View Full Version : Nodular skin cancer

19-04-17, 21:30
Hi everyone,

Iv posted her once before about unexplained pains and lymph nodes....
2 1/2 weeks ago I started anti depressants and I was doin well!

Just before starting the anti depressants I had a purple like spot on my leg which I instantly thought was nodular cancer. I picked and squeezed at the spot and it popped bled, I started my tablets and made myself forgot about.

The past 2 weeks the it form a scab and looked like it was healing perfectly fine, untill today where I saw the skin was white and flaky I scratched the surface of thinking it was all healed now but underneath has not healed at all! It was like a blood blister again but I'm not sure now if it was because I squeezed it again, I'm left with a circle of open skin just like when I picked the purple spot off two weeks ago!

I am absolutely petrified now that I have this aggressive form of cancer and it really knocked me back!

I saw a doctor today who said it is absolutely not cancerous and was concerned at all, but I keep telling myself she didn't see it when it first was there when it really resembled nodular cancer (a dark blood like spot)

Does anyone know about this kind of cancer, I know it's says it comes in the form of looking like a blood blister but is it actually one? Would it pop like mine did? Would it be raised, mine is not, would it be black underneath? Mine is just flesh that heals normal colours?

I'm going out of my mind again, Iv cried all night

19-04-17, 22:57
Does anyone know about this kind of cancer,

Why? You saw a medical professional who said it wasn't.

Positive thoughts

20-04-17, 00:41
Did you decide it was modular cancer before or after you Googled?

---------- Post added at 09:11 ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 ----------


20-04-17, 09:49
I knew about nodular cancer before I had the spot, that's why I panicked so much when it first came, when it healed I was totally fine about it but yesterday when the scab fell off and underneath wasn't healed at all this is when I'm starting to panic again!

20-04-17, 09:55
It's probably because you haven't left it alone. Picking and squeezing it has irritated it. If the doctor said it's nothing then it's nothing. Put a plaster on it and leave it alone for a week.

20-04-17, 10:03
I'm sure if a doctor was even only 95% sure that it wasn't sinister they would have investigated further to cover that 5%

20-04-17, 10:04
A doctor should be able to reassure you way better than Internet randoms. Trust what they say.

20-04-17, 10:08
My wife had a weird mole on her side torso.

The doctor was confident it was nothing serious but took a picture and sent it to a dermatologist just to be 100% certain. Came back clear. If doctors are certain, they are certain

20-04-17, 10:51
Hi everyone,

Iv posted her once before about unexplained pains and lymph nodes....
2 1/2 weeks ago I started anti depressants and I was doin well!

Just before starting the anti depressants I had a purple like spot on my leg which I instantly thought was nodular cancer. I picked and squeezed at the spot and it popped bled, I started my tablets and made myself forgot about.

The past 2 weeks the it form a scab and looked like it was healing perfectly fine, untill today where I saw the skin was white and flaky I scratched the surface of thinking it was all healed now but underneath has not healed at all! It was like a blood blister again but I'm not sure now if it was because I squeezed it again, I'm left with a circle of open skin just like when I picked the purple spot off two weeks ago!

I am absolutely petrified now that I have this aggressive form of cancer and it really knocked me back!

I saw a doctor today who said it is absolutely not cancerous and was concerned at all, but I keep telling myself she didn't see it when it first was there when it really resembled nodular cancer (a dark blood like spot)

Does anyone know about this kind of cancer, I know it's says it comes in the form of looking like a blood blister but is it actually one? Would it pop like mine did? Would it be raised, mine is not, would it be black underneath? Mine is just flesh that heals normal colours?

I'm going out of my mind again, Iv cried all night

Hi RainbowJazz

Take it from someone who has obsessed with every mole on his body (and I have hundreds). If the doctor had any doubt that the mole was cancerous, they would sent you straight to a derm to get it evaluated. They can spot a nasty mole from across the room!! Obviously keep an eye on it for any changes (as you would do any mole) but don't obsess and remember, you have been given the all clear by a professional.

Deep breaths, relax - you're fine :-)