View Full Version : New job - Panic, dont want to go :(

20-04-17, 11:16
I've got a new job and i'm struggling like hell :'( I'm not used to working part time, it's all very new to me, usually i've just done a few hours a week on my own and now i'm in a big supermarket with lots of people.
I was previously Agoraphobic, and now i'm over that ut still very anxious around people.
It's only cleaning but i need the money, i had to wash some oven parts in the sink today and my boss told me it was unacceptable and i had to re do it and i "Might have well as just pissed in the sink". I could have cried.
Really need the money but not sure how i'm going to cope, i feel so anxious and like i keep messing up.
I can't afford to quit, and i dont want to come across as unreliable but i'm struggling to just do the simplest of things, I get so nervous around people that if i'm asked to make a cup of tea and wipe a mirror i'll take 3 times as long as i usually would and make mistakes.

I'm on medication for anxiety and i'm in the beginnings of coming down in my dosage, and a few days before i got the job i was discharged from CBT, i just feels it's all too much.
I just dont know what to do :scared10:

20-04-17, 13:57

And welcome. I have been there. I will pm you.

20-04-17, 17:46
Well, your boss sounds like a jerk.

I wonder how hard it is to find part-time work where you are? I know it's not great to be job-skipping all the time, but sometimes there are just toxic workplaces and that is NOT the norm. My first job was like that and I just assumed all jobs were terrible, but they aren't.

Would it be possible for you to continue working this job while trying to find something else?