atelectasis and one 2mm micronodule on the lateral right upper lobe. There was also some triangular tissue in the mediastinum. This is really scaring me now. I'm still having the stomach issues with taking probiotics, and still having some neuro issues like tingling. The pulmonologist said he isn't worried about it, but I still also am having a breathing test. I don't understand what is going on.

I'm afraid few here will understand those medical terms enough to give you any more info (it's gobbledygook to me) but a pulmonologist saying they aren't worried is nothing but a good thing.