View Full Version : globus pharyngeus question

20-04-17, 21:09
Hi all

I'm new to the forum having found my way here when researching globus pharyngeus. Sorry for the longwinded post in advance!

I suffer from anxiety and have been having throat problems for the last 5 weeks. It all started when I was drinking a healthy smoothie of all things and a tiny spec of the blended mixture got stuck at the back of my throat. I remember constantly swallowing to try to get rid of it and then a few days later, swollen glands in the sides of my neck appeared - they're still here!

It's like nothing I've ever felt before. Not a sore throat, but feeling of being strangled and neck feels strange when I move it. The feeling of pressure is all down the front of my neck from below jaw to collarbone.

In addition, my ears feel weird, sort of blocked and my hearing echoes.

Anyway, so I went to the docs as was worried of course. I've actually been three times! First doc said it was probably a virus. When it didn't clear up, I went back and second doc said my thyroid gland felt "full" and ordered blood tests and a thyroid function test. Both came back normal.

Last week I went back as symptoms are still there, just the same. Third doc mentioned globus pharyngeus. But in the meantime, he's ordered a vitamin D test and another thyroid test and is considering sending me for an ultrasound.

I phoned up the docs to get results of these 2nd blood tests and apparently he's written on my notes that he'll discuss them with me on 26th April when I have a follow up appointment booked.

Am hoping this means that it's not serious if it can wait that long? I'm quite proud of myself for not demanding the doctor call me immediately, but now regretting that decision!

I have a question about globus pharyngeus if anyone can help - from what I understand this is just a symptom and it's all in my head? How can I be imagining this? I just can't see how, the strangulation sensation just feels so real, and my hearing is out of sorts too?

How can I ease this feeling? The only time I don't feel like this is first thing in the morning when I wake up.

Since I've joined this forum, I haven't googled my symptoms as I'm taking the advice of the many members here. I'm trying to trust the doctors, but it's so long between appointments, I'm just struggling a bit to be honest.

Would love to hear from anyone who might have felt similar to make myself feel less crazy!