View Full Version : Sore Burning Tongue

19-04-17, 23:14
Just wanted to check with other posters whether anyone else has experienced this?

I have a had a sore tongue in the centre and tip of my tongue on and off now for months. It disappears one day and comes back another.

The crack that runs through the centre of the tongue also seems more prominent, but that might just be me over obsessing.

It does not affect my eating and I have a relatively good diet.

20-04-17, 04:38
I've gotten it briefly. Sometimes it tingles. Definitely weird! Haven't had it in a while.

20-04-17, 07:06
It's not something I've had, Carnation, so just giving your thread a bump and saying hello :emot-wave:

Could it be like some form of ulceration? Some form of dryness, like with lips or gums?

20-04-17, 09:09
Thanks Terry, I did read it can occur with depression and anxiety.
My partner had also had it briefly.
And there is such a thing as sore tongue syndrome.
But, obviously, I am interested in it's cause and cure.

---------- Post added at 09:09 ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 ----------

Thank you also Timb2 for replying.

20-04-17, 18:57
I have a dry tongue, I have bought a dry mouth spray from boots. I have had all sorts of mouth wash too, I have medication and dry mouth is mentioned as one of the side effects, might be that. I just don't know.
Carnation, I know you don't take drugs, so maybe it's to do with things you have been going through. Lots Lovexxx

21-04-17, 00:17
Hi Magic :)

It's disappeared again. It's a real bugbear with me.
It just appears one day for a few days, then completely disappears!
Maybe it is stress or anxiety.
I'm still getting over losing mum too. :(

21-04-17, 05:40
Is your mouth dry too? Do you have ulcers? I'm wondering if it's just dryness in general in the mouth? Smoke? Things could combine with the anxiety so they are worse than normal and you've had plenty of stress recently.


21-04-17, 20:37
Hi Carnation. I have a dry tongue mainly due to being a mouth breather. Not something many people pay attention to. When you have an allergy going on, take medicines that cause dry mouth or have anxiety, this causes you to breath through your mouth even more. Also, I have post nasal drip that dries me out also.
When I first wake up, it is the worst from sleeping with my mouth open. If you get it in the morning, take sips of water, try not to drink to much, because you end up washing what saliva you have away.
I make it a point to make sure I am breathing through my nose as much as possible, and it does help. Good luck

21-04-17, 21:29
Thanks for the tips Blindfaith.

Terry, I don't think my mouth is dry. It's more sore and a burning feeling.
I seem to be more aware of the line that runs down the centre of my tongue.
For some reason, it seems to be bigger.
I have been worrying that it may be something more serious and so I had to google in the end. This is where I found that it could be related to anxiety or depression.
And there is a name for this and it is called 'Burning Tongue Syndrome'.
BUT! I have been overdoing the neat lemon drinks due to my sinus infection and chest infection that I have been fighting over the last few months or so.
I may just be run down as I have tongue ulcers as well.
I must sound awful and very unattractive reading this. :ohmy:

23-04-17, 02:37
Could the lemon be doing it then? Lemon is pretty sharp?

If you've got a load of ulcers, it's probably stress. I used to get those breakouts.

Have you had any taste changes? Or loss of taste?

It could be this BTS thing from all the stress you have been under. It's interesting tat it has links to the CNS which brings it into play for all of us I would imagine, just like how so many of us have bad backs, scaitica, nerve issues, IBS, etc. Ruddy anxiety!!!

23-04-17, 10:23
Terry, I've stopped taking the lemon and it is much better. :) x

24-04-17, 05:23
That's good news! :yesyes::yahoo:

Perhaps it was the acidic fruit?

Is the lemon antibacterial? Like with honey? I'm just wondering because antibacterial things tend to kill healthy bacteria more than the unhealthy bacteria it keeps in check. That's how oral thrush sometimes occurs. I'm wondering whether this can too if you use too much?

24-04-17, 08:59
Yes. I was taking with manuka honey every day for over a week.
It is still tender, but not burning now.
I still feel run down from all the illnesses and recent grief, but hopefully time will heal both.
A bit of warm weather may help, but looks as though that's on hold for the time being.

25-04-17, 09:02
Oh No! It's back! Even worse than before. :(
It was so bad last night, it kept me awake.
This time it was dry too and I had a funny taste and when eating my dinnet, it tasted funny.
I had a rare gin and tonic last night and wondered if it made it worse.
I also noticed another thread has surfaced on the forum about 'Sore Tongue Syndrome'.
And looking at the NHS website at 3am in the morning it does say that anxiety and depression can be the cause. Looks like I may need plenty of ice-cubes today. :(

25-04-17, 12:52
Oh heck Carnation, I have it everyday, some days worse than others.
Last year I hand had sinus pain, and also reflux. Horrible taste in my mouth too.
Told to go to see gp by dentist was given antibiotics, and a nose spray. ( I am a snorer apparently) Had tablets for reflux and they work. Still I have this horrible taste and dry tongue. Goes away when I am eating.
Carnation, let me know if you find a solution to this problem x

25-04-17, 13:08
Yes, I have had this absolutely LOADS! At its worst my whole mouth, tongue and soft palate feel like an odd combination between burning and yet icy cold (hard to describe), everything I drink feels like its burning! I discovered that the cause of mine might be something quite simple, when I am really anxious/have a panic attack...I press my tongue hard to the roof of my mouth and against my front teeth, clench my rear teeth hard and everything in my mouth is kind of compressed together and tense. This is then combined with the fact that adrenaline dries your mouth and tongue anyway. If this is done for a considerable period, some time later I have the burning/icy cold thing going on. Keep an eye on what you are doing with your mouth and tongue when anxious, you may well find you are pushing your tongue against your teeth etc.

25-04-17, 16:25
I noticed Greg's thread had been bumped. I knew you would spot it.

What helps calm it down?

If it's about drying out of the mouth, would stimulating more saliva help with this?

Not sure on the alcohol but it is an antiseptic thing. I can't see how it would cause such a quick effect if it was about lack of healthy bacteria as that's likely a slower process? :shrug:

I get lots of dry throats but I sort of expect it with using inhalers. Either that or I've assumed I need more hydration.

25-04-17, 19:18
Hi Magic :)

It's horrible, isn't it?
I get acid reflux and sinus problems. :(

I found sucking an ice-cube a relief.
I don't quite understand it at all and what caused it. :shrug:
I've had it on and off for months.
It goes away for a few days and then comes back really severely and quickly.
I've become obsessed with looking in my mouth. There is a white patch that looks yuck at the back. and the line that runs down the middle seems more pronounced to me. I'm so paranoid that I ask to look at other people's tongues all the time.
There must think me really weird. :D

I'm experimenting with foods at the moment and I'm afraid to say that chocolate might be one of the culprits for making it worse. But I do believe it can be caused by stress, anxiety and depression.

Thank you for reply Carys.

You have some interesting comments and I have been known to grit and grind my teeth when anxious. I also have felt a bite on my tongue from doing just that several times. I also use my tongue for prodding and get told off by Mr C many, many times.

Terry, I was almost delighted when I saw the other thread.
I really felt the dryness of the tongue last night and could have drunk from a never ending fountain. I used a tap instead. It was like I was dehydrated on my tongue.
I checked the G & T and it seems pretty safe. Unlike wine or beer.
I'm trying out different foods and tomatoes I think might be out for me. :(
I've got a batch growing, so Mr C will have to eat them.

I hope I get some sleep tonight, I feel like I am running on empty. :(

26-04-17, 11:59
If water doesn't deal with the soreness, is there something else better?

When I have sore throats at the start of a cold, water doesn't provide much relief. Food does! I suspect it's more about immediate relief on the area and water just flows over it too quickly. I'm sure I read something about that many years ago?

When I've seen people do those daft chilli eating competitions on TV, they always say water is worthless and give them cottage cheese. That surely coats the area more?

Maybe sucking something will help?

Certainly worth looking at the food, it could be certain ingredients even. I find food can bring on some very strange heads for me which I've always had a problem with as an anxiety symptom.

26-04-17, 12:27
Well this is a on going thing Carnation. I have chewing gum to chew, cough sweets to suck, honey to spread. I don't eat chocolate at all, I don't drink alcohol. (the reason I don't drink is if I started I would never stop). Now my downfall is I do smoke some days when I am at home. When I am away from home I do without.
I have left the smoking off for a few days, but not stopped this nasty taste or the dry tongue. I have no friends to talk to ,only on here. I hope you don't mind the ranting,
I know the smoking is a bad thing, but that's my only vice.:noangel: x

26-04-17, 13:12
Anxiety, anxiety, anxiety! I get this so much it drives me insane! The first few times I got it I freaked out. But for me personally it's one of my main anxiety symptoms. Controlling my breathing helps it to go.

26-04-17, 22:55
Oh Magic, it's nice to know you are not perfect! :)

I've had a free day from the burning. A little sore, but miles better than a few days ago. I've been very careful on what I eat and avoided all the acid reflux foods as well.
I smoke too and know it is a bad and nasty habit, but strangely enough it is not that, that is the culprit. I was at the point of kicking the habit, then mum died and of course, I felt I needed it as a crutch. I don't think I would have got through the funeral without it. I drink very rarely. No more than a few drinks per week and sometimes I go weeks without anything at all. My diet is pretty good and varied and all home-cooked food from scratch with plenty of fish, chicken, veg, fruit and herbs. I was in catering, so I can whip up dishes that you would pay a good price to eat out.
I drink a lot of tea and no fizzy drinks. I drink plenty of water and keep well hydrated.
So, I can only link this to anxiety/stress/depression.
If it was an illness of sorts, it wouldn't go away for a few days or few weeks and then come back again, would it?
I can remember when I received the news of my mum's passing and within a couple of days, my gums started bleeding, I had toothache, sore throat and pains in my chest.
Even my dentist said that my teeth and gum problems were related to stress and being run-down. I've also read that some people have this on-going problem for years!
Magic, you are not alone. You can always talk to me. Always x

Terry, you have a point with the water. Probably yogurt would be a better choice.
My late mum, who would have problems in that area too, she would have a yoghurt every night and suck on lozenges.

Any way, a friend suggested I keep a diary of this on-going problem.
Make a note of what I've eaten and any upsets/worries at the time of the flare-up.
So, I will keep this thread going and hopefully some results may come out of it. :shrug:

By the way Magic. I take honey too; everyday and have stopped. Honey can act like an antibiotic, so I wondered if it could be that?

27-04-17, 06:29
Always listen to mum! http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/mama/t6209.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/t-mama.php) (or it's...http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/mama/t6214.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/t-mama.php))

You probably need something more soothing, something that coats your mouth. Milky things are good for that. Some yoghurt could help. And that white spot, could it be a thrush thing? If so, yoghurt can help with that too.

I only know about the antiseptic issue (like with honey) because I was looking into brewing kefir, a probiotic drink, (still not got around too this! I kep forgetting about it) and they tell you not to add any honey as it kills the grains which are the breeding healthy bacteria.

I'm not sure how much that affects them in the body, and likely even less the mouth, but it was just a thought. I wouldn't stop with honey just on that basis, it's very healthy stuff, unless . I make some pancakes a couple of time a week and always add some honey. Just the basic Rowse stuff though, nothing of a fancy Manuka variety!

Even my fish like honey. Well, I say that, but what I really mean is... a few years back I was sitting outside in the sun reading next our pond and a bee fell in and was immedaitely slurped by a hungry fish! http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/fish/t107110.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/t-fish.php?page=5)

27-04-17, 07:25
Howdy Carnation.:D.
I have a burning tongue,been yakking all day with Telstra grrr...swore like a fish wife at em so this is my punishment a bloody sore tongue.

27-04-17, 13:24
Howdy Carnation.:D.
I have a burning tongue,been yakking all day with Telstra grrr...swore like a fish wife at em so this is my punishment a bloody sore tongue.

Hah! That's Pottymouth Initiation Stress Syndrome (PISS) :winks:

27-04-17, 18:54
Thank you Carnation.:hugs: Terry and flip, :D What a scream. flip.:hugs: No one swears as much as me. I feel a lot better after a good rant!!!!xxx

22-06-17, 21:59
It's been a while since I started this thread, but as this was mentioned on 'This Morning', this morning :D, I thought I would let you know what the professionals say..... Thrush or sensitive nerves. I didn't have thrush, so I have put it down to sensitive nerves caused by our beloved anxiety.
I haven't had this for a while and I did experiment with a lot of foods, even risking some very hot food and it made no difference at all, so there's my take on it. x

23-06-17, 12:21
Hi Carnation, Just come across your message.
I have (months ago) seen GP and dentist. They have no answers for me.
GP gave me stomach tablets which have helped heart burn. That stopped now with tablets.
GP gave me a nasal spray for my sinuses. My nose seems blocked all the time and still snoring. So I must have my mouth open as I sleep. Not a pretty sight.
I just want my tongue to be replaced!!!!!
I used to love a cup of tea, now I cannot bear it. I can drink coffee, only if made with milk. One cup a day. Eating all the time helps, but weight gain. Don't want that!!!
This is almost two years on going.
Maybe I will put it down to sensitive nerves Carnation.
Nice to see you on the forum. Take care x

24-06-17, 00:24
Hi Magic,

Sorry to hear you are still struggling with the burning tongue syndrome.
Mine lasted on and off for about a 2 years too and during that time it would go away for a while and then come back again.

I agree, eating did seem to ease it. Maybe it gives the nerves something to work on.
It's an horrendous feeling and sometimes it would wake me up in the night and I would have to run my tongue under the cold tap.

Let's hope it goes like mine did Magic. x