View Full Version : Worried about my son

20-04-17, 00:39
Hi Everyone,

My son is 7 years old. This is the first time I am having anxiety over his health, so this is a little New to me.
He came home a week ago and said he bumped his head at school, they checked it at acho and told me he was fine. I didn't think much of it. A few days later, I was brushing his hair and getting him ready for bed and noticed a brown round spot, feels a little rough. Doesn't look like a bruise. Initially I thought it was maybe linked to bumping his head, but a week later it's still there. Now I'm starting to think skin cancer and that I better get him to a dr.

Any thoughts?

20-04-17, 00:44
It depends what he bumped his head on. It could have caused a graze. You should take him to the doctor and get it checked.

20-04-17, 00:51
What's a graze?

20-04-17, 00:53
graze meaning, definition, what is graze: to break the surface of the skin by rubbing against something rough: .

20-04-17, 00:54
Oh ok. I don't think skin broke, I asked him if it was bleeding he said no.

20-04-17, 00:56
Just take him to the doctor. That's what I would do.

20-04-17, 01:00
Ok, will do

---------- Post added 20-04-17 at 00:00 ---------- Previous post was 19-04-17 at 23:57 ----------

I just called and it's closed till tomorrow, so I will have to call in the morning. Do you think this is related to his bump?

20-04-17, 01:16
I don't know. It could be related but it might not be. I'm a school teacher and kids manage to get all sorts of bumps and bruises at school. I wouldn't worry about it.

20-04-17, 04:41
Skin cancer is exceedingly rare in children, and usually presents as a non-healing sore, if I recall from my own research.
This thing on your son's head is more likely to be a bruise, a scab, a new mole (they can appear at any age, but especially in childhood), or hell, just dirt.... any of these things are more likely than it being skin cancer.

But I worry too. My youngest is four, and he just developed a tiny- I mean tiny- brown spot on his lower lip. It's so small I only notice it when brushing his teeth. We were at the doctor's awhile back for a strep test, and i asked the doctor about it. He shown a light on it and said, "It's a mole."
I was like, "It was never there until recently."
And he said, "Yes, this is the age when new moles develop."
I argued that I'd never heard of or seen a lip mole, and the doctor said that yes, they can indeed occur on mucous membranes or in fact anywhere on the body, and it is of no concern at all unless it exhibits changes in size or color or other worrisome changes.

I bet this thing on your son's head will be gone in a week, but if it's not, that still doesn't mean it's skin cancer. It is not skin cancer. A new mole, possibly. Skin cancer, no. The odds are a million to one against it.

best wishes.

20-04-17, 10:39
Thank you Glass Piņata, funny you should mention a mole on your child's lower lip, I have one aswell, it developed while I was pregnant with my son. I was told the same as you, unless it changes, no need to worry. My dentist measures mine every time I go to make sure I know if it grows.
I will try not to worry too much about my son. I will give it another week, if it doesn't seem to be atleast smaller, then I will make a dr appt.

23-04-17, 02:26
It's been about two weeks now, I looked at the spot again today and I thought it might look smaller, but I'm not sure if it actually is or is that me hoping it's smaller. It does feel rough and crusty, it's brown in colour with a bit of yellow crust, not open at all and doesn't bother him. It is located right where he banged his head two weeks ago at school. It doesn't look like a bruise, so I'm worried it's something more serious. I don't know if it was there before the bump, I don't think so because the hairdresser hasn't said anything and I never noticed it. I did make an appt for later next week to get it checked out, but still worried sick about my little guy. This is the first time I have worried like this about him.

25-04-17, 00:44
So I looked at the spot a few times today and it's definitely smaller then when I first noticed it. It has a rough feeling to it, its brown with a bit of yellow crusty on the border. I guess I am freaking out because when I googled skin cancer awhile back, it said crusty and texture are not good signs. Ugh! I just really hope this is from when he banged his head at the park, I'm trying to convince myself that since these both seem to appear at the same time they must be related.