View Full Version : Eyes feel slow/heavy. Help would be appreciated :)

19-04-17, 17:48
Every time doctors ask me to describe the dizziness I experience, my description does not match what they have in mind. They always ask if the room is spinning or if I'm spinning/lightheaded. It's really neither of these things.

I experience almost a pressure feeling on my eyes that makes it had to focus. When I try to look between my work computer down to my desk, it's like my eyes can't keep up and I feel dizzy.

This feeling had been going away for a while, but now it's back.

I've had blood tests, eyes exams, etc., but that's all fine.

I do have orthostatic hypotension, but this seems like it's not a part of that. I could be wrong.

Is this a typical anxiety symptom?

Any help would be great.

Thank you!

23-06-18, 19:27
This is an old post, but I noticed the term "heavy eyes." This is something I experience with my dizziness scenario as well. Also have a sesne of being off balance, some fatigue... but more of an imbalance than spinning. So anyone else reading this, know it can look a number of ways.

My eyes feel like they're almost "thick" or slow... hard to move back and forth, maybe enlarged or heavy? Of course these are just sensations. The eyes are actually fine. The muscles around them are experiencing issues.

Also anyone experiencing dizziness with anxiety should google (it's safe) ....

PPDS Dizziness

Psychogenic Diziness

Phsychophysiological dizziness

There are many doctors out there who realize dizziness is CAUSED by chronic anxiety, not just a sympotm of something else.

So, your worry, stress, taxing the body... actually CAUSES dizziness. It's not the other way around.