View Full Version : New job, anxiety and insomnia.

19-04-17, 20:02
Hey everyone!

Haven't posted here in a long time. Have had lots of issues in the past with chronic anxiety and depression, and looking for some advice or whatever.

I started my new job on Tuesday (temp for 6 months) in order to clear some short term debt before going back to uni. The job itself is great, I experienced normal levels of anxiety on my first shift and slept well the night before. However, I was up all night last night with knots in my stomach, even though my first shift went well. I had to call in sick as I physically couldn't move from my bed. I'm so upset with my self for calling in sick on my second day, so I did some work from home and sent it in.

I've had a pit in my stomach ALL day, to the point its nearly painful and completely debilitating. I haven't felt anxiety this intensely in a long time.

I just don't understand it - my first shift went well and I was getting good feedback. I'm just really worried for my own mental health as the last few months have been hard, and there's a lot of pressure on me to keep this job.

Does anyone have any advice/tips? My anxiety and insomnia are really getting to me :weep:. I need this awful feeling inside to go so I can focus!!! I called my doc who has prescribed me 6 1mg Lorazepam tablets - I hope that works. I've been taking 45mg Mirtazapine for 3 years now, which aren't working much anymore, evidently.

19-04-17, 20:15
I found starting a new job made my anxiety a lot worse to start with. Had exactly the same experiences as you. Its normal to get anxious about starting a new job but for those of us who suffer from anxiety its 10x as worse. I'm sure after a couple of weeks you will notice it gets easier. Good luck :yesyes:

19-04-17, 20:18
I found starting a new job made my anxiety a lot worse to start with. Had exactly the same experiences as you. Its normal to get anxious about starting a new job but for those of us who suffer from anxiety its 10x as worse. I'm sure after a couple of weeks you will notice it gets easier. Good luck :yesyes:

Thanks, glad to know I'm not alone here. I couldn't cope with even one day without having to take today off :weep: I hope I stop feeling like this soon.

21-04-17, 16:35
I reckon it may be good to keep reminding yourself that this is just a TEMP job. It's not for life. It's not what you really want to do (I assume) and so it doesn't really matter. Hence, you don't need to be afraid of anything :-)

23-04-17, 20:51
Sunday night and I now feel so depressed. Felt so anxious and stressed all day. I keep replaying in my head some of my mess ups and what could go wrong tomorrow :(. The thought of another 3 weeks of training and 5 months of this is really getting me down.

Does anyone have any tips? I have a docs appt. on Wednesday, hoping they can help.

01-12-17, 20:46
I thought I would resurrect this old thread as this is where Google lead me. I am starting a new temp contract on Monday and my stomach is in knots. I haven't worked for several months and so am kind of dreading the culture shock. I have spent most of my life this year walking and playing with my mum's dog!

It's with a large corporation; my most recent jobs in the past have been with educational / public sector institutions, and were pretty laid back environments. I just hope it isn't to anal and rigid. I really struggle to cope with anywhere that has lots of strict rules and regulations.