View Full Version : (Gross) Worried about maggots in mouth

20-04-17, 06:39
I saw this video a while ago about maggots in someones mouth and it's made me super anxious.
I don't have maggots in my mouth, as far as I can tell, but I'm still worried. There was a small fly buzzing around my computer a few days ago and it hasn't helped.

I've never had the best oral hygiene and I'm currently going to-and-from the dentist having work done to remove bad teeth and fix my mouth up. The last time I went was February and I was supposed to go back in March but asked them to delay it as I was anxious. I'm going to call them today and make a new appointment.

Is there anything I can do to reassure myself in the meantime? I just brushed my teeth and washed my mouth out with mouthwash. I'm wondering if I should go to the doctor today but I wouldn't know what to say to them.

20-04-17, 08:20
How many flies are there in the world? (billions upon billions)

How many people do you know who've had maggots in their mouth? (none)

Maggots can only eat dead flesh, so why would a fly lay eggs in a live person's mouth? Nobody has maggots in their mouth.

Videos like that exist because it's a vanishingly rare, disgusting occurrence, and may even be faked as clickbait, and even if it wasn't I would strongly suspect the person in the video must have been seriously ill (and I mean seriously, not that they have bad oral hygiene) first for that to have happened.

Rationally you should put this out of your head completely, but I would see a doctor about this anxiety if it persists.

20-04-17, 13:10
Saliva is slightly acidic; that is because the digestive process actually begins in your mouth, as you chew.
Fly eggs could not survive and hatch in such an environment. Nor could maggots survive inside the mouth of a live human being.
Whatever you saw wasn't even real.
The only people who have maggots in their mouths are dead people.

20-04-17, 14:36
Do you go to sleep with rotting meat in your mouth and the windows open to allow flies to get in? Do you leave it in your mouth the amount of time needed for fly eggs to hatch and grow into maggots? No? Didn't think so ;)

Frankly, as our president here in the US likes to say... FAKE NEWS! ~lol~ Now spiders? :ohmy: (kidding!)

Positive thoughts