View Full Version : HIV Question

25-03-17, 17:24
I'm in college so I have to use public restrooms all the time which makes me really nervous. There was a tiny bit of dried. blood on the toilet seat and I wiped if off with a tissues. And the cut is on the back of my finger so I don't think it touched anything. But it may have gotten close. And then what if when I opened the door there was blood on the handle and it happened to get into my cut. Could I get hiv from this?

25-03-17, 17:32
Could I get hiv from this?

No.... No "what ifs", "buts" or anything else... just "No".

Positive thoughts

25-03-17, 18:13
Blood and bodily fluids have to be in a completely saline or contained environment to keep the virus alive. I used to worry about stuff like that but it is impossible for it to be transferred that way.

25-03-17, 18:17
HIV is a fragile virus which cannot live outside the body for more than a minute or so (unless in the vacuum of a syringe barrel, hence why needle-sharing is high risk).
Unless the other woman sat and bled on your toilet seat 30 seconds before you sat down, then no.
You said the blood was "dried".
Dried blood on a surface = no HIV.
Plus, do you know how rare it would be for a college-aged female to even have HIV??

No. Just no.

best wishes.

25-03-17, 19:12
Blood and bodily fluids have to be in a completely saline or contained environment to keep the virus alive. I used to worry about stuff like that but it is impossible for it to be transferred that way. How do you keep yourself from worrying about it? I have really bad anxiety.

25-03-17, 19:43
The only way I get over one anxiety is by adopting a new one lol but also by getting tested. Of course when I was the most worried about it I was having unprotected sex with multiple partners which is an actual risk factor. But lo and behold I have never contracted it. If you are sexually active you should be tested every once in a while anyway just to be responsible so getting tested would be killing two birds with one stone-- to alleviate your fears (because it will be negative) and just because it is a routine test anyway.

19-04-17, 17:22
Can you get it from brushing hands with someone? I was handing my card to the cashier and I noticed the she had a cut/ scrape on her hand and I have a couple cuts on my hand. If my cut happened to touch hers could I get HIV from that?

19-04-17, 17:28

Unless you both had open wounds and chose to play blood brothers/sisters and spread blood around with each other, and even then the chance is miniscule, you have no chance.

19-04-17, 21:02

Clydesdale Epona
19-04-17, 22:33
you'll be fine :) x

All the best :hugs:

28-04-17, 20:51
I know for a fact one of them was mine, but I don't remember two of them. If it was not mine and contained hiv , could I get hiv from wearing the clothes that were in that wash? Would the heat from the laundry machine kill it? I would wash it again, but I'm tight on change so I only want to wash it if its necessary. Could I get HIV from this? I live in a dorm with shared washing machines if that helps .

28-04-17, 20:57
Short answer - no.

HIV is passed through direct bodily fluids transfer - e.g. blood to blood, seman etc

Not through clothes.

28-04-17, 20:58
Short answer - no.

HIV is passed through direct bodily fluids transfer - e.g. blood to blood, seman etc

Not through clothes.

But what if there was blood on the pad?

28-04-17, 21:02
1. The blood would wash off in the machine. So it's gone.
2. It would need to be contact with your own bodily fluids.

So I repeat, no.

---------- Post added at 21:02 ---------- Previous post was at 20:59 ----------

As someone else said on another one of your HIV threads:

No, the reason being the HIV virus needs he incubation of something like the human body otherwise it dies very quickly.

28-04-17, 21:03
1. The blood would wash off in the machine. So it's gone.
2. It would need to be contact with your own bodily fluids.

So I repeat, no.

Would washing it actually kill the virus? I'm just concerned because I have a couple open cuts on my hands that bleed because they crack open a lot.

28-04-17, 21:04
I just quoted from another thread. I will post it again:

No, the reason being the HIV virus needs he incubation of something like the human body otherwise it dies very quickly.

So again, no.

28-04-17, 21:16
I just quoted from another thread. I will post it again:

So again, no.

Oh ok thank you. Sorry I didn't see the quote when I replied to that. So I should be good then?

28-04-17, 21:30
You will be fine.

Since you keep having these HIV fears, perhaps you should go to the doctor and have a chat with them about your anxiety.

28-04-17, 21:45
You will be fine.

Since you keep having these HIV fears, perhaps you should go to the doctor and have a chat with them about your anxiety.

100% Agreed... you're talking about an absolutely impossible scenario and still questioning after each definitive answer.

Positive thoughts

30-04-17, 18:02
Would washing it actually kill the virus? I'm just concerned because I have a couple open cuts on my hands that bleed because they crack open a lot.

HIV virus is very delicate, outside the body it dies very quickly. Washing would certainly kill it as would being exposed to the outside air.

15-05-17, 19:37
I have a couple open cuts on my hands and I was having bathroom issues in the bathroom(sorry this is very tmi and gross but idk where else to go to ask this) so i stood up to wipe but the toilet automatically flushed so it scared me then I look around and realized i stepped in a piece of poop and it smeared. I'm pretty sure it was mine, because I didn't see it when I went into the stall.So then I proceeded to wipe it up with toilet paper. Now I am worried that if poop came into contact with one of the small cuts on my hand(one of them probably got really close to the poop, but it is really small but still) if it was from an hiv positive person and it came into contact with my cut, could I get hiv from it? What is the poop happened to have blood in it? I know hiv dies in the air, but if it was inside the poop wouldn't it not be exposed to air so it wouldn't die? Please help I'm really worried.

15-05-17, 19:46
No, you cannot get it that way.

15-05-17, 19:50
No, you cannot get it that way. But what if the feces has blood in it?

15-05-17, 19:55
Stop... you can't get it that way!

15-05-17, 21:01
Again, no.

Go to the doctor about your anxiety, especially around HIV. This is what, your fourth or fifth thread on this, with different "causes"? I'm not being rude, but you need to get a grip on this issue.

You can't get HIV in the way you think. Get some counselling help.

In fact, I've just run through your posting history. I think you need to get to the root cause of these fears, which is what happened in 2016. Get some counselling etc for this, and perhaps the HIV fears will dissipate.

15-05-17, 21:29
Again, no.

Go to the doctor about your anxiety, especially around HIV. This is what, your fourth or fifth thread on this, with different "causes"? I'm not being rude, but you need to get a grip on this issue.

You can't get HIV in the way you think. Get some counselling help.

In fact, I've just run through your posting history. I think you need to get to the root cause of these fears, which is what happened in 2016. Get some counselling etc for this, and perhaps the HIV fears will dissipate.

Absolutely agree!

Positive thoughts

27-09-17, 14:20
Should I be worried? I live on a college campus and I was in the bathroom getting soap when I noticed something red on the soap dispenser, which pretty much has to be blood. And I didn't notice until after i touched it. The only open cut I have on my hand is on my thumb where I have a splinter, it doesn't look like its open but there is a brown spot where it is, so I don't know if that counts as open or not. And I cut myself under my fingernail last week, but I think it's closed up by now. If that splinter on my thumb counts as an open wound and the blood on the dispenser is HIV positive, could I get hiv from what happened? Thanks for your time

27-09-17, 15:06

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


28-09-17, 02:52
Should I be worried? I live on a college campus and I was in the bathroom getting soap when I noticed something red on the soap dispenser, which pretty much has to be blood. And I didn't notice until after i touched it. The only open cut I have on my hand is on my thumb where I have a splinter, it doesn't look like its open but there is a brown spot where it is, so I don't know if that counts as open or not. And I cut myself under my fingernail last week, but I think it's closed up by now. If that splinter on my thumb counts as an open wound and the blood on the dispenser is HIV positive, could I get hiv from what happened? Thanks for your time

The only form of HIV that can live outside of a host body for any length of time is the super enhanced stuff they grow in labs for testing. This is done because HIV is so unstable it is otherwise very hard for the white coat men to even use it to test with.

Human HIV is just unable to survive outside of a body. That's why the old toilet seat myth was busted years ago. The same applies to any surface it could be on, it's just not possible without totally perfect conditions involving an incredibly short period of time, hence why the toilet seat thing is a myth.

If your scenario was possible we would have an enourmous public health crisis across the world.

28-09-17, 22:11
hiv dies within 20 seconds exposure to the air, even if it had tons of hiv virus particles in it , they would of been dead. also there is no way you can get it this way, when we do an intake on hiv testing we don't even ask about oral sex anymore, just unsafe intercourse and drug use

18-10-17, 00:51
After I used the bathroom, I noticed a speck of blood on the seat (not mine) and my women part was really close/ on it. IF that blood was HIV positive, could I get hiv from that?

18-10-17, 00:54

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18-10-17, 00:58
Did you ever see anyone concerning the trauma you suffered last year?

Positive thoughts

18-10-17, 05:09
This myth was debunked many years ago after all the fears about it when HIV was new.

Transmission time is so tight you would be almost sitting on the person to do it...which brings in other questions about protection and what you are in the booth for :winks:

19-10-17, 03:12
HIV is a VERY fragile virus, it needs a body to survive. As soon as it leaves a human body (in blood, semen etc) it completely dies within about 60 seconds... fact. Don't worry

20-10-17, 03:02
No hiv is destroyed with in a few seconds after hitting the air, also did you know there are more germs on the office desk than there are on a toilet seat

20-10-17, 04:23
No hiv is destroyed with in a few seconds after hitting the air, also did you know there are more germs on the office desk than there are on a toilet seat

Just think of all the stuff in the keyboard.

I once had a cream cake held over mine in the office and it broke of and did a 180 into my keyboard. It looked a very nice cream cake...so I ate as much as I could without eating anything between the keys. :yesyes:

(cleaning that out was a bugger though! Hairy creamy fluff does not look good!)

23-10-17, 03:37
I was just using the bathroom and noticed this yellow/orange stuff on the front of the lid where I think I felt my female private touch. If that is blood and hiv +, could I get hiv from that?

23-10-17, 04:08
We answered this the other day moso :(

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23-10-17, 04:18
Did you ever see anyone concerning the trauma you suffered last year?

Positive thoughts

23-10-17, 04:38
We answered this the other day moso :(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep, this one:


Did you forget about it?

23-10-17, 11:45
Please don't worry-look at the past replies. The answer is no. It is a fragile virus.

23-10-17, 14:56

06-12-17, 00:56
I was doing laundry today at my dorm that the whole building uses and after I washed my clothes I saw that a pad was washed with my stuff. Now I did just have my period, so it could have been mine, but Im afraid on the off chance that it wasn't because I didnt wash my clothes again, they are in the dryer now and I picked up the pad using a paper towel and then on the way to wash my hands I scratched myself with my nail, so now im worried. Should i be worried and do I need to wash my clothes again?

06-12-17, 01:12
You fear getting HIV from washed clothes? Moso... really... Are you getting any help? You've posted about this before (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=198163). You have to do something Moso... this has to be brutal to deal with :(

Positive thoughts

06-12-17, 01:16
You fear getting HIV from washed clothes? Moso... really... Are you getting any help? You've posted about this before (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=198163). You have to do something Moso... this has to be brutal to deal with :(

Positive thoughts

No, there was a used pad within the clothes in the washer. And I know, Im going to talk with my parents over break about going to see a therapist.

06-12-17, 02:53
OK, that is absolutely DISGUSTING and I would be skeeved to find a used pad in with my laundry.....but....

the HIV virus is extremely fragile. I think the heat would definitely kill it, but also who takes off their pad and does laundry immediately? THe virus cannot live outside of the human body for very long, like minutes would be the absolute max, but more likely seconds.

I think you are safe.

If this is an OCD obsession, definitely get help.

BUt, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!

07-12-17, 07:15
The only way a person could get HIV from is having unprotected sex or getting blood from an infected person in a wound or the eyes. Hiv can olny survive in blood

07-12-17, 08:12

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


07-12-17, 17:13
I'm in college so I have to use public restrooms all the time which makes me really nervous. There was a tiny bit of dried. blood on the toilet seat and I wiped if off with a tissues. And the cut is on the back of my finger so I don't think it touched anything. But it may have gotten close. And then what if when I opened the door there was blood on the handle and it happened to get into my cut. Could I get hiv from this?

No. I am quite surpised actually; that; IN THIS AGE AND AGE; in 2017; some people stille believes those nighmare scares from the 1980s about getting HIV from toilet seats and doorknobs or potato chips or whatever. One should have thought that in 2017 people are now educated enough to know what HIV is, HOW it is transmitted and how it is NOT transmitted. All those "HIV rom toilet seat scares"; I mean... you could say....that is sooo 1985.

I have to ask you: "why are you so scared of HIV and what makes you think that you will get HIV this way?

---------- Post added at 17:57 ---------- Previous post was at 17:54 ----------

HIV is a fragile virus which cannot live outside the body for more than a minute or so (unless in the vacuum of a syringe barrel, hence why needle-sharing is high risk).
Unless the other woman sat and bled on your toilet seat 30 seconds before you sat down, then no.
You said the blood was "dried".
Dried blood on a surface = no HIV.
Plus, do you know how rare it would be for a college-aged female to even have HIV??

No. Just no.

best wishes.

Maybe we need a thread titled why you dont have HIVsimilar to the ALS thread started by fish.

---------- Post added at 17:58 ---------- Previous post was at 17:57 ----------

Can you get it from brushing hands with someone? I was handing my card to the cashier and I noticed the she had a cut/ scrape on her hand and I have a couple cuts on my hand. If my cut happened to touch hers could I get HIV from that?

No. More 80s nostalgia here.

---------- Post added at 18:03 ---------- Previous post was at 17:58 ----------

I know for a fact one of them was mine, but I don't remember two of them. If it was not mine and contained hiv , could I get hiv from wearing the clothes that were in that wash? Would the heat from the laundry machine kill it? I would wash it again, but I'm tight on change so I only want to wash it if its necessary. Could I get HIV from this? I live in a dorm with shared washing machines if that helps .

Excuse me; I am not trying to be hard on you. But why are you so obsessed over getting a virus which is as good as impossible to get without unprotected sex or getting a fresh blood injection - FRESH - into your vein? Where does your fear come from. You have started three threads allready about normal things that happens to EVERYONE once in a while. And we dont have HIV!
Your problem is anxiety and paranoia for something that is not threatening you.
I dont know if being educated about HIV will help. Other people come in here an tells you how HIV is infected and yet you keep on going with it. So I guess you need to talk to someone about your fear.
So paranpia was much more common in the 1980s due to lack of knowledge of how HIV is contracted, but apparantely such ignorance is still alive and well.

---------- Post added at 18:06 ---------- Previous post was at 18:03 ----------

You will be fine.

Since you keep having these HIV fears, perhaps you should go to the doctor and have a chat with them about your anxiety.

That is what she need. It obviously does not work for everyone to educate them about how to get and how not to get HIV. She need therapy for the anxiety not being told the same obvious points over and over. She has health anxiety, NOT HIV.

---------- Post added at 18:08 ---------- Previous post was at 18:06 ----------

100% Agreed... you're talking about an absolutely impossible scenario and still questioning after each definitive answer.

Positive thoughts

That is one of the things about health anxiety. The fear is overwhelming and no rational thinking is going to do anything about it. Well, for some. HA has different levels. But the HIV and rabies threads are certainly out in the land of irrationality where no common sense works.

---------- Post added at 18:09 ---------- Previous post was at 18:08 ----------

Again, no.

Go to the doctor about your anxiety, especially around HIV. This is what, your fourth or fifth thread on this, with different "causes"? I'm not being rude, but you need to get a grip on this issue.

You can't get HIV in the way you think. Get some counselling help.

In fact, I've just run through your posting history. I think you need to get to the root cause of these fears, which is what happened in 2016. Get some counselling etc for this, and perhaps the HIV fears will dissipate.

If all this incident would cause HIV, then all of us would have it. Or most of us.

---------- Post added at 18:13 ---------- Previous post was at 18:09 ----------

I was doing laundry today at my dorm that the whole building uses and after I washed my clothes I saw that a pad was washed with my stuff. Now I did just have my period, so it could have been mine, but Im afraid on the off chance that it wasn't because I didnt wash my clothes again, they are in the dryer now and I picked up the pad using a paper towel and then on the way to wash my hands I scratched myself with my nail, so now im worried. Should i be worried and do I need to wash my clothes again?

It is not good to keep being so constantly worried about getting HIV in ways that even science proved is not a possible way to contract HIV. So I think you need to seek some help for your anxiety about getting HIV. Think of it; if you could get HIV the way you fear then most of us would.

07-12-17, 17:21
That is one of the things about health anxiety. The fear is overwhelming and no rational thinking is going to do anything about it. Well, for some. HA has different levels.

This has to stop. I am not going to reply what everyone else has done several times instead I am asking you are you seeking help for your irrational fear of getting HIV??

No more reassurance here.

Not looking to be argumentative but I am assuming that you do not see the similarity between this posters threads and your own?

07-12-17, 17:43
I edited that reply.